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The Lair of Krampus

The Lair of Krampus is one of the unique Renaissance Christmas event dungeons that players can challenge each December. The scroll for this dungeon is only found when completing one of the other base Christmas dungeons. These dungeons were added to the Christmas event in 2017.

Players begin this dungeon in a strange smouldering cave filled with terrifying creatures. Burning Reapers and warriors of flame patrol the area with piles of coal and stolen presents everywhere. Players are tasked with defeating the 9 vice demons and fighting their way through the forested cavern. Once the demons are defeated players can access a magical teleporter to Krampus's lair where his warriors lie in wait. This is an extremely dangerous area and even the most prepared adventurer can be overrun by the forces here. Once enough of Krampus vanguard is defeated he will be summoned to find the cause of the disruption.
Once Krampus is defeated the scroll owner will be given a key to his loot which could have one or more of the following.

10% Chance for one of the following items
    Snowpile (25% chance)
    Wreath Deed (25% chance)
    Holiday Tree Deed (25% chance)
    Rare MistleToe (12% chance)
    Potted Plant/Cactus Deed (6% chance)
    Christmas Light Deed (4% chance)
    Snowman (2% chance)

10% chance for one of the following items
    Holiday Chest, Hue 233
    Holiday Chair, Hue 233

100% chance
    50 Holiday Coins (100% chance)
    1 Random Frost Slayer (Holiday Slayer Weapon, 100% Chance)

Avarice Cuckold Despair Fire Reaper
Flame Archer Flame Axer Flame Battle Mage Flame Fencer
Flame Ghoul Flame Knight Flame Macer Flame Mage
Flame Ranger Gluttony Hubris Lust
Mini Daemon Sloth Vanity Evil Polar Bear

Krampus Evil Polar Bear Boss

How the holiday events work
• Players must hunt the world high and low to find the various event monsters that spawn.
• Each of these monsters ranges in difficulty from easy (elf archer) moderate (reindeer) to very difficulty (dark elf knight).
• Each monster has a chance to drop holiday coins and a specific event scroll (see below)
• These challenges will vary from performing a specific task, killing specific monsters, or killing a certain amount of monsters.
• Once these conditions are met additional areas will open up for you to explore.
• Once these tasks are complete you will be faced with one of 4 fearsome bosses that defend each event.
• If you manage to defeat the boss in the time allotted you will be given a key to their treasure chests.
• The player who owns the scroll that started the event will be provided with the key.
• In this chest players can find normal treasure style loot, holiday coins, holiday rares, and possibly a scroll to another holiday event.

How the holiday events work
These events were designed with the following difficulty in mind.
   1 Player - Near Impossible
   2 Players - Very Challenging
   3 Players - Moderate Challenge
   4 Players - Medium Challenge
   5+ Players - Easy
• A good sample grouping would be 3 friends. A Hybrid Mage, A Tamer, and a Fighter, One of which has bardic skills.
• It is HIGHLY recommended you take friends with you on your first attempt on any event to learn proper strategy.
• All of the creatures in these events will provide a variety of challenges.
• Make sure you have enough supplies to last the duration of the event.
• A variety vendor is provided in each event area for emergency supplies.
• You will not have access to a bank, stable master during the event.
• Should you leave the event area you will not be allowed to return.

Christmas Scrolls / Tips
• The scrolls open a portal to a special holiday dungeon and will remain open for 60 seconds.
• Anyone can enter the scroll gate so make sure to only use it in a safe location.
• The staff cannot assist you with adding people to an event in progress so plan accordingly.
• Once the gate closes you are on your own until you complete or fail the event.
• Each event will allow you 60-115 minutes to complete the challenge present within.

• Players who complete the Christmas events will have their event attempt scored by the following values.
• At the end of the event players who have scored at the top of the leaderboards or accomplished other features during the event will earn a special reward.
Note: Much like Halloween these will be special named/colored trophies awarded for a variety of accomplishments.
   • Player Count
   • Follower Slots / Pets
   • Boss Kills
   • Mini Boss Kills
   • Minion Kills
   • Completion Time
Holiday Event Leaderboard

The Ironman System
Should you feel that your skills are greater than all your peers you are welcome to attempt the holiday ironman challenge for additional rewards and infamy.
By using only 1 character to complete any instance in the 60 minute time window you will earn an ironman award depending on the amount of follower slots you used.

Ironman Award, Awarded for using 2 or less followers. (8 Platinum Value)

Ironman Award, Awarded for using 5 or less followers. (6 Platinum Value)

Ironman Award, Awarded for using 8 or less followers. (4 Platinum Value)
Note: The hue of the Ironman statue will match the event.
Note: To qualify for the ironman challenge you must defeat the events boss and loot the holiday coins from their chests.

Practiced Success
•Should you fail to complete the event in the time allotted or due to overall difficulty/team makeup all is not lost.
•Simply take your completed scroll to the nearest holiday vendor found in most banks and drag the scroll onto him.
•He will reward you with some bonus holiday coins and a holiday gift bag.
•The player who completed the scroll does not have to be the one who turns it in.
•The good or naughty bags can contain 10 holiday coins and a few classic holiday items.

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Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeHoliday
Sub TypesChristmas
KeywordsChristmas Event, Krampus Lair

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Tagged Images

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KrampusLair Header Image