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29d 3h

Faction PvP Leaderboard

Standard 7x

Mage 5x

Mage 7x







Ultima Online My UO Renaissance

List of the top 50 players ranked by faction kills

Player Name Guild World Rank Level Experience Kills
The Dank Nugget [S] 1st
1,515 1,060
Flayer of Life 2nd
1,514 852
JLeeM [Dis] 3rd
1,488 593
Budou Kiba [MoB] 5th
1,458 440
Roland of Gilead [S] 6th
1,431 841
Isabel 7th
1,417 563
Korgath [S] 8th
1,387 557
ebola [C-H] 9th
1,355 381
Hacknut 11th
1,285 279
on me 11th
1,285 267
Relentless [-3-] 12th
1,264 317
The Dank Nugget [S] 13th
1,226 304
The Dank Nugget [S] 15th
1,200 264
Torin Gorefiend 16th
1,195 332
Relentless 16th
1,195 240
Otis Driftwood 17th
1,192 311
Causa Mortis 18th
1,179 318
The Dank Nugget [S] 19th
1,178 288
Syphilis 20th
1,165 225
The Dank Nugget [S] 21st
1,144 199
lincecum [M^O] 23rd
1,132 408
Slay 24th
1,119 156
Pax Romain [MoB] 25th
1,118 304
Midgard Zero 26th
1,101 178
U LiNt LiCkEr [-F-] 27th
1,090 196
essence of feK- 28th
1,075 171
Emryis 29th
1,068 203
Lucifer 30th
1,059 173
Ron DonQ [Bow] 31st
1,056 186
Mr Sinister 32nd
1,053 147
Platinum [QNE] 33rd
1,042 251
The Dank Nugget [S] 34th
1,028 180
on me 35th
1,017 132
Pestilence 36th
1,011 152
The Dank Nugget 37th
1,007 161
Spatula Yea 38th
1,005 144
amfeKk 39th
1,004 166
Bill Brasky [S] 40th
1,000 164
Coriakin 41st
997 201
Cobrinha [<] 42nd
992 206
Pill 43rd
985 129
Mishra [M^O] 44th
968 207
The Dank Nugget [S] 45th
937 130
The Dank Nugget [S] 46th
934 143
Jax [S] 47th
933 156
Illien [M^O] 48th
932 174
Cynic [-3-] 49th
926 127
Zed LOK [M-F] 50th
922 297
Vivint [M^O] 50th
922 176
Kor'Goth 51st
914 139
PottyMouth 52nd
909 148
Cleo 53rd
907 116
Dallas Multipass [QNE] 54th
900 149
pink elephant [F^U] 55th
896 130
Reefer Man 56th
891 144
Pestilence 57th
888 141
Les Claypool 58th
877 127
The Dank Nugget [S] 59th
875 122
Genocide [Pee] 60th
871 142
Merlin 61st
864 142
The Dank Nugget [USA] 62nd
860 119
Dread Lord Exile [-3-] 63rd
857 107
Neo 64th
839 102
The Dank Nugget [S] 65th
809 96
Anubis [M^O] 66th
799 119
Wrax Tuque 67th
793 119
on me 68th
790 86
Flosstradamus 69th
785 113
Jackoo Chau 70th
774 115
Caramon Majere 71st
764 102
Hazy 72nd
758 127
The End 73rd
757 93
Balla [TT] 75th
745 111
Delta Green 76th
738 93
Mark Henry [M^O] 76th
738 107
Mikhaila Bakunin 78th
728 105
GSXR 79th
725 81
Pestilentia 81st
706 96
Morthoron 83rd
695 75
Magus [QNE] 84th
692 91
Papa Smurf [<] 85th
681 91
Tess Tickles 86th
678 85
Alpha Red 87th
675 86
Ho Chi Minh 88th
664 81
a scorpion [MoB] 89th
652 99
Iceman [QNE] 90th
646 73
Cypher 91st
643 85
Bellum 92nd
641 73
Scarlett [<] 93rd
639 78
Leeho Fook [IDC] 94th
637 84
The Musician 95th
635 65
Obidiah 96th
633 78
Sever 97th
631 106
Marquis Elmdor [K*C] 97th
631 74
Bile the paladin [<] 98th
629 86
ErusPravus 98th
629 84
Harry Beavers [ONE] 99th
626 81
Wtfhax [S0S] 100th
613 71
Balian 101st
612 78
Katia [M^O] 101st
612 72

Scoring Methodology - Duels: Experience gained from duels is based on your current experience(rank) vs the players experience(rank) that you dueled. As you rise in rank you will gain less and less experience from duels with players below your rank eventually ceasing to gain experience for a lopsided duel.

Scoring Methodology - Other: All other non duel combat is graded on a two part system. The killers combat rank is determined by their experience in the related type of combat, while their victims experience is based on a weighted average of their total combat experience (non duel). The amount of times that a player has killed another player also will factor into the process. The more you have killed someone, combined with their overall combat experience will determine your experience gain, if any, in a combat situation.

Updates: Duel Ladders are updated every 2 hours. The Overall PvP leaderboards are updated nightly.

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