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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Ragetti The Glorious Lord Ragetti 0 11232 10698
Ragmar Lothbrok The Illustrious Lord Ragmar Lothbrok: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Biologist [ONE] 0 5746 10369
Rampant Abuse Rampant Abuse 0 -4 0
Rampant Abuse Rampant Abuse 0 0 0
Rampant Abuse The Rude Rampant Abuse 0 -850 5
Rancid The Notorious Rancid [DIC] 0 -859 2621
Recoome The Famed Recoome 0 5526 4888
Redeemer The Evil Lady Redeemer: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser [ONE] 0 -7310 10230
Rel Por Rel Por 0 -400 179
Remair The Eminent Remair [M] 0 1287 8316
Revenge The Unsavory Revenge 0 -1429 0
Ri'Opi The Noble Ri'Opi, Grandmaster Tailor 0 4676 9119
Riatha The Great Riatha [K*V] 0 11751 2582
Rick Sanchez Rick Sanchez 0 -291 374
Rick Vaughn The Glorious Lord Rick Vaughn, Grandmaster Tamer 0 15000 12227
Ripper Draxion The Glorious Ripper Draxion, Grandmaster Merchant [ONE] 0 15000 6543
Robin Pus The Glorious Robin Pus, Grandmaster Naturalist [K*V] 0 11423 8803
Rocabarraigh The Respectable Rocabarraigh [PIR] 0 1788 1909
Rose Rose 0 -400 147
Rose Rose 0 -400 53
Ruby The Glorious Lady Ruby, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 12335 10952
RX Queen The Glorious RX Queen 0 13917 5788
Rydia The Outcast Rydia: Hunter of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 0

Online Players Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:55 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:45 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours