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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Pasio Pasio 0 0 0
Patches le hyena The Malicious Patches le hyena 0 -2914 1592
Pax Pax 0 -400 182
Perrin The Glorious Lord Perrin [ONE] 0 13986 11228
Phexus The Illustrious Phexus [NOS] 0 8096 7733
Phuc By Den The Glorious Phuc By Den, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 13857 6335
Pillionaire The Dread Pillionaire: Spite of Evil 0 -15000 8730
Pintel The Glorious Lord Pintel 0 11224 10698
Pixie The Glorious Pixie, Grandmaster Mage [ONE] 0 13026 6236
Pliny The Dastardly Pliny [KoS] 0 -5034 2417
Poseidon The Admirable Poseidon [RoB] 0 3972 3342
Provo Provo 0 0 0
PummelerAnderson The Glorious PummelerAnderson, Grandmaster Tamer [ONE] 0 15000 5791

Online Players Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:55 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:45 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours