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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
James Hook The Prominent James Hook [PIR] 0 -166 3829
Jans The Estimable Jans [ONE] 0 15000 2066
Jarvis Johnson The Great Jarvis Johnson [WSN] 0 15000 3810
Jeeves The Evil Jeeves, Grandmaster Merchant [BOT] 0 -7267 7194
Jeffrey Dahmer The Dastardly Jeffrey Dahmer [ONE] 0 -7766 2074
Jelly Bean The Admirable Jelly Bean 0 4775 2526
Jennifer Walters The Sinister Lady Jennifer Walters, Grandmaster Rouser [END] 0 -2380 10107
Jesus Is King The Glorious Jesus Is King, Grandmaster Scholar [ONE] 0 15000 8234
Jiggaby Jiggaby 0 177 390
Jocker The Famed Jocker 0 5866 4577
Joker Joker 0 111 268
Joshamee Gibbs The Glorious Joshamee Gibbs 0 11246 6126
Julz The Glorious Julz: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [P] 0 14935 5975
Jumbo Shrimp The Glorious Lord Jumbo Shrimp: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Warder 0 15000 13476

Online Players Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:55 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:45 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours