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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Dakine The Glorious Lady Dakine 0 14993 14939
Danksmith Danksmith 0 37 37
Danktrainer The Respectable Danktrainer [YNG] 0 2095 2097
Daridax The Glorious Daridax, Grandmaster Naturalist [PIR] 0 15000 9667
Dash Dash 0 -400 10
Deckard Cain Deckard Cain [MOM] 0 1 1
DexGex The Malicious DexGex 0 -2748 2258
Diamond The Glorious Diamond, Grandmaster Mage [ONE] 0 15000 8877
Dignitys Sorrow Dignitys Sorrow 0 -12 80
Dirk Magirt The Rude Dirk Magirt 0 -850 19
Dr Jones The Renowned Dr Jones, Grandmaster Spy [] 0 -400 5498
Drag's Trip The Illustrious Drag's Trip, Grandmaster Bard 0 7543 7283
Dragon Meister The Great Dragon Meister: Lover of the Valentines Massacre [ONE] 0 14275 2719
Dragonsprite Dragonsprite 0 -99 799
Dragontheena The Fair Dragontheena 0 938 520
Draxen Davion The Notable Draxen Davion 0 -400 1636
Dreamy The Glorious Lord Dreamy: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Fisherman [K*V] 0 15000 13892
Duck Industries Duck Industries [,] 0 -59 362
Durlag Durlag [] 0 -36 655

Online Players Last Updated: 03-25-2025 9:00 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 8:45 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours