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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
a chicken The Illustrious a chicken, Grandmaster Ranger [ONE] 0 9589 6512
A Crack Dealer The Malicious A Crack Dealer 1 -2988 2478
a ghost The Dread a ghost: Hunter of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -15000 7216
a goblin wizard The Famed a goblin wizard [GOB] 0 5055 4861
a golden goblin The Admirable a golden goblin [B4D] 0 3304 3098
A Nameless Soul The Evil A Nameless Soul, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -7514 8605
acks The Unsavory acks [] 0 -2084 860
Adunatos The Admirable Adunatos [YNG] 0 4622 3485
Ailwin The Honorable Ailwin [R-C] 0 3062 1617
Aisling The Renowned Aisling, Grandmaster Blacksmith [RP] 0 -39 7889
Akema The Eminent Lady Akema, Grandmaster Naturalist [OSP] 0 1913 10009
Alan Robinson Alan Robinson 0 0 0
Alexender The Good Alexender: Hunter of Evil [ONE] 0 4381 0
Alfred The Unsavory Alfred 0 -2000 1
Alton Brown Alton Brown [P1R] 0 -400 524
Amalia The Notable Amalia 0 224 1978
Amar Edur The Glorious Amar Edur, Grandmaster Stoic 0 14436 9415
Amaris The Glorious Lady Amaris, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 15000 13176
Amazingly Awful The Glorious Amazingly Awful: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Tamer 0 15000 9756
an crystal elf The Illustrious an crystal elf 0 9709 6198
Anann The Great Anann [ONE] 0 12420 3219
Ancalagon The Glorious Lord Ancalagon, Grandmaster Naturalist [FOE] 0 15000 12241
Andrew Bird The Glorious Lord Andrew Bird: Spite of Evil 0 15000 15000
Anonymous Lord Anonymous, Grandmaster Blacksmith 0 31 13794
Antagonist The Scoundrel Antagonist 0 -2614 55
Apollo The Dread Apollo: Opponent of Evil, Grandmaster Scholar [ONE] 3 -12737 9943
Aqualung Aqualung 0 -400 0
Arilyn The Respectable Arilyn 0 2485 2419
Artemis The Dread Lady Artemis: Opponent of Evil, Grandmaster Tamer [ONE] 0 -14147 10015
Artemis Enteri The Renowned Artemis Enteri 0 66 6337
Artful Dodger The Infamous Artful Dodger, Grandmaster Rogue 0 -787 6293
Asdord The Scoundrel Asdord 0 -3207 3
Asgard The Glorious Lady Asgard, Grandmaster Rouser [R-C] 0 13566 10345
AssA The Dishonorable AssA [K*V] 0 -1378 1729
Athena The Prominent Athena [ONE] 0 -400 2808
Athena The Glorious Athena, Grandmaster Ranger [ONE] 0 14788 5226
Avery The Noble Avery, Grandmaster Cartographer [O^S] 0 4839 7389
Avery The Glorious Avery: Opponent of Evil, Grandmaster Tamer [O^S] 0 15000 7618
Axel Bloodwrath The Honorable Axel Bloodwrath 0 2649 2232
axing questions The Illustrious axing questions, Grandmaster Biologist [B4D] 0 8379 7517
Bag'urz The Vile Bag'urz 0 -3929 3401
BaklanbI BaklanbI TB 0 278 181
BaklanbI The Famed BaklanbI 0 8191 4124
BaklanbI The Fair BaklanbI 0 657 772
Baroness The Glorious Baroness, Grandmaster Stoic [K*V] 0 15000 9022
Beer The Glorious Beer 0 15000 7327
Bell of the Dell The Vile Bell of the Dell [G*I] 0 -3063 3394
Bengay The Villainous Bengay: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser [CPR] 0 -3625 9601
Benny The Commendable Benny [CPR] 0 6366 1326
Bill Dance Bill Dance 0 0 0
Bin Min PeiMei The Unsavory Bin Min PeiMei [ONE] 0 -2084 9
Blighted Blighted 0 -517 519
Blue Waffle The Evil Lady Blue Waffle, Grandmaster Tamer [0] 3 -8498 12391
Bombatu The Respectable Bombatu 0 1840 1749
BoNg WaTeR The Glorious BoNg WaTeR 0 12928 7937
Bonjing The Illustrious Bonjing, Grandmaster Fisherman 0 5500 7962
Bonxward Cullen Bonxward Cullen 0 -316 99
Boombunny The Dread Lady Boombunny, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -15000 10771
Borhal Jawler The Estimable Borhal Jawler [ONE] 0 15000 1708
Born Again The Nefarious Born Again: Executioner of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 4314
Bozo The Unsavory Bozo [ONE] 0 -2084 58
Browntracks Browntracks [AcA] 0 0 101
Bullet The Famed Bullet [FFL] 3 7888 3546
Bumboozle The Outcast Bumboozle 0 -10138 1037
Burrnerd The Estimable Burrnerd [] 0 15000 2256
Caius The Eminent Lord Caius, Grandmaster Warder [RP] 0 2385 10560
Calamity Jane The Scoundrel Calamity Jane [ONE] 0 -2526 465
Capri The Glorious Lady Capri [ONE] 0 12605 10668
Chevy The Illustrious Chevy, Grandmaster Weapon Master 0 9900 6712
Chuck Berry The Famed Chuck Berry 0 6311 3098
Clayton Bigsby Clayton Bigsby 0 -330 0
Cold Bleu Steel The Prominent Cold Bleu Steel 0 0 3499
ColdBlooded The Sinister ColdBlooded 0 -2110 5123
Craft Punk The Prominent Craft Punk 0 -262 4206
Craftier The Illustrious Lord Craftier, Grandmaster Blacksmith [ONE] 0 6357 11173
Cybela The Glorious Cybela, Grandmaster Tamer [ONE] 0 13106 5829
Cyril Chauquet Cyril Chauquet 0 -88 276
Dakine The Glorious Lady Dakine 0 14993 14939
Danksmith Danksmith 0 37 37
Danktrain The Great Danktrain [YNG] 0 14688 2771
Danktrainer The Respectable Danktrainer [YNG] 0 2095 2097
Darken Darken [B*D] 0 450 370
Dash Dash 0 -400 10
Deckard Cain Deckard Cain [MOM] 0 1 1
Denoy The Scoundrel Denoy 0 -2909 203
DexGex The Malicious DexGex 0 -2748 2258
Diamond The Glorious Diamond, Grandmaster Mage [ONE] 0 15000 8877
Dignitys Sorrow Dignitys Sorrow 0 -12 80
Dirk Magirt The Rude Dirk Magirt 0 -850 19
Dr Jones The Renowned Dr Jones, Grandmaster Spy [] 0 -400 5498
Dragon Meister The Great Dragon Meister: Lover of the Valentines Massacre [ONE] 0 14198 3112
Dragona Rykor The Honorable Dragona Rykor [ONE] 2 4225 2012
Dragonsprite Dragonsprite 0 -99 799
Dragontheena The Fair Dragontheena 0 938 520
Dreamy The Glorious Lord Dreamy: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Fisherman [K*V] 0 15000 13560
Edge The Rude Edge [CHP] 0 -1246 17
El Catrin El Catrin 0 -60 873
EliXer The Unsavory EliXer 0 -2000 0
Ellakay The Prominent Ellakay [ONE] 0 -3 2728
Elongated Muskox The Admirable Elongated Muskox [B4D] 0 3465 3505
Eowyn The Glorious Eowyn, Grandmaster Tamer [ONE] 0 15000 8371
Eretria The Respectable Eretria 0 2150 2232
Evangelist The Evil Evangelist: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser [ONE] 0 -7119 8398
Evil Elf Evil Elf 0 -4 58
Evil Santa The Unsavory Evil Santa 0 -1671 988
Expensive Pasta The Great Expensive Pasta [MOM] 0 13982 4868
Fabio Da Vinci Fabio Da Vinci 0 0 0
Falcon The Glorious Falcon: Annihilator of Evil 0 14216 7755
Fenrir Tester The Honorable Fenrir Tester 0 4151 1828
Finn The Villainous Finn [DL] 0 -2921 5035
Fisher Price The Famed Fisher Price [CPR] 0 8873 3148
Fishery The Illustrious Fishery, Grandmaster Beggar [FCB] 0 7523 5882
Fiskefrans The Fair Fiskefrans [man] 0 1179 1179
Flint Fireforge Lord Flint Fireforge [GOB] 0 -171 15000
Flisken The Kind Flisken [ELF] 0 2141 1195
Flo The Glorious Flo, Grandmaster Demoralizer [ONE] 0 12073 6120
Florence The Malicious Florence 0 -3882 1276
Frank Gallagher The Glorious Frank Gallagher [CPR] 0 15000 8505
Freyja The Infamous Freyja, Grandmaster Warder [Sly] 0 -1195 7752
FrodoMacho FrodoMacho 0 0 0
Gaggitha Gaggitha 0 553 801
Gang Green The Disreputable Gang Green [ONE] 0 -1246 1435
Generic Player The Glorious Lord Generic Player, Grandmaster Scholar 0 14914 13141
Generic Player Generic Player 0 -4 32
Genius The Glorious Lord Genius [CPR] 0 13560 12319
Glitnir Glitnir 0 -400 952
Glockenspielberg Glockenspielberg [END] 0 -400 14
Gordo Gordo 0 0 41
Gosalyn The Renowned Gosalyn, Grandmaster Carpenter [,] 0 447 6351
Grand Father The Estimable Grand Father 1 14000 2265
Granola Funk The Honorable Granola Funk 0 3166 2248
Graybeard The Famed Graybeard 0 6606 4736
Healer Man The Notable Healer Man [] 0 -68 1459
Hephaestus Hephaestus [KoS] 0 50 0
HeyZeus The Glorious Lord HeyZeus [MOM] 0 14328 12060
I Am The Glorious I Am: Opponent of Evil [ONE] 0 15000 5512
Impossible Impossible 0 0 0
Impossible Impossible 0 0 0
Impossible Impossible 0 0 0
Indiana Jones The Glorious Lord Indiana Jones [ONE] 0 15000 10214
Indiana Jones The Fair Indiana Jones [OSP] 0 1098 967
Ines Fressange The Dread Ines Fressange: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Mage 0 -15000 9577
Ishmeria The Distinguished Ishmeria, Grandmaster Mage 1 912 9876
Ivar the Boneless The Evil Lord Ivar the Boneless: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Archer [ONE] 0 -9135 11115
Jameson The Outcast Jameson: Champion of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 30
Jeeves The Evil Jeeves, Grandmaster Merchant [BOT] 0 -7267 7194
Jeffrey Dahmer The Dastardly Jeffrey Dahmer [ONE] 0 -7766 2317
Jei Jei 0 0 0
Jelly Bean The Admirable Jelly Bean 0 4775 2516
Jennifer Walters The Sinister Lady Jennifer Walters, Grandmaster Rouser [END] 0 -2380 10107
Jesus Is King The Great Jesus Is King [ONE] 0 15000 4478
Jiggaby Jiggaby 0 177 390
Jocker The Famed Jocker 0 5866 4577
Joey Beltram Joey Beltram [ELF] 0 0 9
Joker Joker 0 111 268
Joshamee Gibbs The Glorious Joshamee Gibbs 0 11230 6094
Julz The Glorious Julz: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [P] 0 14935 5975
Jumbo Shrimp The Glorious Lord Jumbo Shrimp: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Warder 0 15000 13476
Karnage The Admirable Karnage [CPR] 0 3632 2681
Kayella The Great Kayella 0 13170 3055
Killdor The Evil Lady Killdor, Grandmaster Ranger [ONE] 0 -7229 10725
Kirby The Notable Kirby [YNG] 0 -422 1319
Kirby The Illustrious Kirby, Grandmaster Scout [YNG] 0 6496 6090
Kirby the healer The Upstanding Kirby the healer [YNG] 0 1118 1979
Kraft Punk The Renowned Kraft Punk, Grandmaster Carpenter 0 500 9795
Kurt The Scoundrel Kurt: Spite of Evil [ONE] 0 -3577 30
Laozi The Glorious Lord Laozi: Spite of Evil 0 15000 13071
Lara Craft The Notable Lara Craft 0 35 1981
LeBron Tames LeBron Tames [B4D] 0 59 600
Legolas The Scoundrel Legolas 1 -3710 190
Leia The Illustrious Leia, Grandmaster Infiltrator [K*V] 0 9341 7694
Lemon Drop The Glorious Lemon Drop: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Veterinarian 0 14003 8599
Leopold The Great Leopold: Spite of Evil [ONE] 0 14599 3879
Levsha The Noble Levsha, Grandmaster Blacksmith [K*V] 0 3518 6864
Lexx The Malicious Lexx [F] 0 -3121 2194
Lionsteel Lionsteel [HoD] 0 -4 1
Live for Christ The Dread Live for Christ: Hunter of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -15000 7490
Lochy Star The Illustrious Lochy Star 0 9196 6313
Loki The Glorious Loki [ONE] 0 15000 8980
Loki's Ghost The Glorious Loki's Ghost, Grandmaster Biologist CoM 0 12237 6873
Lorenzo Medici Lorenzo Medici [K*V] 0 -18 1209
Luke The Glorious Luke, Grandmaster Mage [K*V] 0 12228 8799
Mace Ur Face Mace Ur Face [MoM] 0 6 39
Macha The Villainous Macha [CPR] 0 -4316 5601
Machinator The Villainous Machinator, Grandmaster Warder [Sly] 0 -3445 5934
Macho Man The Fair Macho Man 0 933 828
Magnolia The Kind Magnolia [YNG] 0 1562 517
Manthor The Great Manthor [ONE] 0 11351 3877
Marco Polo The Glorious Marco Polo, Grandmaster Cartographer [K*V] 0 11926 6797
Matt The Noble Matt, Grandmaster Naturalist 0 4585 5183
MattTheRatt The Sinister MattTheRatt [K*V] 0 -2000 5393
May Jailer The Ignoble May Jailer 3 -1261 2688
Mega Man The Respectable Mega Man 0 1652 1420
Memphis Raines The Evil Lord Memphis Raines 0 -6876 13120
Mens Wearhouse Mens Wearhouse [247] 0 483 424
Mithras The Glorious Lord Mithras [ONE] 0 15000 11070
Mixer The Unsavory Mixer 0 -2000 0
Moissanite Moissanite 0 0 0
Moon Whisper The Glorious Moon Whisper, Grandmaster Ranger [] 0 14567 9707
Moose Knuckle Moose Knuckle 0 0 0
Mr T The Unsavory Mr T 0 -1696 18
Mrs Sew and Sew Mrs Sew and Sew 0 -27 36
Mykos Darkcloud The Glorious Mykos Darkcloud, Grandmaster Bard [YNG] 0 15000 8078
Myman The Noble Myman, Grandmaster Alchemist 0 3468 9310
N'bel Aulendur The Renowned N'bel Aulendur, Grandmaster Blacksmith [P1R] 0 222 7332
Nazgul Nazgul 0 -400 0
Norm Abram Norm Abram 0 4 4
Nulwalker The Noble Nulwalker 0 3277 6902
Occultus Occultus 0 -20 0
Ohota The Glorious Ohota, Grandmaster Tamer [AoC] 0 14864 8543
Oliver The Ignoble Oliver [CPR] 0 -1739 3797
Oni Neaufire The Glorious Oni Neaufire, Grandmaster Ranger [TKB] 0 14739 9990
Oui Moi The Kind Oui Moi 0 2103 373
Over The Glorious Over: Opponent of Evil [ONE] 0 15000 5512
Ozmanthius The Ignoble Ozmanthius [ONE] 0 -1367 3307
Pasio Pasio 0 0 0
Pax Pax 0 90 182
Perrin The Glorious Lord Perrin, Grandmaster Veterinarian [ONE] 0 13512 10431
Phuc By Den The Glorious Lord Phuc By Den, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 15000 11201
Pillionaire The Dread Pillionaire: Spite of Evil 0 -15000 8730
Pintel The Glorious Lord Pintel 0 11208 10626
PIR PIR [P1R] 0 -390 335
PIR The Villainous PIR, Adept Lumberjack [PIR] 0 -2914 6170
Pirlo The Dread Pirlo: Champion of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 5609
Pixie The Glorious Pixie, Grandmaster Mage [ONE] 0 13026 6236
Pliny The Dastardly Pliny [KoS] 0 -5034 2406
Plot Lord Plot, Grandmaster Miner [BOT] 0 -180 11008
Provo Provo 0 0 0
PummelerAnderson The Glorious PummelerAnderson, Grandmaster Tamer [ONE] 0 15000 5542
Quinn The Vile Quinn [ONE] 1 -4446 4570
Ragetti The Glorious Lord Ragetti 0 11216 10626
Raggty Lothbroke Raggty Lothbroke 0 0 0
Ragnar LothBrok The Dread Ragnar LothBrok: Hunter of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -15000 8081
Raksha The Evil Raksha, Grandmaster Scholar [ONE] 0 -5039 5625
Rampant Abuse The Wretched Rampant Abuse [ONE] 27 -10490 1643
Rampant Abuse The Wretched Rampant Abuse [ONE] 35 -12096 1787
Rampant Abuse The Rude Rampant Abuse 0 -850 5
Rampant Abuse Rampant Abuse 0 -4 0
Rampant Abuse Rampant Abuse 0 0 0
Rancid The Notorious Rancid [DIC] 0 -859 2612
Recoome The Famed Recoome 0 5526 4888
Redeemer The Evil Lady Redeemer: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Rouser [ONE] 0 -7310 10230
Rel Por Rel Por 0 -400 179
Remair The Eminent Remair [M] 0 1287 8316
Revenge Revenge 0 0 0
Ri'Opi The Noble Ri'Opi, Grandmaster Tailor 0 4676 9119
Rick Vaughn The Glorious Lord Rick Vaughn, Grandmaster Tamer 0 15000 12227
Ripper Draxion The Great Ripper Draxion [ONE] 0 15000 3875
Robin Pus The Glorious Robin Pus, Grandmaster Naturalist [K*V] 0 11423 8803
Roc Krusher Roc Krusher 0 52 2
Rose Rose 0 -400 53
Rose Rose 0 -400 147
Rose Rose 0 -400 9
Ruby The Glorious Lady Ruby, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 12335 10952
Russia Russia 0 0 0
Rydia The Outcast Rydia: Hunter of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 0
Sabrina Spellman The Glorious Sabrina Spellman [ONE] 0 15000 6875
Sadie Farrell Lady Sadie Farrell, Grandmaster Shade [PIR] 0 -496 11938
Samantha Samantha 0 55 5
sammy Lord sammy, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -257 13900
San Diego The Famed San Diego [B*D] 0 5510 4749
Santa Claus Santa Claus 0 1 1
Scalen The Glorious Lord Scalen [ONE] 0 14775 13591
Scar Bloodwrath The Noble Scar Bloodwrath, Grandmaster Alchemist 0 3118 6643
Sea C Avenger The Good Sea C Avenger 0 4867 1115
Selene Selene 0 122 122
Sensei Flippies Sensei Flippies 0 46 128
Sentha Gunther The Admirable Sentha Gunther 0 3503 3982
Seppo Ilmarinen Seppo Ilmarinen [P1R] 0 0 70
Sicaria Sicaria 0 174 72
Silent Assassin The Glorious Lord Silent Assassin 0 15000 12500
Simone Beauvoir The Illustrious Simone Beauvoir, Grandmaster Scholar 0 7022 5521
Sister Frey The Unsavory Sister Frey 0 -1394 3
Slade The Scoundrel Slade [F] 0 -3443 1199
Smeed The Fair Smeed [,] 0 1056 450
Sneaky Bastrd Sneaky Bastrd 0 -503 81
Snow buq The Admirable Snow buq [CPR] 0 2881 2846
Snow Llama The Admirable Snow Llama 0 3520 3485
Snowjackel The Admirable Snowjackel 0 3510 3500
Softpaw Mistling Softpaw Mistling 0 0 0
Spartan The Glorious Lord Spartan 0 12220 12046
Squirrely Dan The Honorable Squirrely Dan 0 4258 1427
Stavas Gruggo The Great Stavas Gruggo [CPR] 0 15000 4431
Step Daddy The Great Step Daddy [ONE] 0 14000 4618
Stephan The Illustrious Lord Stephan, Grandmaster Naturalist [OSP] 0 9624 15000
Stev Bezach The Great Stev Bezach [AoC] 0 14826 2505
Steve Harvey The Scoundrel Steve Harvey [] 0 -2526 1192
Stimpy The Ignoble Stimpy [MOM] 0 -1716 3179
Sugar Wallz The Unsavory Sugar Wallz [MoM] 0 -2000 0
Sunshine The Glorious Sunshine, Grandmaster Swordswoman [ONE] 0 15000 7901
Synthesis The Malicious Synthesis 0 -3067 1899
Syrin The Kind Syrin 0 1689 935
Taco Belmont The Scoundrel Taco Belmont 0 -2526 200
Talia al Ghul The Infamous Talia al Ghul, Grandmaster Ranger [ONE] 0 -1018 6014
Tames Bond Tames Bond [B4D] 0 70 600
Tames Brown Tames Brown [B4D] 0 143 600
Tao The Villainous Tao 0 -2665 5953
Taylor The Respectable Taylor 0 1862 1670
Ted Kaczynski The Malicious Ted Kaczynski [GOB] 0 -3696 1304
Tegan The Outcast Tegan: Hunter of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 30
Templar The Evil Templar, Grandmaster Ranger [ONE] 0 -6825 7548
Test Dummy The Dishonorable Test Dummy 0 -1712 1862
The Ripper The Rude The Ripper 0 -850 10
The Seer The Proper The Seer [ONE] 1 1419 3395
The Seer The Seer 0 0 0
thetinker The Dread thetinker: Executioner of Evil [ONE] 1 -15000 9014
thetinkerIV The Glorious thetinkerIV, Grandmaster Scholar [ONE] 2 13030 7527
thetinkerVI The Dread thetinkerVI: Hunter of Evil [ONE] 1 -15000 9238
Tiberian The Fair Tiberian 0 709 588
Tim Buck To The Dread Tim Buck To, Grandmaster Naturalist [ONE] 0 -15000 7027
tito The Glorious tito [K*V] 0 15000 6883
Tornado The Evil Lady Tornado 0 -5031 12219
Towlie The Admirable Towlie [K*V] 0 3196 2731
Travailleuse The Respectable Travailleuse [QC] 0 1684 1518
Tremontane The Great Tremontane [ONE] 0 12012 3799
Trylleveske The Scoundrel Trylleveske [man] 0 -3062 447
Tsunami The Malicious Tsunami [CPR] 0 -3196 1689
Tubal-cain Tubal-cain [P1R] 0 171 967
turd herder turd herder [MoM] 0 -400 0
Tyrsennian The Famed Tyrsennian [RP] 0 5176 4968
Uncle Argyle The Admirable Uncle Argyle [ELF] 0 4828 2843
Ushoran Ushoran 0 0 0
ValoriVinyl The Great ValoriVinyl: Hunter of Evil 0 14849 4874
Veritas The Glorious Lord Veritas, Grandmaster Mage [] 0 15000 13312
VivianVelvet The Nefarious VivianVelvet: Spite of Evil 0 -11241 4793
VowVelecher The Honest VowVelecher 0 8211 470
Vox Machina The Glorious Lord Vox Machina, Grandmaster Naturalist 0 15000 11095
Wayland Wayland [P1R] 0 0 78
Whispering Sky The Estimable Whispering Sky 0 10198 1634
WhiteOwl The Glorious Lord WhiteOwl 0 11038 10946
Wigstan The Glorious Wigstan, Grandmaster Blacksmith [R-C] 0 12481 9618
William T Riker The Great William T Riker [] 0 15000 3881
WillSmith WillSmith 0 115 899
wilma girthfit The Glorious Lord wilma girthfit, Grandmaster Demoralizer 0 15000 11687
Windy The Glorious Windy, Adept Veterinarian 0 14857 6493
Winston The Great Winston [YNG] 0 14848 2946
Winx The Great Winx [AuS] 0 14225 2851
Witchy The Rude Witchy [man] 0 -987 1096
Work Horse Work Horse 0 0 0
Workstation Workstation 0 140 171
X-Factor The Vile X-Factor 0 -2606 3033
Yo Adrian The Ignoble Yo Adrian 0 -1946 4396
Yolandi The Glorious Lady Yolandi, Grandmaster Rouser 0 14186 14192
ZATHUEL The Glorious Lord ZATHUEL [YNG] 0 15000 10068
Zathuel The Prominent Zathuel 0 -400 2904
Zeitz The Glorious Zeitz, Grandmaster Tamer [YNG] 0 15000 9379
Zolotaya The Estimable Zolotaya 0 14901 2083

Online Players Last Updated: 03-23-2025 12:57 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-23-2025 12:44 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours