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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Xerphe The Fair Xerphe [DIC] 0 895 558
Xerphex Xerphex 0 9 14
Xerphy Xerphy 0 0 0
Xerrok Xerrok 0 0 0
Xerrum Xerrum 0 0 0
Xersi The Glorious Lady Xersi, Grandmaster Naturalist [KoS] 0 11666 10328
Xerthos Xerthos 0 301 268
xerty xerty 0 0 0
Xerxe The Prominent Xerxe [RM] 0 -21 2757
Xerxes Xerxes 0 -40 47
Xerxes Xerxes 0 33 36
Xerxes Xerxes 0 -8 0
Xerxes Xerxes 0 0 1
Xerxes Flacier Xerxes Flacier 0 0 0
Xerxes the cook Xerxes the cook 0 0 0
Xerxes Vane Xerxes Vane 0 0 0
Xerxon The Respectable Xerxon 0 1910 2287
xes lana xes lana 0 0 0
Xeslana Xeslana 0 1 1
Xeslana Xeslana 0 120 120
Xesna Xesna 0 0 0
Xetiled The Illustrious Xetiled, Grandmaster Bard 0 8962 7724
Xetnu The Respectable Xetnu [Yew] 0 1699 1636
Xetom Xetom 0 0 0
Xetyr Xetyr 0 0 0
Xevic Xevic 0 -400 227
Xevin Xevin 0 0 0
Xevoz IV Xevoz IV 0 0 0
Xevris Xevris 0 0 0
Xevris Xevris 0 0 0
Xewak Xewak 0 -3 5
Xewor Xewor 0 -4 0
Xexx Xexx 0 0 0
Xeyna Inferno Xeyna Inferno 0 0 0
XFactor The Great XFactor 0 12261 4861
Xfinity The Outcast Xfinity 147 -15000 461
xForcex The Upstanding xForcex 0 726 1510
xggch xggch 0 0 0
XGhostlyWolfX The Fair XGhostlyWolfX 0 924 895
xghostx xghostx 0 0 0
XGreedX XGreedX 0 0 0
Xha Xha 0 199 203
Xha Xha 0 0 0
Xhar Xhar 0 27 27
Xhare Xhare 0 0 0
xheisiai xheisiai 0 0 0
Xheku The Scoundrel Xheku 2 -3879 540
xhentor xhentor 0 -4 3
XheraT EviL XheraT EviL 0 0 0
XheraT EviL XheraT EviL 0 0 0
xhjsjsk xhjsjsk 0 0 0
Xhorian Xhorian 0 0 0
Xhorian Ashenfal Xhorian Ashenfal 0 -8 14
XHunter XHunter 0 0 27
xhunters xhunters 0 0 0
Xhuul Xhuul 0 0 0
xi The Fair xi 0 906 1051
Xi The Rude Xi 1 -1246 18
Xi The Scoundrel Xi 10 -4422 247
Xi The Outcast Xi [PwN] 420 -15000 1183
Xi Ping Tong Dim Xi Ping Tong Dim 0 0 0
xI Spartacus Ix xI Spartacus Ix 0 -4 0
Xi the Pestilent The Unsavory Xi the Pestilent 0 -1692 0
Xi the Pooh Xi the Pooh 0 202 232
Xi'an The Scoundrel Xi'an: Spite of Evil CoM 0 -3480 359
Xi'ylfir Xi'ylfir 0 0 0
Xia-Mia Xia-Mia 0 0 0
Xiahon Xiahon 0 -1 48
Xiam Xiam 0 0 14
Xian The Rude Xian 0 -1018 584
Xian Xian 0 0 0
Xian Hellfire Xian Hellfire 0 0 0
Xiana Xiana 0 0 0
Xiangyou Xiangyou 0 0 0
XianZul XianZul 0 -400 1179
xiao xiao 0 0 0
Xiao Tuzi Xiao Tuzi 0 -2 214
Xiao Ya Xiao Ya 0 0 0
Xiaomi Xiaomi 0 0 0
xiaorang xiaorang 0 -3 7
Xiaro Xiaro 0 300 9
Xiaro Xiaro 0 0 0
Xiaxis The Glorious Xiaxis, Grandmaster Tamer [>] 0 15000 7580
Xibalba Xibalba [jit] 0 0 3
Xibalba The Despicable Xibalba 21 -8375 1055
Xica Xica 0 0 0
Xica da Silva Xica da Silva 0 -78 0
Xico Draco BR Xico Draco BR 0 0 0
Xider The Fair Xider 0 797 721
Xie Xie 0 0 0
Xies Le'Kross Xies Le'Kross 0 0 0
Xifris Incrivis Xifris Incrivis 0 0 0
Xihe Xihe 0 0 1
XIII XIII 0 -4 0
xiix xiix 0 0 0
Xikal Xikal 0 0 0
xikito xikito 0 1 1
Xilah The Glorious Lady Xilah, Grandmaster Naturalist [CPR] 0 15000 11239
Xilanne Xilanne 0 0 0
Xilasora Xilasora 0 0 0

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