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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Xena Xena 0 0 0
Xena Xena 0 -4 328
Xena Xena 0 0 6
Xena Xena 0 0 0
Xena Xena 0 0 1
Xena Xena 0 0 0
Xena ex Inferis Xena ex Inferis 0 -16 625
Xena TDS Xena TDS 0 0 5
Xena The Brave Xena The Brave 0 0 0
Xenagos Xenagos 0 0 0
Xenalt The Eminent Lord Xenalt, Grandmaster Blacksmith 0 1501 10002
Xenap Xenap 0 0 0
Xenarg Xenarg 0 186 175
Xendirian Xendirian 0 0 0
Xendrik Xendrik 0 -2 1197
XeneX XeneX 0 0 0
XeneX Lazzlo XeneX Lazzlo 0 0 0
Xengo The Illustrious Xengo 0 7967 7622
Xenia Xenia 0 4 4
Xenia The Admirable Xenia SL 0 3962 3238
Xenies Xenies 0 -8 33
Xenious The Illustrious Xenious, Grandmaster Bard 0 7236 5322
Xenithos Xenithos 0 0 0
xenmordoc The Malicious xenmordoc 3 -2914 2023
Xenmordoc The Prominent Xenmordoc [CPR] 0 -400 4319
xenmordoc xenmordoc 0 0 0
Xenn Xenn 0 0 0
Xennon Xennon 0 0 0
Xeno The Glorious Lord Xeno, Grandmaster Scholar [KoA] 0 11798 11210
xeno xeno 0 0 0
Xeno Xeno 0 1 1
Xeno The Glorious Lord Xeno, Grandmaster Scholar 0 13075 11144
Xeno Xeno 0 269 229
Xeno The Glorious Lord Xeno 0 14226 10160
Xeno Xeno 0 -24 0
Xeno The Commendable Xeno 0 6381 1437
Xeno Xeno 0 0 0
Xeno Morpheus Xeno Morpheus 0 0 0
Xenobytes The Upstanding Xenobytes 0 676 1282
xenoce xenoce 0 0 0
Xenocide The Unsavory Xenocide CoM [3.0] 1 -1342 1012
Xenofex Xenofex 0 32 32
Xenofex Xenofex 0 5 5
Xenokiller Xenokiller 0 -72 185
xenomorph xenomorph 0 1 19
Xenon The Honorable Xenon 0 3540 2460
Xenon Strobes Xenon Strobes 0 179 911
xenonalay xenonalay 0 0 0
Xenophobic Xenophobic 0 0 0
Xenophon The Honorable Xenophon 0 2854 1835
Xenora Xenora 0 0 0
Xenos The Villainous Xenos: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Naturalist [O^S] 0 -2890 9069
Xenox Xenox 0 354 322
Xenoxs Xenoxs 0 0 0
Xenriel Xenriel 0 61 67
Xenther Xenther 0 0 0
Xenthul Xenthul 0 0 0
Xentinel Xentinel 0 0 9
Xenturion Xenturion 0 1 3
xenu xenu 0 0 0
Xeohn Xeohn 0 0 0
Xeon Xeon 0 -8 35
Xeon Cometfly Xeon Cometfly 0 0 0
Xeon Cometfly Xeon Cometfly 0 0 0
Xeon Cometfly Xeon Cometfly 0 0 0
Xeon Steelheart Xeon Steelheart 0 0 0
XePa XePa 0 0 0
Xepeto Xepeto 0 -400 0
Xeppo The Prominent Xeppo 0 -400 3467
Xepug Xepug 0 0 0
xeqq xeqq 0 0 0
Xeqtr Xeqtr 0 0 0
Xer Queth Xer Queth 0 0 0
Xer'Del Xer'Del 0 0 0
Xeracu Xeracu 0 0 0
Xerantis Kaan Xerantis Kaan 0 0 0
xeras xeras 0 -4 0
Xeras The Malicious Xeras 0 -3136 1959
Xerdon Xerdon 0 0 0
Xerdos Loreskull Xerdos Loreskull 0 -14 496
Xerex Xerex 0 454 293
Xerian Sasha Xerian Sasha 0 0 0
Xerik Xerik 0 0 0
Xerlucas Xerlucas 0 0 0
Xero Xero 0 33 82
Xero Xero 0 0 0
Xero Xero 0 -400 47
Xero Xero 0 487 380
Xero The Fair Xero 0 637 556
Xero Xero 0 0 0
Xero Critz Xero Critz 0 27 28
Xero Zen The Famed Xero Zen [O] 0 5781 4811
Xerohero Xerohero 0 -3 3
Xerona The Fair Xerona 0 1093 1107
Xerophina Xerophina 0 8 31
Xeros Xeros 0 35 35
Xerosaber The Glorious Xerosaber, Grandmaster Biologist 0 10574 6239
Xeross Xeross 0 0 0
Xerox Xerox 0 0 0
Xerox The Glorious Xerox 0 14084 8799

Online Players Last Updated: 03-12-2025 11:08 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-12-2025 10:38 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours