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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Raesse The Commendable Raesse 0 5875 1502
Raest Raest 0 0 0
Raeuber RitzRatz Raeuber RitzRatz 0 -400 4
Raeuber RitzRatz Raeuber RitzRatz [cdl] 0 -400 9
Raevik Raevik 0 15 15
Raexius Raexius 0 0 0
Raeyna Raeyna 0 -4 3
Raf Raf 0 0 0
Raf The Fair Raf 0 1205 727
Rafa The Admirable Rafa [PpE] 2 4082 2973
Rafael The Illustrious Rafael, Grandmaster Pacifier [CPR] 0 7208 7155
Rafael Rafael 0 0 0
Rafael Rafael 0 0 0
Rafael Rafael 0 0 0
Rafael Kerna Rafael Kerna 0 0 0
Rafael Unnamed Rafael Unnamed 0 0 1
RafaelBR RafaelBR 0 0 0
Rafaeow Rafaeow 0 0 0
RafaG RafaG 0 0 0
Rafajell Rafajell 0 5 13
Rafal Rafal 0 292 345
RaFary The Villainous RaFary, Grandmaster Biologist 3 -3323 6133
Rafe Rafe 0 277 295
Rafel Rafel 0 0 4
Rafelito Rafelito 0 -32 0
Raferty Raferty 0 0 0
RAFF RAFF 0 -400 22
Rafferty Rafferty 0 -64 0
Raffi Raffi 0 0 4
Raffles The Proper Raffles [S*I] 0 1944 3141
Rafflesia Rafflesia 0 0 0
Raffuardo Raffuardo 0 0 0
Rafi Rafi 0 0 0
Rafidog Rafidog 0 0 8
Rafiki Rafiki 0 -400 1
Rafildz Rafildz 0 0 0
rafiport rafiport 0 -8 16
Rafiusk Rafiusk 0 59 69
Rafiusks Rafiusks 0 226 226
Rafiuskss Rafiuskss 0 34 45
Rafix Rafix 0 0 0
RafSimons The Great RafSimons 0 11212 3378
Rafu Rafu 0 0 0
rag rag 0 0 0
Rag Rag 0 0 0
rag rag 0 0 0
Rag Doll The Rude Rag Doll 0 -732 39
Rag'nak Rag'nak 0 -400 10
Ragagash Ragagash 0 0 0
RagaMasson RagaMasson 0 0 0
RaGaming RaGaming 0 0 0
Ragamoose The Dishonorable Ragamoose 0 -2084 2464
Ragamuffin Ragamuffin 0 0 0
ragamuffin ragamuffin 0 0 0
Raganar Lodbrok The Kind Raganar Lodbrok 0 1452 1054
Ragancy The Vile Ragancy CoM [Nub] 1 -3144 4301
Raganzie The Respectable Raganzie 0 2317 2056
Ragar Truesword The Famed Ragar Truesword [VoP] 0 8223 3166
Ragastens Ragastens 0 0 0
Ragaz Seldarine The Admirable Ragaz Seldarine 0 2521 2734
RagDoll McMurffy RagDoll McMurffy 0 -313 49
Rage Rage 0 292 261
Rage The Scoundrel Rage [ONE] 0 -2951 737
Rage The Dishonorable Rage 0 -1309 1493
Rage The Admirable Rage 0 3500 3739
rage rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 101 104
Rage The Unsavory Rage 2 -1515 903
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 -49 51
Rage The Respectable Rage 0 1433 1359
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage The Illustrious Lord Rage, Grandmaster Rouser 0 5548 10628
Rage The Infamous Rage, Grandmaster Shade [PIR] 0 -1027 6050
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage Rage 0 0 2
Rage Rage 0 0 0
Rage The Famed Rage 1 6409 3673
Rage II Rage II 0 0 0
Rage III Rage III 0 0 0
Rage Quit Rage Quit 0 0 3
Rage Valsam Rage Valsam 0 0 0
Rageblade Rageblade 0 -139 844
RageBot The Respectable RageBot 0 1454 1454
Ragebunny The Villainous Ragebunny, Grandmaster Swordsman [SaD] 1 -3581 9293
Ragecaller Ragecaller 0 0 0
Ragefast Ragefast 0 0 0
rageleap rageleap 0 8 8
Ragelog Ragelog 0 94 92
Ragelord Ragelord 0 -411 81
Ragen Ragen 0 94 94
Rager Rager 0 0 0
RageSage RageSage 0 0 0
Ragetti The Glorious Lord Ragetti 0 11011 11281
Raggdragoon Raggdragoon 0 0 0

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Players Database Last Updated: 03-12-2025 4:38 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours