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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
M A G O The Rude M A G O 3 -1187 568
M a G W a G M a G W a G 0 144 144
M a h o M a h o 0 0 0
M a n d a r K M a n d a r K 0 0 0
M a v M a v 0 483 34
M e p h M e p h 0 83 106
M E R L I N M E R L I N 0 0 0
M forge M forge 0 0 0
M Piovesan M Piovesan 0 15 26
M Shadows The Renowned M Shadows, Grandmaster Fisherman 0 -209 6489
M Thoms M Thoms 0 0 0
M y s t i C Lord M y s t i C [TnT] 0 -108 11304
M'yer M'yer 0 -400 43
Ma Anne The Scoundrel Ma Anne 0 -2995 45
Ma Bones The Unsavory Ma Bones [W] 0 -1692 0
Ma man Ma man 0 0 0
Ma'am Ma'am 0 0 0
Ma'am Ma'am 0 0 0
Ma'at The Glorious Lady Ma'at, Grandmaster Tamer [Npt] 0 15000 12585
Ma'at The Outcast Ma'at [Bow] 166 -14574 547
Ma-Ti Ma-Ti [CRO] 0 -6 615
maaaaaaaartin maaaaaaaartin 0 42 32
mAAAdMoney mAAAdMoney 0 0 0
Maak Ding Maak Ding 0 -4 891
Maalik The Despicable Maalik [M-F] 47 -5847 707
Maalize Maalize 0 0 4
Maalor The Notable Maalor 0 -400 2245
Maalor Maalor 0 -400 75
Maalor Maalor 0 -400 0
Maalox Maalox 0 0 0
Maalox Plus Maalox Plus 0 0 0
Maandorian Maandorian 0 364 387
Maarten Tromp Maarten Tromp 0 0 0
Maas Maas 0 0 0
Maas Maas [FL] 0 149 30
maase maase 0 0 0
Mabe The Unsavory Mabe [T*N] 0 -2000 3
Mabel The Admirable Mabel 0 4348 4270
Mabel The Glorious Lady Mabel, Grandmaster Tamer 0 11788 11220
Mabel Field Mabel Field 0 -1 16
Mabel Stark The Dread Lady Mabel Stark: Champion of Evil [CPR] 0 -15000 10733
Mabel Stark Mabel Stark 0 0 0
Mabel Stark Mabel Stark 0 0 9
Mabel Stark Mabel Stark 0 356 344
Mabel the fisher Mabel the fisher 0 0 0
Mabeq Mabeq 0 0 0
Mabigion The Renowned Mabigion, Grandmaster Biologist 0 -487 5592
Mable Mable 0 0 0
Mable the guard Mable the guard 0 0 0
MaBpoguMMM MaBpoguMMM 0 0 3
Mac Mac 0 0 0
Mac The Prominent Mac 0 -400 4021
Mac Mac 0 -400 456
Mac Mac 0 0 0
Mac Mac 0 0 0
Mac Mac 0 0 0
Mac Mac 0 -400 0
Mac Daddy Mac Daddy 0 0 0
Mac Daddy Slim The Despicable Mac Daddy Slim [IDC] 43 -8670 669
Mac Daddy Slim The Despicable Mac Daddy Slim 38 -9698 1068
Mac Daddy Slim The Despicable Mac Daddy Slim SL [SL] 0 -5079 924
Mac Daddy Slim The Malicious Mac Daddy Slim 0 -3197 1880
Mac Dougall Mac Dougall 0 233 194
Mac Dre Mac Dre 0 0 0
Mac Dre Mac Dre 0 346 295
Mac Gregor Mac Gregor 0 -10 0
Mac Mardigan Mac Mardigan 0 -4 7
Mac Ten Mac Ten 0 0 0
Mac the Knife The Malicious Mac the Knife [Wm?] 2 -3628 2319
Mac tyer Mac tyer 0 0 0
Maca Maca 0 0 0
macabra The Respectable macabra 0 1758 1711
Macabre Macabre 0 -1 9
macabre macabre 0 -4 0
MacAbre The Unsavory MacAbre 0 -2000 9
Macabre- The Glorious Macabre-, Grandmaster Bard [TnT] 0 14839 7299
Macabres Macabres 0 0 0
Macabro The Fair Macabro 0 812 754
Macabzer Macabzer 0 0 0
Macaca mulatta Macaca mulatta 0 -400 9
Macadogan The Admirable Macadogan 0 2637 2583
macale macale 0 -2 4
Macandchi Macandchi 0 -4 0
macaromeo The Fair macaromeo 0 711 849
Macaroni The Notable Macaroni 0 -400 1915
Macarthaig Macarthaig 0 -3 83
macaulay cocaine macaulay cocaine 0 -400 45
Macaveli Macaveli 0 0 0
Macavity Macavity 0 106 104
Macavity The Villainous Macavity, Grandmaster Warder [] 0 -4730 5776
Macaxeira Macaxeira 0 11 12
macb macb 0 485 396
Macb Macb 0 0 0
macbb macbb 0 0 0
Macbeth The Admirable Macbeth 0 3551 4084
Macbeth Macbeth 0 -6 4
MacBeth The Glorious Lord MacBeth, Grandmaster Naturalist 0 15000 13913
Macbeth Dupree Macbeth Dupree 0 0 0
macbh macbh 0 0 0
Macblair Macblair 0 7 7

Online Players Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:54 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours