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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
L E V E L L E V E L 0 5 9
L Erugok L Erugok 0 260 270
L K L K 0 0 0
L L L L L L L L 0 -4 0
L O L L O L O L L O 0 0 0
L Ron Hoyabembe The Glorious L Ron Hoyabembe, Grandmaster Scholar 1 10951 7946
l' l' 0 0 0
L'admin L'admin 0 0 0
L'AmazzaNiubbi The Rude L'AmazzaNiubbi 0 -850 1
l'erKuy l'erKuy 0 0 0
L'iriel L'iriel 0 -8 16
L'irim The Fair L'irim 0 1061 1016
L'olonnais L'olonnais 0 0 1
l'Olonnais l'Olonnais 0 0 0
l- The Glorious l-, Grandmaster Ranger 1 10901 7680
l- l- 0 0 0
L-Gante The Glorious Lord L-Gante [B&am] 1 14910 13794
LA LA 0 0 0
la bi sq la bi sq 0 0 0
La Chouffe The Rude La Chouffe 0 -850 6
La CoSte La CoSte 0 0 0
La Croax La Croax 0 -63 876
La croix La croix 0 0 3
La Croix The Famed La Croix 0 6243 3202
La Doncella La Doncella 0 0 0
La Dua La Dua 0 9 9
La Fin De Ta Vie La Fin De Ta Vie 0 511 495
La Fin Du Monde La Fin Du Monde 0 0 0
La Foo Gag La Foo Gag 0 -400 10
la forge The Respectable la forge 0 2384 1800
La Hire The Prominent La Hire 0 -400 3031
la la la la 0 0 0
La la la The Trustworthy La la la 0 15000 625
La Luna La Luna 0 0 0
La Luna La Luna 0 13 57
La Majunjo La Majunjo 0 0 0
La negra Celeste La negra Celeste 0 -4 1
La Plaga La Plaga 0 0 0
La Pocchiona La Pocchiona 0 0 0
La Problematica La Problematica 0 0 0
La ptite Criss La ptite Criss 0 0 0
La Ramona The Glorious Lady La Ramona, Grandmaster Naturalist 0 14923 12842
La Rouge La Rouge 0 -4 0
La Salamandra La Salamandra 0 151 161
La Senza La Senza 0 0 111
La Tria La Tria 0 0 0
La Unua La Unua 0 0 0
La Veneno The Ignoble La Veneno 0 -2084 2932
La Vie en Rose La Vie en Rose [MTT] 0 0 0
LA-Z Crafter LA-Z Crafter 0 0 0
Laah Laah 0 0 0
laan laan 0 0 0
laapla laapla 0 11 21
Laasepetter Lord Laasepetter, Grandmaster Infiltrator [man] 0 609 11706
Lab Sunny Lab Sunny 0 0 0
Labanbas Labanbas 0 0 0
LaBar LaBar 0 0 0
labeaN labeaN 0 0 0
Label Label 0 0 0
Labeler The Glorious Labeler [ONE] 0 10498 6109
Labia Labia 0 0 0
labirintitee labirintitee 0 0 0
Labis Labis 0 0 0
Lablina The Dread Lablina: Annihilator of Evil [ONE] 0 -15000 6506
labme labme 0 0 0
Laborer Laborer 0 0 0
LaborWorker LaborWorker 0 6 7
LaboTec LaboTec 0 0 0
Labouress Labouress 0 0 0
labowsky labowsky 0 0 0
Labradoodle Labradoodle [PeW] 0 -53 75
Labruz Labruz 0 0 0
Labrys The Prominent Labrys [S3X] 0 -446 3915
LabuNe LabuNe 0 0 6
Laburante Laburante 0 0 0
Labyrinth The Wicked Labyrinth [Bow] 4 -5725 2971
Labyrinth Labyrinth 0 0 20
Lac Lac 0 379 379
Lacan The Great Lacan [K*P] 0 13560 2748
Lacan The Outcast Lacan 75 -13050 934
Lacan The Glorious Lacan: Spite of Evil [K*P] 0 15000 5570
Lacan The Wicked Lacan: Spite of Evil [K*P] 293 -8613 3991
Lace Lace 0 0 0
Lace The Dark Lady Lace, Grandmaster Naturalist [K*P] 0 -3200 13253
Lace Lace 0 -400 870
Laced Up Laced Up 0 341 413
Lacee The Glorious Lady Lacee, Grandmaster Scholar 0 14906 13486
Lacey Lacey 0 524 824
Lacey Lacey 0 0 0
Lacey The Respectable Lacey 0 2057 2118
Lacey The Great Lacey 0 11277 4317
Lacey Jeffries The Kind Lacey Jeffries 4 1882 930
Lacey Jeffries The Fair Lacey Jeffries 0 854 854
Lacey Lane Lacey Lane 0 -400 2
Lacey Lane Lacey Lane 0 -400 1
Lacey Lane Lacey Lane 0 -24 1
Lacey the Crazy The Infamous Lacey the Crazy [*Sk] 0 -1246 5641
Lach Pickering The Admirable Lach Pickering [WOW] 0 3322 3061
Lachadon Lachadon 0 5 18
Lachan Nash Lachan Nash 0 0 0

Online Players Last Updated: 03-10-2025 9:05 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours