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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Grognak The Unsavory Grognak 0 -2000 280
Grognak Grognak 0 0 0
Grognak Grognak 0 65 150
Grogoth Grogoth 0 152 156
Grograman Grograman 0 0 0
Grogrin Grogrin 0 -400 317
Grogu Grogu 0 0 3
Grogub The Unsavory Grogub [KoD] 1 -1402 897
Grohl Grohl 0 0 0
Grohm Blackhand The Kind Grohm Blackhand 0 1497 962
GroJohn GroJohn 0 0 0
Groke The Scoundrel Groke 2 -2806 1082
Groke The Glorious Lord Groke 0 14750 10905
Grokgol Gurbash Grokgol Gurbash 0 0 3
Grol'Gok Grol'Gok 0 0 0
Groll Groll 0 -323 0
Grollhuf Grollhuf 0 0 0
Grolmir Grolmir 0 0 0
Grolsch The Admirable Grolsch 0 4774 3907
Grom Grom 0 3 3
Grom Grom 0 0 0
Grom Grom 0 0 0
Grom Grom 0 -4 0
Grom Grom 0 -3 84
Grom Grom 0 0 71
Grom Scrumberg Grom Scrumberg 0 0 0
Grom'Gar Grom'Gar 0 -400 6
Grom'gulak The Notable Grom'gulak [PiC] 0 -400 2216
Gromash Gromash 0 35 38
Grombr Grombr 0 0 0
Grombrindal Grombrindal 0 -400 508
GromHellscream GromHellscream 0 0 0
Gromilia The Rude Gromilia 0 -1246 94
Gromilia the orc The Scoundrel Gromilia the orc 0 -2914 1
Gromill Gromill 0 0 3
Gromit Gromit 0 0 0
Gromm The Glorious Lord Gromm, Grandmaster Tamer [T*P] 0 15000 12214
Gromm Tillthur Gromm Tillthur 0 0 0
Gromph Gromph 0 0 0
Gromph Gromph 0 0 0
Gromph Gromph 0 0 0
Gromph The Illustrious Gromph: Spite of Evil, Grandmaster Wrestler [A^T] 2 5285 6301
Gromphf The Famed Gromphf: Spite of Evil [ONE] 2 5258 3824
Gromthi-Az Gromthi-Az 0 0 13
Gron Gron 0 0 0
Gronak The Dishonorable Gronak 0 -2268 1356
Grond Grond 0 0 0
Grond Grond 0 0 0
gronda gronda 0 0 0
Grondan Grondan 0 0 0
Grondwerken Mak The Glorious Lord Grondwerken Mak, Grandmaster Rouser [BA] 0 14993 10608
GroneWsp The Dishonorable GroneWsp CoM 0 -2382 2101
Gronita Groniton Gronita Groniton 0 0 0
Gronk Gronk 0 0 0
Gronk Gronk 0 0 6
Gronk The Respectable Gronk [ONE] 0 2386 1284
Gronk Gronk 0 13 13
Gronn the Black Gronn the Black 0 0 0
Gronsten The Honorable Gronsten 0 2513 2071
gronvar gronvar 0 0 0
Groo Groo 0 470 895
Groo Groo 0 0 0
groo groo 0 0 0
Grooella The Respectable Grooella 0 1689 2335
Groogh Groogh 0 0 0
grooi grooi 0 0 0
Grooja Grooja 0 79 93
Groom Groom 0 0 0
Groone Groone 0 -16 57
groot groot 0 0 0
Groot Groot 0 0 0
Groot Groot 0 102 103
Groovin Groovin 0 0 0
Groovitron Groovitron 0 17 17
Groovv Groovv 0 0 0
GrooVy GrooVy 0 0 0
Groovy Groovy 0 -8 0
GroOvY AadVarK The Notorious GroOvY AadVarK 0 -1094 3950
Groovy Dan Groovy Dan 0 0 0
Groovyroom Groovyroom 0 1 4
gropert gropert 0 0 0
Gror Gror 0 -8 301
Groshar Groshar 0 0 0
Grosmek Grosmek 0 0 0
grospinisse grospinisse 0 -1 3
Grosseboite Grosseboite 0 0 0
GrossePlotte GrossePlotte 0 -400 0
GrossePointe The Scoundrel GrossePointe [NEW] 0 -3494 827
Grosso Grosso 0 0 0
Grot'Tu The Respectable Grot'Tu 0 1718 1684
Grotesk Grotesk 0 16 16
Groth Groth 0 356 356
Grotius Grotius 0 109 138
Grotos Grotos 0 0 0
Grotto Grotto 0 -1 66
Grottos Grottos 0 0 2
Grouch The Scoundrel Grouch [ONE] 3 -3840 748
Groucho The Dark Lord Groucho Minax 2 -2611 10735
Groucho Marks The Admirable Groucho Marks 0 3437 2786
Ground Control The Renowned Ground Control, Grandmaster Mage 0 -567 6705

Online Players Last Updated: 03-12-2025 10:48 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-12-2025 10:38 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours