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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Greyfox Greyfox 0 -400 0
GreyFox GreyFox 0 0 0
Greyfox Greyfox 0 0 0
GreyFoxie GreyFoxie 0 -4 4
Greyhame The Admirable Greyhame 0 4755 3800
Greyjoy The Notable Greyjoy 0 -400 2200
Greyjuju Greyjuju 0 0 0
Greyling Greyling 0 0 0
Greyling Greyling 0 0 0
Greylord Greylord 0 0 0
Greyman Greyman 0 0 0
Greyman Greyman 0 -3 6
GreyMane GreyMane 0 0 1
Greymore Greymore 0 0 0
Greyn Greyn 0 50 5
Greyson Greyson 0 0 0
Greyson The Glorious Lord Greyson, Grandmaster Healer 0 15000 14636
GreySundey GreySundey 0 0 0
GreySundey GreySundey 0 20 26
Greywolf Greywolf 0 -90 55
Greywulf Greywulf 0 0 0
grff grff 0 0 0
Grg Grg 0 246 250
Grhey Count Grhey Count 0 0 0
Gri Gri 0 0 0
Griahan Griahan 0 0 0
Grianha Grianha 0 0 0
Gribbitz Gribbitz 0 312 339
Gribbly Gribbly 0 0 0
grid grid 0 0 0
Grid Grid 0 0 0
Gridal Gridal 0 0 0
GridiuSS GridiuSS 0 -12 6
Gridlock Gridlock 0 -19 926
Gridzilla Gridzilla 0 0 0
grief grief 0 0 0
Grief Machine Grief Machine 0 0 0
Griefed Griefed 0 0 0
Griefer The Scoundrel Griefer [FL] 3 -3637 767
Griefer The Scoundrel Griefer [FL] 0 -3486 410
Griefer The Unsavory Griefer 0 -1692 696
GrieferKilla The Rude GrieferKilla [6i6] 21 -932 899
GrieferKilla The Scoundrel GrieferKilla 2 -2878 31
Griefs The Rude Griefs 0 -850 9
Griegan Griegan 0 1 10
Griesmeel Griesmeel 0 0 0
Griet van Aav Griet van Aav 0 0 0
Grievance The Great Grievance 0 10465 3986
Griever Griever 0 0 0
Grieves Grieves 0 14 22
Grieves Grieves 0 325 328
Grievous The Scoundrel Grievous 0 -3992 821
Grif Grif 0 -4 32
GRIF GRIF 0 -3 3
Griff The Honorable Griff 0 2540 2464
Griff The Fair Griff [DiK] 0 863 863
Griffen Griffen 0 0 0
Griffen Griffen 0 34 34
Griffeth Griffeth 0 0 0
Griffin The Dishonorable Griffin [OC] 0 -2084 2136
Griffin Griffin 0 0 0
Griffin The Kind Griffin 0 1471 307
Griffin Griffin 0 0 0
Griffin Griffin 0 0 0
Griffith Griffith 0 -52 0
Griffith The Notable Griffith 0 -15 2026
Griffo The Famed Griffo 0 5131 4483
Griffon The Honorable Griffon 0 3582 2390
Griffon Griffon 0 0 0
Griffyth Griffyth 0 0 0
Griftar The Kind Griftar 0 1737 574
Griftefrid The Fair Griftefrid [>] 0 725 831
Grifter Grifter 0 0 0
Grifter Grifter 0 41 43
Grifty The Rude Grifty 0 -1246 343
Grifty McBegg The Unsavory Grifty McBegg [VoP] 0 -1394 0
Grifty-McBegg Grifty-McBegg 0 -400 0
Grigideo P Arido Grigideo P Arido 0 0 0
Grignak Grignak 0 0 0
Grigori Arcanos Grigori Arcanos 0 0 0
Grigori Rasputin Grigori Rasputin 0 1 1
Grigorij Volkov The Respectable Grigorij Volkov 0 2246 1914
Grigsby Grigsby 0 0 0
Griko Griko 0 0 0
Grilam Grilam 0 0 0
Grilldcheese Grilldcheese 0 0 4
Grilldcheeses Grilldcheeses 0 0 0
Grillem The Infamous Grillem, Master Archer 0 -1246 5912
Grillo Grillo 0 4 4
Grillokio Grillokio 0 0 0
Grim Grim 0 0 0
Grim The Kind Grim 0 1763 926
Grim Grim 0 0 0
Grim Grim 0 46 46
GRIM The Unsavory GRIM 0 -2000 9
Grim Grim 0 4 4
Grim Grim 0 -400 0
Grim Grim 0 -48 3

Online Players Last Updated: 03-10-2025 9:15 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours