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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Grendal Sty Grendal Sty 0 0 0
Grendal Sty Grendal Sty 0 0 0
Grendal Sty Grendal Sty 0 0 0
Grendel Grendel 0 0 1
Grendel Grendel 0 -8 2
Grendel The Outcast Grendel [IDC] 1 -10498 682
GreNdEl GreNdEl 0 0 0
Grendel The Glorious Grendel, Grandmaster Tamer 0 13694 5854
Grendel The Noble Grendel, Grandmaster Mage 0 4382 5047
Grendel The Rude Grendel 0 -1246 1
Grendel Grendel 0 0 0
Grendella Grendella [TT] 0 -36 762
Grendevier The Famed Grendevier [TnT] 1 9835 2710
Grenky Grenky 0 0 11
Grenn Grenn 0 0 0
Grennel Grennel 0 0 0
GrennHorn GrennHorn 0 0 0
Grenoble Grenoble 0 0 0
Grenseal Grenseal 0 0 0
Grenseal The Eminent Grenseal, Grandmaster Armsman 0 1365 5527
Grenth The Glorious Grenth 0 12500 7815
Grepehu Grepehu 0 0 1
Grerock Grerock 0 0 0
Grerock Grerock 0 0 0
Gresbach Munch Gresbach Munch 0 -400 0
Gressig Gressig 0 0 0
Grestal Grestal 0 0 0
Gresto The Glorious Lady Gresto, Grandmaster Veterinarian 0 15000 15000
Gresto II Gresto II 0 50 25
Greta Greta 0 0 0
Greta Greta 0 0 0
Greta The Illustrious Greta, Grandmaster Scholar 0 7653 6730
Greta Fox The Scoundrel Greta Fox [ONE] 0 -2753 753
Gretch Gretch 0 -103 0
Gretchen Gretchen 0 0 0
Gretchen Gretchen 0 0 0
Gretchen Gretchen 0 0 6
Gretchen Humes Gretchen Humes [OoW] 0 0 0
Gretchen Scithe Gretchen Scithe 0 0 0
Gretchen Wieners The Malicious Gretchen Wieners [PVG] 3 -3401 1586
Gretchen Wieners Gretchen Wieners [Ni] 0 60 244
Gretel The Famed Gretel 0 9438 3778
Gretel von Berg Gretel von Berg 0 0 0
GreterHeal GreterHeal 0 0 0
Gretie Gretie 0 0 0
GREtta GREtta 0 0 0
Gretta Garbo Gretta Garbo 0 0 0
Gretta Hammer Gretta Hammer 0 -100 0
grety grety 0 0 0
Grev Grev 0 0 0
Greven The Prominent Greven 0 -400 4756
Greven il-Vec Greven il-Vec 0 -2 29
Greven Vec Greven Vec 0 -4 242
grewgegre grewgegre 0 0 0
grey grey 0 -4 0
Grey Grey 0 31 33
Grey Grey 0 0 1
Grey Grey 0 0 0
Grey Grey 0 0 30
Grey Grey 0 0 0
Grey Grey 0 -12 0
Grey Grey 0 0 0
Grey The Disreputable Grey 0 -703 2283
Grey Grey 0 0 0
Grey Grey 0 0 30
Grey Grey 0 0 0
Grey beard Grey beard 0 0 0
Grey Beard The Renowned Grey Beard 0 -587 6279
Grey Beard Grey Beard 0 0 0
Grey Bush The Renowned Grey Bush, Grandmaster Rouser 0 -436 5150
Grey Ghost Grey Ghost 0 0 0
Grey Goose Grey Goose 0 0 0
Grey Man Grey Man 0 0 0
Grey Mouser The Notable Grey Mouser 0 -178 1974
Grey Mouser Grey Mouser 0 0 0
Grey Mule Grey Mule 0 -4 0
Grey Nephew Grey Nephew 0 -400 21
Grey Rat Grey Rat 0 -400 5
Grey Wanderer The Fair Grey Wanderer 0 1015 246
Grey Wanderer The Commendable Grey Wanderer 0 8166 1380
Grey Wolf Grey Wolf 0 0 0
Grey Worm The Scoundrel Grey Worm 21 -2998 367
Greybaine Greybaine 0 1 11
Greybaine Greybaine 0 0 0
Greybane Greybane 0 145 154
Greybeard Greybeard 0 0 0
Greybeard Greybeard 0 -400 77
Greybeard Greybeard 0 0 0
Greybeard Greybeard 0 0 0
Greybeard Greybeard 0 9 16
Greybeard Greybeard 0 0 0
Greybeard Greybeard 0 -400 566
Greybeard Greybeard 0 0 0
Greybeard The Respectable Greybeard 0 2370 2093
Greybeard The Admirable Greybeard 0 2692 3036
Greybeard The Illustrious Greybeard, Grandmaster Fisherman [F_U] 0 6488 5567
Greybeard The Scoundrel Greybeard 0 -2971 0
Greybeard Greybeard 0 8 14
Greybeers Greybeers 0 0 0
Greybush The Glorious Greybush [S3X] 0 14977 9487

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Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 4:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours