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ALL  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z Ultima Online Characters Page [38/53] Ultima Online Characters
Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Fortisimo Fortisimo 0 -400 1188
Fortitudo Fortitudo 0 0 0
forto forto 0 -4 0
Fortoom Fortoom 0 20 23
Fortoom The Respectable Fortoom 0 1495 1500
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortress Fortress 0 0 0
Fortuna Fortuna 0 0 0
Fortuna Fortuna 0 -4 0
Fortuna The Prominent Fortuna 0 -37 3118
Fortuna Fortuna 0 0 1
Fortune Fortune 0 -437 1182
Fortune Fortune 0 -24 29
Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie 0 0 0
Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie 0 0 0
Fortune Eight The Respectable Fortune Eight 0 2104 2041
Fortune IV Fortune IV 0 195 200
Fortune Jack Fortune Jack 0 420 429
Fortune Mule The Rude Fortune Mule 0 -647 354
Fortune Queen The Admirable Fortune Queen 0 2698 2544
Fortune VII Fortune VII 0 238 252
Fortuneprince Fortuneprince 0 0 4
Fortuona Fortuona 0 0 0
Fortuona Fortuona 0 0 4
Forty Seven Forty Seven 0 31 300
fortyfive fortyfive 0 0 0
forumkusu forumkusu 0 0 0
Forungi Forungi 0 -19 61
Forve Forve 0 10 13
ForWinterfell ForWinterfell 0 312 335
Forza The Illustrious Forza, Grandmaster Lumberjack 0 7945 8209
Forza Panino The Illustrious Forza Panino, Grandmaster Scholar 0 5932 5555
Fosfor Fosfor 0 -4 0
fosforlu fosforlu 0 0 0
fosfos fosfos 0 0 0
Foshizzle The Famed Foshizzle 0 5828 4417
Fossi Figo The Fair Fossi Figo 0 646 60
Fossil Fossil 0 0 0
fossil fossil 0 -400 41
Fossil Fossil 0 0 0
Fossum The Respectable Fossum 0 2277 2286
Fostbeast Fostbeast 0 1 7
Foster Foster 0 0 0
Foster The Kind Foster [TDE] 0 2065 1089
Foster Adams Foster Adams 0 0 0
Foster Pond Foster Pond 0 0 0
Fosters The Admirable Fosters 0 3198 3805
Fostur Fostur 0 76 78
Fosty The Respectable Fosty 0 1441 1359
FoTHer FoTHer 0 0 0
fotos fotos 0 0 0
Fotsvett Fotsvett 0 50 469
Fou Fou 0 0 0
Foul The Kind Foul 0 1731 1216
Foul Foul 0 118 136
Foul Ole Ron Foul Ole Ron [HoJ] 0 0 30
FoulMouthBass The Illustrious FoulMouthBass, Grandmaster Archer 0 8127 5817
Found You Found You 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
four four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Four 0 0 0
Four Eyes Four Eyes 0 -348 0
Four Finger Kate Four Finger Kate 0 0 0
four hour boners four hour boners 0 0 0
four hour boners four hour boners 0 0 0
four hour boners four hour boners 0 0 0
Four Twenty The Glorious Four Twenty, Grandmaster Mage [WH] 0 15000 5744
FourFingerSally FourFingerSally [] 0 -400 0
Fourier Fourier 0 0 0
fourrrrr fourrrrr 0 0 0
Fours Aikan Fours Aikan 0 135 150
FourteeN FourteeN 0 0 0
fourthbutnotlast fourthbutnotlast 0 0 0
FourTwenny FourTwenny 0 372 196
FourTwenny FourTwenny 0 0 0
FourTwenty AM FourTwenty AM 0 -400 280

Online Players Last Updated: 03-03-2025 3:56 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-03-2025 2:33 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours