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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
F I K S H U N F I K S H U N 0 0 0
F I u f f y F I u f f y 0 0 0
F Martinez F Martinez 0 -400 0
F R U C E F R U C E [CPR] 0 175 115
F Thee F Thee 0 -220 0
F Thee F Thee 0 0 0
F U C K F U C K 0 0 0
f u c k f u c k 0 0 0
F'E'U'E'R F'E'U'E'R 0 0 0
F'Nor The Unsavory F'Nor 0 -2084 1177
F-You F-You 0 0 0
F-Yuki The Fair F-Yuki 0 1077 840
fa fa 0 0 0
FA FA 0 20 30
Fa Fa 0 -1 10
fA Fa lA La Da fA Fa lA La Da 0 0 0
Fa O'Haggot Fa O'Haggot 0 0 3
Faakz Faakz 0 0 0
Faalin Faalin 0 0 0
faarfaarfaar The Villainous faarfaarfaar, Grandmaster Naturalist [K*V] 2 -3144 9856
Fab Fab 0 0 0
Fabbricatore Fabbricatore 0 33 33
Fabbro Fierar Fabbro Fierar [TGC] 0 0 0
Faber Faber 0 14 14
Faber Minatoris Faber Minatoris 0 0 0
Faberval Faberval 0 0 9
Faberyn Faberyn 0 0 4
Faberyon Faberyon 0 15 24
Fabian Fabian 0 0 0
Fabian Fabian 0 204 263
Fabian The Honorable Fabian 0 2637 1566
Fabiana Spears Fabiana Spears 0 0 9
fabio fabio 0 0 0
Fabio Fabio 0 -175 312
Fabio Fabio 0 -400 354
Fabio Fabio 0 1 4
fabio fabio 0 0 0
Fabio Fabio 0 350 288
Fabio filipe Fabio filipe 0 0 18
Fabion Fabion 0 -2 20
fabiopentelhudo fabiopentelhudo 0 0 0
Fabiri The Fair Fabiri 0 1095 927
Fabiri Fabiri 0 0 0
Fabis The Illustrious Fabis 0 9713 7692
Fable Fable 0 0 0
Fable Fable 0 14 21
Fable MacLoud The Fair Fable MacLoud 0 759 766
fabled one fabled one 0 0 0
Fabn Fabn 0 0 0
FaBoLoUs FaBoLoUs 0 0 0
Fabolous The Rude Fabolous [MiB] 0 -735 122
Fabra Fabra [DiK] 0 -400 336
Fabra Fabra 0 0 0
Fabrasch Fabrasch 0 0 6
Fabre Fabre 0 -178 7
fabri fabri 0 0 0
Fabri Fabri 0 -400 604
Fabric and co Fabric and co 0 0 0
Fabricator Fabricator 0 0 0
Fabricia Fabricia 0 0 0
Fabrisonic Fabrisonic 0 -400 952
Fabs The Prominent Fabs 0 -400 3079
Fabulious The Respectable Fabulious 0 2331 2260
Fabulon Fabulon 0 0 0
Fabulous Fabulous 0 -400 32
Fabulous Larry The Scoundrel Fabulous Larry 0 -3629 498
Facade Facade 0 0 0
Facade Facade 0 70 70
Face Face 0 0 0
Face Face 0 -400 242
Face The Despicable Face [CPU] 29 -8396 1166
Face Face 0 0 0
Face Face 0 0 0
Face Face 0 0 0
FAce FAce 0 0 0
Face Face 0 0 0
Face Frack Face Frack 0 0 0
Face Sitter Face Sitter 0 0 0
Face-Breaker Face-Breaker 0 -400 1
Faceless The Kind Faceless 0 1583 497
FaceMelter FaceMelter 0 50 10
Facemre Facemre 0 1 16
FaCeoff FaCeoff 0 0 0
Facesmasher Facesmasher 0 -400 919
Facetiae Zardo Facetiae Zardo 0 0 0
Fach Fach 0 0 0
Fachkraft Fachkraft 0 -40 0
Facia Tamer Facia Tamer 0 0 0
facil facil 0 0 0
Faction Jackson Faction Jackson 0 -400 129
Factor Capel The Scoundrel Factor Capel 4 -3223 1043
FactorX FactorX 0 -133 36
Factory Phill Factory Phill 0 -193 136
Facundo Quiroga The Notable Facundo Quiroga 0 -400 2086
fadaf fadaf 0 0 0
fadcxswe fadcxswe 0 0 0
Fade The Famed Fade 0 7846 4016
Fade Fade 0 9 9
Fade Fade 0 -400 0

Online Players Last Updated: 03-10-2025 9:25 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours