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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
CandyAngel CandyAngel 0 -40 36
Candyarm Candyarm 0 -4 0
CandyCane CandyCane 0 0 0
CandyColored CandyColored 0 0 0
Candycorn Candycorn 0 -400 189
candycrush candycrush 0 0 0
Candyman The Rude Candyman 0 -1246 314
CandyMan The Respectable CandyMan [P] 0 1697 1517
Candyrain Candyrain 0 0 0
candystripe candystripe 0 100 100
CandyVan CandyVan 0 0 0
Cane The Notable Cane 0 -193 1401
Cane The Rude Cane 0 -905 71
Cane Cane 0 -4 1
Cane Cane 0 0 0
Caneddio Caneddio 0 0 0
Canel Canel 0 -2 3
Canela Canela 0 0 0
Canelo Canelo [RPR] 0 328 328
Caner Caner 0 0 0
Caner Caner 0 0 0
Canes Canes [305] 0 0 0
Canicola Canicola 0 0 0
Canin Canin 0 0 0
Canira Canira 0 -28 7
Canis Adustus The Honorable Canis Adustus [TC] 0 3189 1755
Canis Aureus The Upstanding Canis Aureus [TC] 0 652 1272
Canis Dirus The Great Canis Dirus [TC] 0 11639 4432
Canis Ferox The Proper Canis Ferox 0 1254 2934
Canise Lupoir Canise Lupoir 0 0 0
CanIShitOnYoFeet CanIShitOnYoFeet 0 0 0
CanIsitOnUrFeet CanIsitOnUrFeet 0 -8 0
Cankle Cankle 0 0 0
Cannabic Cannabic 0 0 0
Cannabic Cannabic 0 0 0
Cannabis Cannabis 0 0 0
Cannabis The Distinguished Cannabis, Grandmaster Blacksmith 0 1193 9481
Cannabis Sativa Cannabis Sativa 0 0 0
Cannabis Sativa Cannabis Sativa 0 0 0
cannabliss cannabliss 0 486 428
cannabonist.com cannabonist.com Minax 0 -76 638
CannaMine CannaMine 0 -20 0
Cannan Cannan 0 0 0
Canned Fish Hole Canned Fish Hole 0 -400 0
Cannia Cannia 0 0 0
Cannibal Cannibal 0 18 18
Cannibal The Scoundrel Cannibal [WuT] 0 -2692 617
Cannibal Cannibal 0 18 18
Cannibal The Unsavory Cannibal 0 -2084 112
Cannibal Ox The Rude Cannibal Ox 0 -850 0
Cannibal Queen The Famed Cannibal Queen 0 6003 3240
Cannibis The Malicious Cannibis [BrO] 0 -2654 2323
Cannoli The Fair Cannoli 0 885 850
Cannoli The Malicious Cannoli [OCD] 100 -3832 1742
Cannon The Respectable Cannon 0 1382 1391
Cannon Cannon 0 0 0
Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder 0 0 0
Cannon Fodder The Vile Cannon Fodder 1 -2914 3406
Cannonball The Fair Cannonball 0 882 701
Cannonball Cam The Illustrious Cannonball Cam, Grandmaster Tactician 0 6737 6081
Cannons Morley Cannons Morley [B^S] 0 39 122
Canokay Canokay 0 0 0
Canon The Admirable Canon 0 3340 3406
Canon Canon 0 284 280
canon canon 0 -3 14
Canoodle Canoodle 0 19 20
Canopus Canopus 0 0 0
Canopus Canopus 0 0 0
Canopus Canopus 0 0 0
CanPalas CanPalas 0 0 0
Cans Cans 0 -8 1
Cansado Cansado 0 -400 0
Cant Get Right The Scoundrel Cant Get Right 0 -3520 660
Cantabile The Glorious Lord Cantabile, Grandmaster Bard 0 15000 11447
Cantaloupe Cantaloupe 0 -355 104
Cantaloupe Joe Cantaloupe Joe 0 37 64
Cantian Cantian 0 0 0
Cantigas Cantigas 0 0 0
Cantin The Unsavory Cantin 1 -1387 318
CantMelt The Great CantMelt [IDC] 0 14824 4509
Canton Canton 0 -400 0
CanTouchThis CanTouchThis 0 -400 5
Cantra Cantra 0 0 0
Cantrell Cantrell 0 0 0
cantrememberpw cantrememberpw 0 0 0
Canuck Canuck 0 0 0
Canute The Dark Lord Canute 0 -3477 10576
Cao Cao Cao Cao 0 -260 0
Cao Ni Mah Cao Ni Mah 0 -244 0
caoatomico caoatomico 0 0 0
Caocao The Illustrious Lord Caocao, Grandmaster Biologist SL 6 6970 11392
Caoilina Caoilina 0 234 216
Caoimhe The Fair Caoimhe [NOK] 0 816 128
Caoitan Sailor Caoitan Sailor 0 0 0
Caol Caol 0 226 233
Caol Caol 0 2 13
Caol lla The Prominent Caol lla [BA] 0 -587 4401
Caopr Caopr 0 0 0
Caor Reod Caor Reod 0 -400 692
Caos Caos 0 0 0

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Players Database Last Updated: 03-12-2025 10:38 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours