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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
Caddar Caddar 0 0 0
Caddar Caddar 0 0 0
Cadderly Cadderly 0 6 6
Cadderly The Renowned Cadderly, Grandmaster Scholar [dnd] 0 -537 5309
Caddok The Commendable Caddok 0 6064 2424
Caddy Caddy 0 0 0
Caddy Caddy 0 0 0
Caddy The Respectable Caddy 0 1480 1348
Caddy The Glorious Caddy, Grandmaster Scholar [P] 0 12519 6108
Cade Cade 0 30 48
cade The Despicable cade [ROD] 11 -6306 1026
Cade The Famed Cade [TnT] 0 7202 2757
Cade The Notorious Cade 0 -820 2801
Cadeince Cadeince 0 0 0
Cadela Cadela 0 0 0
Caden McCaffrey Caden McCaffrey 0 9 15
Caden McCaffrey Caden McCaffrey 0 0 0
Caden McCaffrey Caden McCaffrey 0 0 0
Cadence Cadence 0 0 0
Caderyn Caderyn 0 0 0
Cadeus Cadeus 0 143 121
Cadian Cadian 0 0 0
Cadigan Cadigan 0 0 1
Cadillac Cadillac 0 0 0
Cadman The Unsavory Cadman 1 -2084 1167
Cadmium Cadmium 0 0 0
Cadmium Cadmium 0 18 19
Cadmus The Illustrious Cadmus 0 7289 5606
cado cado 0 -3 0
Cadoc O'toole The Malicious Cadoc O'toole 0 -2914 2130
Cadogan The Respectable Cadogan 0 1568 1455
Cadrigan Cadrigan 0 68 57
Cadris Cadris 0 195 193
CaDuCtKa CaDuCtKa 0 7 24
Cadul Cadul 0 0 0
Cadul Cadul 0 99 269
Cadwalleder Cadwalleder 0 52 49
Cadwell Cadwell 0 0 0
Cadwy Cadwy 0 0 0
Cadwy Cadwy 0 0 0
cadx cadx 0 0 0
Cady Heron The Trustworthy Cady Heron [Ni] 0 15000 851
Caecilius Cassus Caecilius Cassus [] 0 -118 0
Caeddyn Caeddyn 0 0 0
Caeddyn Caeddyn 0 0 0
Caedis The Fair Caedis 0 642 614
Cael The Illustrious Cael, Grandmaster Bard 0 8531 5493
Cael Wolf Cael Wolf 0 -1 379
Caelan Caelan 0 0 0
Caelius The Commendable Caelius [PIR] 0 5095 2176
Caelras Caelras 0 0 3
Caelus Auxilius Caelus Auxilius 0 -316 12
Caelus Deaux Caelus Deaux 0 0 0
Caelus Kaht Caelus Kaht [KMG] 0 0 0
Caelus Tuaex Caelus Tuaex 0 0 0
Caelwyn Caelwyn 0 94 151
Caenagnathasia Caenagnathasia 0 0 2
Caenalf The Illustrious Caenalf, Grandmaster Stoic 0 6075 5807
Caenum Caenum 0 0 0
Caeran Azaerus Caeran Azaerus 0 103 97
Caerbannog The Admirable Caerbannog [K*V] 0 2702 2704
Caern Verej Caern Verej 0 122 125
Caesar Caesar 0 0 0
Caesar Caesar 0 0 0
Caesar The Prominent Caesar 0 -17 2783
Caesar Caesar 0 0 0
Caesar The Respectable Caesar 0 1616 1315
Caesar The Illustrious Caesar, Grandmaster Tamer 0 6987 6526
Caesar Caesar 0 0 0
Caesar Caesar 0 0 0
Caesar The Admirable Caesar 0 3006 2932
Caesar The Famed Caesar [ROM] 1 5785 3565
caesar caesar 0 0 0
Caesar Caesar 0 -400 1239
Caesar The Ignoble Caesar 0 -1574 3737
Caesertheape Caesertheape 0 0 0
Caess Caess 0 0 0
Caezar Caezar 0 0 0
Cafe Au Lait Cafe Au Lait 0 0 0
cafer cafer 0 0 1
Cafer Cafer 0 0 0
Caffeine Caffeine 0 0 0
Caffeine Caffeine 0 0 0
Caffeine Caffeine CoM 0 -208 464
Caffrey The Dishonored Lord Caffrey, Grandmaster Cartographer 0 -818 10739
Cafrashon The Illustrious Cafrashon, Grandmaster Biologist 0 7853 7256
Cafrashon The Respectable Cafrashon 0 2425 2146
Cafrashon The Famed Cafrashon [S*I] 0 6611 3442
Caganius Caganius 0 0 0
Cagar Cagar 0 0 0
Cagatay Ata Cagatay Ata 0 13 13
Cage The Glorious Lord Cage 0 11716 12942
cage The Fair cage 0 876 1026
Cage Cage 0 2 1208
cage cage 0 227 204
Cage Creed Cage Creed 0 0 0
Cage Fighter Cage Fighter 0 -8 4
Caged Hedgehog Caged Hedgehog 0 0 3
Caglarcskn Caglarcskn 0 0 0
Caglarus Caglarus 0 -3 9

Online Players Last Updated: 03-11-2025 12:47 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-11-2025 12:38 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours