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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
C a n d a n g O C a n d a n g O 0 78 98
C Bass C Bass 0 1 7
C C Avenger The Wretched C C Avenger [ONE] 387 -15000 1516
C Columbus C Columbus 0 -68 0
C Erugok C Erugok 0 0 0
C H A R G E R C H A R G E R 0 0 0
C MuRDaH The Scoundrel C MuRDaH 0 -2962 1234
C O C O 0 0 0
C o n s t a n C o n s t a n 0 0 0
C R U N C H C R U N C H 0 100 15
c telefona c telefona 0 0 0
C Thulu C Thulu 0 0 0
C'eros C'eros 0 10 10
C'erot The Famed C'erot 0 5490 3111
C-BomB C-BomB 0 -8 3
C-BomB C-BomB 0 0 0
C-Healer C-Healer 0 0 4
C-Murder The Respectable C-Murder 0 1764 1661
C-Note The Great C-Note: Lover of the Valentines Massacre [ONE] 0 15000 4694
Ca de Bestiar The Fair Ca de Bestiar 0 1140 978
cA Justice Agent cA Justice Agent 0 50 0
Caaaaaaarrrl Caaaaaaarrrl 0 478 428
Caaaaarl Caaaaarl 0 0 0
Caabbee Caabbee 0 0 0
caad caad 0 0 0
Caal Shto Caal Shto 0 0 0
cAalwayswins The Scoundrel cAalwayswins 3 -2548 67
Caamel Caamel 0 0 0
caas caas 0 0 0
Cab Calloway The Vile Cab Calloway 0 -3179 2530
Caba Caba 0 0 4
CaballoGanador CaballoGanador 0 0 0
Caban Caban 0 -400 290
Cabbage Cabbage 0 555 675
Cabbar Cabbar 0 -4 0
CaBboRoMa CaBboRoMa 0 0 0
Cabe The Prominent Cabe [PaW] 0 -261 3232
Cabe The Rude Cabe 0 -850 1
Cabeca Cabeca 0 0 0
Cabecaa Cabecaa 0 0 0
Cabela Cabela 0 1 9
Cabelas Cabelas 0 0 0
Cabelas The Scoundrel Cabelas 0 -3019 188
Cabeludibuneca Cabeludibuneca 0 13 22
Caberg Stunt Caberg Stunt 0 0 0
Cabin Boy Cabin Boy 0 0 0
Cabin Boy Cabin Boy 0 0 0
Cabina Crucher Cabina Crucher 0 0 0
Cabirus Larethia Cabirus Larethia 0 1 10
Cable Cable 0 -52 0
Cable Cable 0 19 69
CableGuy CableGuy 0 1 1
Cabo Cabo 0 -368 0
Caboclo The Glorious Lord Caboclo, Grandmaster Rouser [0.o] 0 15000 12230
Caboose Caboose 0 0 13
Cabot Cabot 0 0 72
Cabot Cartier The Honorable Cabot Cartier 0 3416 2339
Cabra The Honorable Cabra 0 2933 2443
Cabriolet Cabriolet 0 0 0
Cabrito The Vile Cabrito 4 -3838 3412
Cabron James Cabron James 0 0 0
Cabrunco Cabrunco 0 0 0
Caca Caca 0 0 0
cacacacacaca cacacacacaca 0 0 0
Cacadora The Glorious Lady Cacadora, Grandmaster Ranger 0 15000 13199
Cacator Cacator 0 0 0
Cacator Cacator 0 0 0
Cacci Cacci 0 67 69
Cacci Cacci 0 0 0
Cacci Cacci 0 0 0
Cacctus Cacctus 0 14 17
Cachalote Cachalote 0 0 0
Cacho Cacho 0 -4 261
Cachumba Cachumba 0 0 0
Caciotta Caciotta 0 354 230
Cack Cack 0 0 0
Cack The Scoundrel Cack 3 -2833 118
Cackling Fool Cackling Fool 0 31 35
Cacofonix The Trustworthy Cacofonix [AO] 0 14366 4
Cacofonix Cacofonix 0 0 0
Cacorino Cacorino 0 0 0
Cacorniak Cacorniak 0 0 0
Cactus The Notable Cactus [TT] 0 -7 2016
Cactus Cactus 0 0 0
Cactus Cactus 0 0 0
Cactus Cactus 0 0 0
Cactus Cocktail Cactus Cocktail 0 0 0
Cactus Jack The Glorious Cactus Jack, Grandmaster Pacifier 0 15000 6785
Cactus Jack Cactus Jack 0 0 2
Cacuo Cacuo 0 0 0
Cad Bane The Rude Cad Bane [] 0 -1246 831
Cadabrass The Villainous Cadabrass, Grandmaster Biologist 2 -2970 5429
Cadabur Cadabur 0 0 0
Cadal McMordain Cadal McMordain 0 21 92
cadaliena cadaliena 0 0 0
Cadarn Cadarn 0 19 22
Cadaverine The Proper Cadaverine 0 2394 2551
cadaverous cadaverous 0 0 0
Cadavers Cadavers 0 0 0
Cadavers Cadavers 0 0 4

Online Players Last Updated: 03-10-2025 9:00 PM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-10-2025 8:37 PM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours