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Name Title Faction Guild Kills Karma Fame
a horse The Unsavory a horse 1 -1814 0
a horse The Scoundrel a horse 2 -2608 0
a horse a horse 0 149 0
a horse a horse 0 -400 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse The Great a horse 0 15000 3773
a horse a horse 0 -400 10
a horse The Glorious a horse 0 10962 8933
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 4 14
a horse a horse 0 -28 0
a horse The Scoundrel a horse 4 -3139 60
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse The Prominent a horse 0 -400 3086
a horse The Rude a horse 0 -1246 9
a horse a horse 0 -400 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse The Good a horse 0 3195 972
a horse a horse 0 -20 0
a horse a horse 0 0 0
a horse corpse The Notable a horse corpse 0 -400 2297
a hotpocket The Scoundrel a hotpocket 0 -2832 919
a hottie a hottie 0 0 0
a house cat a house cat 0 -4 0
a housekeeper a housekeeper 0 0 0
a houseman a houseman 0 0 0
a housewife a housewife SL 0 0 0
a housewife a housewife 0 0 0
A Human A Human 0 -36 9
a hungry hippo a hungry hippo 0 0 0
A Hungry Hippo- A Hungry Hippo- 0 0 0
a Hunter a Hunter 0 0 0
A J A X A J A X 0 0 0
a jabberwock a jabberwock 0 -400 0
a jabberwocky a jabberwocky 0 -400 0
a jaberwock a jaberwock 0 -400 20
a jealous jerk The Unsavory a jealous jerk 1 -2084 12
a jedi consular The Scoundrel a jedi consular 0 -3538 825
a jellyfish a jellyfish 0 0 0
a jellyfish The Rude a jellyfish 0 -894 93
a jew a jew 0 0 0
a jhelom native a jhelom native 0 -400 0
a jolly fat guy a jolly fat guy 0 0 0
a joo a joo 0 0 0
a jovial fellow a jovial fellow 0 0 0
a jubilant elf a jubilant elf 0 0 0
a juggernaut a juggernaut 0 0 0
a jwilson The Scoundrel a jwilson 0 -3018 14
A K I R A A K I R A 0 -6 6
a kabukiman nypd a kabukiman nypd 0 100 0
a keebler elf a keebler elf 0 0 0
a keebler elf a keebler elf 0 0 0
a keebler elf a keebler elf 0 -400 0
a khaleesi a khaleesi 0 0 4
a kickapoo scout a kickapoo scout 0 0 0
a kickapoo scout a kickapoo scout 0 0 0
a kill a kill 0 573 598
a kill a kill 0 -118 0
a killer monkey The Scoundrel a killer monkey 1 -3602 286
a killer monkey The Dastardly a killer monkey 14 -5347 1835
a killer monkey The Malicious a killer monkey 0 -2772 1433
a kingfisher The Kind a kingfisher 0 2068 256
a kinoko hunter a kinoko hunter 0 0 0
a kinoko knight The Illustrious a kinoko knight, Grandmaster Biologist 0 7179 6919
a kinoko smithy a kinoko smithy 0 0 0
a kinoko tamer a kinoko tamer 0 -466 1104
a kinoko tamer a kinoko tamer 0 0 0
a kinoko wizard a kinoko wizard 0 0 0
A Kirby Salesman A Kirby Salesman 0 0 0
a kite a kite 0 0 0
a kraken a kraken 0 0 0
A Ku Ma Ba A Ku Ma Ba 0 0 0
a lamp The Nefarious a lamp 146 -11673 3941
a land shark The Rude a land shark 0 -1246 0
a lapwing a lapwing 0 0 0
a larg e bbw a larg e bbw 0 -4 0
a large trout a large trout 0 0 0
a lark a lark 0 0 0
a lark a lark 0 0 0
a latex salesman The Despicable a latex salesman 13 -6014 930
a lawabiding gal a lawabiding gal 0 -400 0
a lazy panda a lazy panda 0 0 0
a legend a legend 0 0 0
A Lemming A Lemming 0 0 0
a lepper con a lepper con 0 -209 360
a leprechaun a leprechaun 0 0 0
a leprechaun a leprechaun 0 0 0
a leprechaun The Notable a leprechaun 0 -24 1554
a leprechaun The Rude a leprechaun 1 -850 62
a leprechaun The Unsavory a leprechaun 0 -2040 198
a leprechaun The Glorious Lady a leprechaun, Grandmaster Infiltrator 0 15000 11826
a leprechaun a leprechaun 0 -312 103
a leprechaun a leprechaun 0 0 0
a Leprechaune a Leprechaune 0 -400 0
a leprechuan a leprechuan 0 -400 246

Online Players Last Updated: 03-18-2025 10:10 AM (EST) | Updates Every 5 Minutes
Players Database Last Updated: 03-18-2025 8:41 AM (EST) | Updates Every 2 Hours