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Ultima Online Killers Lora's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 3/10/2025 8:37:20 AM (CST, GMT -6)
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Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled Bo controled by Charles Woodson Lora 5/24/2017 6:57:27 PM Britannia
Controlled Fido controled by Who is John Doe Lora 11/28/2017 8:09:21 PM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Franz Pfniffel Lora 2/20/2017 6:45:36 AM Britannia
Controlled HelloDarkness controled by AllKill Lora 10/19/2017 7:25:56 PM Britannia
Controlled Delta controled by Lacan Lora 2/18/2017 3:35:37 PM Britannia
Controlled Shadowfax controled by Alyx Silverkin Lora 4/17/2020 4:36:29 PM Britannia
Controlled Pill controled by Deathboy Lora 6/18/2017 7:15:55 PM Britannia
Controlled Boobies controled by Lacan Lora 2/18/2017 3:39:48 PM Britannia
Controlled Blue controled by Jeffrey Kyle Lora 8/12/2017 8:07:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled Alena controled by Peach Lora 11/20/2017 5:24:23 PM Britannia
Controlled Tonto controled by Mole Lora 10/24/2017 3:45:22 PM Dungeon
Controlled Doki controled by Aziel Black Lora 4/28/2020 4:06:12 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Red controled by ScubaSean Lora 10/1/2018 7:41:35 PM Dungeon
Controlled Fluffy vi controled by Croc Hunter Lora 3/10/2019 1:47:38 PM Dungeon
Controlled WormTail controled by Alyx Silverkin Lora 12/27/2019 6:51:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled Jerry controled by Lacan Lora 1/21/2018 10:58:06 PM Britannia
Controlled Eul controled by Krobelus Lora 7/24/2019 9:08:15 PM Dungeon
Controlled Jerry controled by Lacan Lora 1/21/2018 11:01:26 PM Britannia
Controlled Burner controled by Clam Lora 2/12/2018 10:59:32 PM Dungeon
Controlled POWER controled by Your Crazy Ex Lora 12/20/2017 1:36:25 AM Dungeon
Controlled Red controled by ScubaSean Lora 10/1/2018 8:03:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Thunder controled by of Water Lora 3/8/2019 7:55:03 PM Dungeon
Controlled Fluffy vi controled by Lacan Lora 8/6/2018 11:33:55 PM Britannia
Controlled Nataku controled by Nemesis Prime Lora 4/25/2017 10:40:09 PM Britannia
Controlled Cletus controled by Martin Skreli Lora 8/2/2018 6:26:02 PM Dungeon
Controlled This controled by Pillionaire Lora 4/13/2017 4:01:15 PM Britannia
Controlled Alice controled by Sam Elliot Lora 1/21/2018 1:45:07 AM Dungeon
Controlled Bacchus controled by Balian Lora 4/22/2020 9:01:14 PM Britannia
Controlled Alice controled by Sam Elliot Lora 1/21/2018 1:47:03 AM Dungeon
Controlled Holy controled by Holybjoly Lora 2/11/2017 6:58:18 PM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by DrasticFantastic Lora 6/28/2017 12:59:23 PM Britannia
Controlled x controled by Raven Lora 12/20/2017 2:03:19 AM Dungeon
Controlled hydrocodone controled by Nasty Man Lora 1/10/2020 9:36:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Grudge Lora 1/3/2017 1:18:47 AM Dungeon
Controlled Mack controled by Mole Lora 11/21/2017 11:05:32 AM Dungeon
Controlled Terry controled by Lacan Lora 2/11/2018 4:24:08 PM Dungeon
Controlled Bo controled by Charles Woodson Lora 8/8/2018 3:32:56 PM Dungeon
Controlled AdventureTame controled by Aine Lora 3/26/2017 11:52:41 AM Britannia
Controlled Duman controled by ExMachina Lora 11/23/2019 7:41:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Raven Lora 8/19/2017 2:58:34 AM Britannia
Controlled Barry controled by Lacan Lora 7/3/2017 8:16:31 PM Britannia
Controlled WormWood controled by Alyx Silverkin Lora 9/25/2019 10:00:04 PM Dungeon
Controlled Barry controled by Lacan Lora 7/3/2017 8:17:12 PM Britannia
Controlled dragsix controled by I Am Lora 6/21/2019 2:21:33 PM Britannia
Controlled Terry controled by Lacan Lora 7/3/2017 8:19:32 PM Britannia
Controlled Imbrium controled by Koti Lora 11/5/2017 11:41:49 PM Dungeon
Controlled Shaft controled by Iva Biggen Lora 1/16/2019 9:37:40 PM Britannia
Controlled WWI controled by Mr Brownstone Lora 10/19/2017 9:35:53 PM Britannia
Controlled Castle controled by Source Lora 1/15/2018 8:53:15 PM Dungeon
Controlled Entropy controled by Enthalpy Lora 9/14/2017 4:41:20 PM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Pockets Lora 6/27/2018 6:59:08 AM Britannia
Controlled Alberta controled by Oyster Lora 11/21/2017 11:38:31 AM Dungeon
Controlled DragonAC controled by Alexender Lora 1/13/2018 4:15:27 PM Britannia
Controlled Enjoyajoan controled by Rambo Lora 9/4/2017 7:30:14 PM Britannia
Controlled DragonAC controled by Alexender Lora 1/13/2018 4:16:16 PM Britannia
Controlled One controled by Fett Lora 5/5/2018 10:08:06 PM Dungeon
Controlled Masters controled by Iva Biggen Lora 11/1/2017 7:10:26 PM Britannia
Controlled Alpha controled by Lacan Lora 2/6/2017 10:55:50 PM Dungeon
Controlled a white wyrm controled by AkirA Lora 10/9/2017 10:37:02 PM Dungeon
Controlled Macho controled by Xingu Lora 1/5/2020 10:33:41 PM Dungeon
Controlled LexingtonSteele controled by Asa Akira Lora 1/23/2018 9:58:52 PM Dungeon
Controlled a white wyrm controled by AkirA Lora 10/9/2017 10:37:26 PM Dungeon
Controlled a white wyrm controled by AkirA Lora 10/9/2017 10:37:56 PM Dungeon
Controlled Cantaloupe controled by Live for Christ Lora 5/13/2020 3:40:20 PM Lost Lands
Controlled getrekt controled by AllKill Lora 12/10/2017 12:52:55 AM Britannia
Controlled Barry controled by Lacan Lora 4/17/2017 7:50:52 PM Britannia
Controlled an albino wyrm controled by Short Story Lora 11/18/2017 12:16:30 PM Dungeon
Controlled Phoenix controled by Jayden Lutz Lora 8/18/2017 4:13:53 PM Dungeon
Controlled Su controled by Skeletipus Lora 8/4/2017 7:53:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Skipper controled by Karrelane Lora 8/14/2019 10:04:56 PM Dungeon
Controlled Jerry controled by Lacan Lora 11/23/2019 12:10:13 AM Britannia
Controlled Skipper controled by Karrelane Lora 8/14/2019 10:05:49 PM Dungeon
Controlled Eoshporus controled by Eos Lora 9/7/2017 11:39:46 PM Dungeon
Controlled Test controled by Lacan Lora 7/15/2017 8:08:37 PM Britannia
Controlled Zack controled by Mahaut Folly Lora 8/27/2017 10:49:52 AM Dungeon
Controlled Kylo controled by Eskeleto Lora 2/27/2018 2:20:16 PM Dungeon
Controlled Fluffy vi controled by Lacan Lora 6/24/2019 10:15:11 PM Britannia
Controlled Freedom controled by Miss America Lora 5/8/2018 7:55:39 PM Britannia
Controlled Jumbo controled by Jumbo Shrimp Lora 4/12/2017 11:46:52 PM Britannia
Controlled Joaning controled by Rambo Lora 10/27/2017 10:09:37 PM Britannia
Controlled SNAILS controled by Atiki Lora 7/20/2017 6:57:37 PM Dungeon
Controlled hydrocodone controled by Nasty Man Lora 3/11/2018 2:23:36 AM Britannia
Controlled Ignium controled by Elinor Svint Lora 3/3/2019 8:21:04 PM Dungeon
Controlled WarAdmiral controled by Animal Doc Lora 8/18/2019 12:30:48 PM Dungeon
Controlled Tilly controled by Howard Stern Lora 1/10/2018 5:44:31 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hott controled by Ragnar LothBrok Lora 10/19/2019 2:58:00 PM Britannia
Controlled a white wyrm controled by BlindCide Lora 3/9/2020 7:15:38 PM Britannia
Controlled Jerry controled by Lacan Lora 3/11/2018 2:32:31 AM Britannia
Controlled Boobies controled by Lacan Lora 3/11/2018 2:34:47 AM Britannia
Controlled Hott controled by Ragnar LothBrok Lora 10/19/2019 3:11:06 PM Britannia
Controlled Barry controled by Lacan Lora 3/11/2018 2:35:19 AM Britannia
Controlled Mack controled by Mole Lora 9/3/2017 6:17:47 PM Britannia
Controlled Terry controled by Lacan Lora 3/11/2018 2:35:48 AM Britannia
Controlled OMG controled by Dirty Krampussss Lora 12/18/2019 10:03:38 PM Britannia
Controlled Falcor controled by Animal Doc Lora 8/18/2019 1:26:22 PM Dungeon
Controlled StylinOnYA controled by Triggered Lora 3/27/2017 8:53:22 PM Britannia
Controlled Pen controled by Shido Lora 1/17/2017 1:25:56 AM Dungeon
Controlled ALPHA controled by Bubbius Lora 10/31/2017 8:08:37 PM Dungeon
Controlled Virgin controled by Your Crazy Ex Lora 10/16/2019 9:48:43 PM Dungeon
Controlled Barry controled by Lacan Lora 1/23/2018 11:02:26 PM Britannia

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