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Ultima Online Killers Crios's Kill Log

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Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 2/23/2025 2:29:58 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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Type Description Victim When Location
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Crios Balian 3/30/2018 4:53:26 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Crios Elvis 3/29/2018 4:58:13 PM Britannia
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Susan Redrum 5/17/2019 11:45:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Nikki 5/17/2019 11:46:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Beauregard 5/17/2019 11:49:01 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Alvien 1/28/2020 9:42:18 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Saigon 1/27/2020 10:12:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game The Killer Bee 1/28/2020 9:44:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Alvien 1/28/2020 9:45:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game BoNe CrUsHeR 3/14/2018 11:20:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Citronelle 3/14/2018 11:21:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game BoNe CrUsHeR 3/14/2018 11:27:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Citronelle 3/14/2018 11:32:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Marcus 2/4/2020 9:14:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Blacklow 5/17/2019 10:12:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Mourning Would 3/21/2018 10:56:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Marcus 2/4/2020 9:22:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Mourning Would 3/21/2018 10:58:25 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Balir 3/21/2018 10:58:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Balir 3/21/2018 11:01:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Vol'jin 2/5/2020 9:11:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game BoNe CrUsHeR 1/29/2020 9:35:25 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Xutjja 1/29/2020 9:37:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Unknown 2/5/2020 9:13:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Vol'jin 2/5/2020 9:14:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Marcus 2/5/2020 9:14:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Rockers 5/17/2019 10:19:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Vol'jin 2/5/2020 9:17:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Marcus 2/5/2020 9:19:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Johelfir 2/5/2020 9:20:25 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Ma'at 1/30/2020 9:58:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Iron Maiden 3/21/2018 11:08:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Bumboozle 3/21/2018 11:09:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Bloodseeker 1/30/2020 9:59:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game lincecum 1/30/2020 10:02:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Beauregard 5/17/2019 11:42:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Crios, during a capture the flag game Adele Stackhouse 5/17/2019 11:42:50 PM CTF Match
Duel Crios, during a duel Invoker 3/19/2018 1:00:12 PM Britannia
Duel Crios, during a duel Fartinator 1/2/2019 12:27:24 AM Britannia
Duel Crios, during a duel fefe 2/5/2020 8:30:56 PM Britannia
Duel Crios, during a duel Wizard of OoOoOz 3/27/2018 1:24:16 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Covfefe 10/16/2018 9:02:16 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Xynn 3/24/2020 3:34:21 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Thoth of Atlanti 1/31/2020 11:14:02 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Jorel 1/31/2020 11:14:44 PM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Lacan 2/22/2018 8:53:20 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Erza Scarlet 9/28/2018 9:49:59 PM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Lora 3/8/2018 6:17:33 PM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Lora 3/8/2018 6:35:14 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Dredd 12/27/2018 1:00:05 AM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Lora 3/8/2018 6:52:42 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Ragmar Lothbrok 3/4/2019 3:31:41 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Goodfella 3/26/2018 4:23:31 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Zoom 7/8/2018 2:10:22 AM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Meltichor 3/11/2019 1:25:26 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house InnocentCrafter 1/2/2019 11:27:17 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Viktor Hertzfeld 3/12/2020 10:39:34 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Lacan 3/17/2018 11:50:39 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Delstrudo 2/4/2020 10:36:14 PM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Loki 11/29/2017 10:09:12 AM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Arcanias 2/4/2020 11:01:27 PM Britannia
House Ealing, while in a house Lora 2/22/2018 11:27:47 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Balian 3/24/2018 5:34:35 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Vincent Vega 2/4/2020 11:24:29 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Lacan 1/19/2019 11:15:15 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Arcanias 2/4/2020 11:30:28 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Lacan 1/19/2019 11:17:23 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Arcanias 2/4/2020 11:33:39 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Lacan 1/19/2019 11:17:39 PM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Elvis 1/11/2019 12:01:23 AM Britannia
House Crios, while in a house Lacan 1/19/2019 11:59:44 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:09:05 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:09:39 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Malevolence 3/26/2020 4:46:45 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Furiona 1/4/2019 11:41:48 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Me 3/26/2020 10:04:15 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arcanias 3/14/2019 9:23:14 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Kurt 3/26/2020 10:08:58 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios FLooK 11/26/2018 4:28:41 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Drago 11/26/2018 4:29:04 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Unknown 11/26/2018 4:32:11 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Gwenno 4/19/2019 10:42:48 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios RaVaGe 4/19/2019 10:42:58 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Gwenno 4/19/2019 10:43:34 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Gwenno 4/19/2019 10:44:26 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Flint 4/19/2019 10:44:33 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Pablo Sanchez 2/1/2020 12:17:12 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Me 2/1/2020 12:17:56 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Jorel 2/1/2020 12:18:06 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Fett 4/19/2019 10:47:30 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Rollo 4/19/2019 11:29:43 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Kurt 4/5/2019 9:12:06 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Rollo 4/19/2019 11:30:42 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios An Orc Wayfarer 4/3/2019 8:30:08 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Mugen Yatsuha 1/14/2019 6:31:01 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragnar Lothbrak 4/5/2019 9:24:28 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Amber Shadow 1/14/2019 6:41:52 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Taylor Momsen 4/5/2019 9:26:05 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ivar the Boneless 4/19/2019 11:36:35 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Cesar Millan 11/26/2018 10:17:07 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Joe 3/4/2019 2:52:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Iva Biggen 4/19/2019 11:47:03 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Gone Fishin 3/4/2019 2:59:13 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Shroominpets 4/19/2019 11:47:41 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Amelia 3/4/2019 3:00:48 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Rockers 11/23/2018 12:18:16 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ethan 4/19/2019 11:51:53 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Macha 11/23/2018 12:20:02 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragmar Lothbrok 3/4/2019 3:09:50 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Elinor Svint 3/2/2019 2:00:55 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragmar Lothbrok 3/4/2019 3:15:11 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Joe 3/4/2019 3:15:49 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Eddie von Paige 3/2/2019 2:16:51 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Old Man River 3/2/2019 2:20:16 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Deathboy 3/26/2020 7:30:41 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragmar Lothbrok 3/4/2019 3:36:58 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragmar Lothbrok 3/4/2019 3:41:35 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Wilson 12/17/2018 3:39:49 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Ealing Golbez 12/3/2017 8:57:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing Belhians 12/3/2017 8:59:14 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Monteith 12/17/2018 3:47:00 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Smok 12/17/2018 3:47:29 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Gunther 3/3/2019 9:36:30 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Crios Brecca 3/26/2019 9:54:57 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Unknown 4/19/2019 1:18:32 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Jim Harbaugh 5/22/2019 7:55:15 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Brecca 3/26/2019 9:55:29 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Ealing MaryJane 12/3/2017 9:10:46 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Ealing Cutty Flam 12/31/2017 1:43:09 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios The Seer 3/26/2019 10:12:34 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Brienne of Tarth 12/17/2018 3:58:33 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Apathy 3/26/2019 10:27:33 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing the Blue Waffle 12/3/2017 9:22:05 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing the Blue Waffle 12/3/2017 9:34:54 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing Brother Jacob 12/3/2017 9:50:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Bororo 12/5/2018 8:58:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios McConaughey 12/17/2018 4:32:50 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Amunam Sibob 12/17/2018 4:33:34 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios MR T 12/17/2018 4:40:01 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing Gadianton 12/3/2017 9:59:43 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arrow 12/4/2018 9:21:48 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Bell of the Dell 3/26/2019 11:22:14 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arrow 12/4/2018 9:23:15 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Matilda deMonica 3/26/2019 11:32:51 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Arrow 12/4/2018 9:23:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Stanley Oakwolf 12/4/2018 9:26:45 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Riddler 11/16/2018 12:24:27 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Crios Riddler 11/16/2018 12:26:11 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Crios Stanley Oakwolf 12/4/2018 9:28:37 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios FattyMikes 1/3/2019 8:22:53 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios NightStalker 12/4/2018 9:30:56 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Crios Source 12/17/2018 5:13:19 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Auza 12/17/2018 5:24:19 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios MrMage 4/18/2019 11:58:44 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Gone Fishin 3/18/2019 5:06:47 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Gone Fishin 3/18/2019 5:07:17 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ealing Thoth of Atlanti 12/12/2017 2:40:22 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Parachute Adams 3/26/2020 9:50:37 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Lacan 4/5/2019 9:08:21 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Lacan 4/5/2019 9:10:45 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Lacan 4/5/2019 9:16:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 1:58:56 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Crios Mondrakus 11/27/2018 11:07:18 AM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:03:47 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:04:01 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Ragnar Lothbrak 4/20/2019 2:04:17 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:04:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arcanias 2/8/2020 12:49:43 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios SaltMiner 2/8/2020 12:51:08 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arabella 4/20/2019 2:06:07 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arcanias 2/8/2020 12:52:56 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Arcanias 2/8/2020 12:54:38 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios SaltMiner 2/8/2020 12:59:19 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Crios Mosconi 3/26/2020 4:44:23 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Crios 12/30/2017 9:56:22 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself Crios 10/1/2018 8:47:01 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself Crios 3/15/2018 11:28:08 AM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself Crios 1/20/2019 12:01:41 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Steve Jobs 10/15/2018 1:44:44 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Trigger 3/25/2020 4:28:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios a scorpion 3/22/2018 12:22:20 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Chik-Fil-A 4/6/2018 11:37:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Injuryon 1/28/2020 8:08:35 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Fenris 3/14/2019 8:30:10 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Platinum 3/25/2020 4:30:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ealing efil remat 12/26/2017 9:32:37 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Jesus 10/28/2018 10:46:33 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Trigger 3/25/2020 4:32:21 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ealing Jack Sprat 12/26/2017 9:32:45 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Arcanias 1/30/2020 10:43:57 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Doctor Chad 1/31/2020 9:08:51 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Trigger 3/25/2020 4:34:39 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Kektrocity 1/31/2020 9:10:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Entropy 10/12/2018 12:48:08 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Platinum 3/25/2020 4:42:10 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Trigger 3/25/2020 4:44:09 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Balian 8/6/2018 2:44:20 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Animum Noctis 1/30/2020 10:50:37 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Kektrocity 1/31/2020 9:11:28 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios a nightmare 7/8/2018 10:23:01 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Ma'at 5/19/2019 8:03:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Felix Jaegar 1/4/2019 11:32:57 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Trigger 3/25/2020 4:48:05 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Ma'at 5/19/2019 8:05:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Felix Jaegar 1/4/2019 11:34:01 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Arcanias 1/30/2020 10:54:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Denalee 6/21/2018 10:26:26 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Steve Jobs 7/31/2018 1:17:00 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios a nightmare 7/8/2018 10:28:17 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Ma'at 5/19/2019 8:21:24 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Steve Jobs 7/31/2018 1:18:32 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Domare 1/18/2019 9:03:36 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Django 6/25/2018 12:17:54 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Peter Tosh 7/8/2018 10:30:55 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios a scout 4/18/2019 5:50:29 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Vincent Vega 6/23/2018 7:38:32 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Shaquille O'Neal 3/17/2018 5:05:45 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Quinn 3/14/2019 12:18:36 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Champette 3/14/2019 9:01:42 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Steelhed 3/13/2020 11:52:07 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Brienne of Tarth 4/4/2018 9:51:06 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios bindo 3/14/2019 12:23:34 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Unknown 3/24/2020 3:32:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Joe 4/15/2019 12:31:37 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Elinor Svint 7/8/2018 10:49:34 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Crios InSaNe MooR 3/24/2018 1:26:10 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ealing Breaking The Law 12/9/2017 10:00:38 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Ragnar LothBrok 8/2/2018 6:03:30 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Dredd 3/11/2019 12:11:35 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Ma'at 5/19/2019 8:41:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Rollo 8/2/2018 6:04:06 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Ghostie 7/8/2018 11:02:18 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Bloodseeker 1/30/2020 11:53:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Fox 4/4/2018 10:14:54 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Ragnar LothBrok 3/25/2020 5:06:39 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios FattyMikes 1/3/2019 11:33:57 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios FattyMike 1/3/2019 11:36:26 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Solais 1/14/2019 4:31:25 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Ragnar LothBrok 3/25/2020 5:06:49 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Jim Harbaugh 5/21/2019 2:23:56 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ealing Ezloots 3/7/2018 4:03:55 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Princess Peach 5/21/2019 2:24:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Amber Shadow 1/14/2019 4:40:56 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Parachute Adams 1/31/2020 11:04:15 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Ealing scubernaut 2/22/2018 12:15:25 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crios Lacan 3/11/2019 12:29:46 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Lacan 3/11/2019 12:33:24 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Peter Tosh 7/8/2018 11:31:48 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ealing Psudaelus 12/11/2017 10:33:50 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Crios Phydra 1/14/2019 4:52:38 PM Dungeon

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