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Ultima Online Killers Terror Miss Sue's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 2/23/2025 12:29:57 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled Mo controled by Charles Woodson Terror Miss Sue 4/1/2020 1:34:17 PM Britannia
Controlled WormWood controled by Alyx Silverkin Terror Miss Sue 12/27/2019 6:37:16 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hailey controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 4/15/2019 8:50:01 PM Dungeon
Controlled Saxet controled by Kurt Terror Miss Sue 4/20/2019 2:16:14 PM Britannia
Controlled Cuillin controled by Aonach Terror Miss Sue 7/1/2020 2:15:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled DDB controled by Rollo Terror Miss Sue 6/23/2019 4:02:27 PM Britannia
Controlled JeffGoldblum controled by JurrasicParkGuy Terror Miss Sue 9/6/2019 9:28:16 PM Dungeon
Controlled Jerry controled by Lacan Terror Miss Sue 9/6/2019 9:58:51 PM Britannia
Controlled dragfive controled by I Am Terror Miss Sue 8/29/2019 11:25:38 AM Britannia
Controlled Terry controled by Lacan Terror Miss Sue 9/6/2019 10:18:38 PM Britannia
Controlled GreatBlue controled by DoowBee Terror Miss Sue 1/10/2021 11:31:28 AM Britannia
Controlled Uber controled by Kurora Terror Miss Sue 11/11/2020 3:33:39 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Reese controled by Lucy Terror Miss Sue 11/11/2020 3:45:32 PM Dungeon
Controlled Rosso controled by HoneyBooBoo Terror Miss Sue 7/17/2021 1:35:57 PM Dungeon
Controlled NotSkeletal controled by Deathboy Terror Miss Sue 11/5/2020 10:35:27 PM Dungeon
Controlled NotSkeletal controled by Deathboy Terror Miss Sue 11/5/2020 10:35:55 PM Dungeon
Controlled Loki controled by Dominic Terror Miss Sue 2/23/2020 4:55:36 PM Dungeon
Controlled SMOKE controled by AkirA Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 1:42:04 PM Britannia
Controlled Hell controled by Dominic Terror Miss Sue 1/31/2021 10:15:13 AM Dungeon
Controlled Hell controled by Dominic Terror Miss Sue 1/31/2021 10:16:11 AM Dungeon
Controlled Hexe controled by d'Artagnan Terror Miss Sue 3/5/2019 6:34:36 PM Dungeon
Controlled dragthree controled by Over Terror Miss Sue 7/20/2019 7:59:33 AM Britannia
Controlled dragfour controled by Over Terror Miss Sue 7/20/2019 8:02:18 AM Britannia
Controlled Shooter controled by Billy Hargrove Terror Miss Sue 7/20/2020 9:21:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled Eul controled by Krobelus Terror Miss Sue 7/10/2019 7:55:38 PM Dungeon
Controlled dragfour controled by Over Terror Miss Sue 7/20/2019 8:02:56 AM Britannia
Controlled Goodpure controled by Goat Whisperer Terror Miss Sue 2/23/2020 6:56:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled Astrid controled by Johannes Terror Miss Sue 10/26/2020 5:18:15 PM Britannia
Controlled Tamino controled by Konigin Dernacht Terror Miss Sue 6/23/2019 4:32:08 PM Britannia
Controlled Tamino controled by Konigin Dernacht Terror Miss Sue 6/23/2019 4:32:58 PM Britannia
Controlled Trump controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 1/25/2020 7:17:23 AM Lost Lands
Controlled ILikeMen controled by Orion Pax Terror Miss Sue 8/1/2019 9:05:13 PM Dungeon
Controlled OldBrown controled by Coressa Terror Miss Sue 11/16/2020 1:39:55 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Plat controled by Siva Terror Miss Sue 9/12/2021 1:02:18 PM Britannia
Controlled Springchicken controled by Triplebeam Terror Miss Sue 9/1/2019 12:54:10 PM Dungeon
Controlled Baiters controled by Iva Biggen Terror Miss Sue 6/23/2019 4:42:50 PM Britannia
Controlled AlfaA controled by Pirlo Terror Miss Sue 8/27/2021 2:11:10 PM Dungeon
Controlled Matazz controled by Darkwave Malice Terror Miss Sue 7/12/2020 10:38:57 AM Lost Lands
Controlled Jim controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 8/14/2019 10:15:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled Blush controled by Freya Terror Miss Sue 8/24/2021 12:39:06 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Pollux controled by Ching Shih Terror Miss Sue 1/25/2020 9:21:12 AM Dungeon
Controlled One controled by Fett Terror Miss Sue 7/2/2020 4:17:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled Ephrium controled by Elinor Svint Terror Miss Sue 11/24/2019 6:39:53 PM Dungeon
Controlled Pocket controled by Sullivan Terror Miss Sue 8/12/2020 3:41:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hailey controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 8/3/2019 8:33:38 PM Britannia
Controlled DumbandSLow controled by DoowBee Terror Miss Sue 6/15/2019 10:22:02 PM Lost Lands
Controlled BrownAnt controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 11/29/2019 11:49:13 AM Britannia
Controlled Bo controled by Charles Woodson Terror Miss Sue 2/8/2020 8:03:01 AM Britannia
Controlled Dejavu controled by Shamz Terror Miss Sue 11/25/2020 10:55:55 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Fury controled by Cimara Terror Miss Sue 6/27/2020 6:49:04 PM Dungeon
Controlled MareOne controled by Feiro Terror Miss Sue 1/30/2021 6:31:23 PM Britannia
Controlled Goodpure controled by Goat Whisperer Terror Miss Sue 2/28/2020 9:42:06 PM Dungeon
Controlled Bazil controled by Rap Terror Miss Sue 12/5/2019 7:52:23 PM Dungeon
Controlled Trump controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 2/28/2020 9:53:38 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hailey controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 7/9/2019 7:17:12 PM Dungeon
Controlled Grapes controled by Live for Christ Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2021 1:56:22 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hailey controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 7/9/2019 7:17:30 PM Dungeon
Controlled Sange controled by Strygwyr Terror Miss Sue 3/15/2019 9:47:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled Whitey controled by Leopold Terror Miss Sue 8/25/2019 7:19:16 PM Dungeon
Controlled Awesome controled by The Seer Terror Miss Sue 12/15/2019 3:43:58 PM Britannia
Controlled Valhalla controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 8/29/2019 9:03:05 PM Dungeon
Controlled Lawler controled by Bytch Fayse Terror Miss Sue 6/28/2020 9:39:09 AM Britannia
Controlled LiamNeesons controled by Kektrocity Terror Miss Sue 4/26/2020 4:15:59 PM Dungeon
Controlled Butter controled by Rydia Terror Miss Sue 7/26/2020 4:46:35 PM Dungeon
Controlled Drogon controled by Dreconis Terror Miss Sue 9/1/2019 6:59:26 PM Dungeon
Controlled Trump controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 2/11/2020 6:42:17 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hot controled by Sullivan Terror Miss Sue 7/2/2020 8:09:30 PM Dungeon
Controlled Doug controled by Danger Terror Miss Sue 8/31/2019 9:22:20 PM Dungeon
Controlled Eul controled by Krobelus Terror Miss Sue 6/30/2019 3:10:24 PM Dungeon
Controlled Theta controled by Osiris Terror Miss Sue 2/28/2020 11:11:01 PM Dungeon
Controlled greyone controled by Siva Terror Miss Sue 7/12/2021 7:58:05 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Kung controled by Wood Terror Miss Sue 2/28/2020 11:23:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled aa controled by Ukrot Terror Miss Sue 7/14/2019 3:04:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled Grapes controled by Live for Christ Terror Miss Sue 10/15/2021 4:45:59 PM Britannia
Controlled Toki controled by Old Man River Terror Miss Sue 9/5/2020 11:01:45 AM Dungeon
Controlled Ros controled by Nicole Osicran Terror Miss Sue 1/29/2021 2:30:41 PM Dungeon
Controlled a dragon controled by Rollo Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 10:06:39 PM Britannia
Controlled a dragon controled by Princess Peach Terror Miss Sue 5/25/2019 2:31:53 PM Lost Lands
Controlled a controled by Lacan Terror Miss Sue 1/5/2019 10:04:43 PM Dungeon
Controlled Jango controled by Fenn Terror Miss Sue 6/30/2019 6:04:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled Ugly controled by heleneneea III Terror Miss Sue 6/29/2019 6:01:06 AM Britannia
Controlled ShortOne controled by Maniac Terror Miss Sue 12/28/2018 10:24:31 PM Britannia
Controlled one controled by Korben Terror Miss Sue 7/14/2019 4:52:43 PM Dungeon
Controlled Rapier controled by Rexxar Terror Miss Sue 2/29/2020 5:39:24 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Lox controled by Bjorn Ironside Terror Miss Sue 11/8/2020 5:37:54 PM Britannia
Controlled a white wyrm controled by Khamul Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 5:20:28 PM Britannia
Controlled Valhalla controled by Macha Terror Miss Sue 8/24/2019 11:10:23 AM Britannia
Controlled Lucifer controled by Dominic Terror Miss Sue 8/7/2020 10:21:41 AM Dungeon
Controlled Lucifer controled by Dominic Terror Miss Sue 8/7/2020 10:22:28 AM Dungeon
Controlled Valhala controled by The Seer Terror Miss Sue 4/14/2019 8:50:11 PM Dungeon
Controlled Shmurple controled by Ragnar LothBrok Terror Miss Sue 12/17/2022 1:06:00 PM Dungeon
Controlled zerO controled by Sugo Terror Miss Sue 5/24/2020 10:20:55 AM Dungeon
Controlled Hott controled by Ragnar LothBrok Terror Miss Sue 2/8/2020 7:38:42 PM Britannia
Controlled Dionysus controled by Osiris Terror Miss Sue 1/12/2021 12:44:38 PM Britannia
Controlled Hott controled by Ragnar LothBrok Terror Miss Sue 2/8/2020 7:39:17 PM Britannia
Controlled FIRE controled by AkirA Terror Miss Sue 9/19/2020 7:09:04 PM Dungeon
Controlled Grapes controled by Live for Christ Terror Miss Sue 9/10/2021 9:03:54 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Blush controled by Freya Terror Miss Sue 7/21/2021 12:29:03 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Puck controled by Nikita Kucherov Terror Miss Sue 1/1/2021 4:41:12 PM Dungeon
Controlled Dwight controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 4/17/2020 3:14:37 PM Dungeon
Controlled Cantaloupe controled by Live for Christ Terror Miss Sue 9/10/2021 9:10:11 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Odin controled by Ragnar LothBrok Terror Miss Sue 8/28/2021 12:03:55 PM Dungeon
Controlled Dwight controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 10/27/2019 4:43:53 PM Britannia
Controlled Ternom controled by Elinor Svint Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2019 4:23:07 PM Dungeon
Controlled Cantaloupe controled by Live for Christ Terror Miss Sue 6/30/2021 9:47:38 AM Lost Lands
Controlled Pibble controled by Katrin Terror Miss Sue 4/27/2021 11:41:32 AM Dungeon
Controlled FuQ controled by FattyMyke Terror Miss Sue 3/14/2019 7:28:37 PM Britannia
Controlled Mephisto controled by Wisers Terror Miss Sue 1/28/2020 6:30:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Shaft controled by Iva Biggen Terror Miss Sue 10/27/2019 5:08:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Dwight controled by Bengay Terror Miss Sue 8/24/2019 4:48:27 PM Dungeon
Controlled Goldie controled by Bjorn Ironside Terror Miss Sue 10/20/2020 7:54:22 PM Britannia
Controlled dragthree controled by Over Terror Miss Sue 4/13/2019 5:20:02 PM Britannia
Controlled dragthree controled by Over Terror Miss Sue 4/13/2019 5:20:59 PM Britannia
CTF Xibalba, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/20/2021 9:07:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Giacomo, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/26/2019 9:24:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Dazzle, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/21/2019 9:23:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Dacek, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/5/2019 7:56:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Gna'rekk, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/30/2019 10:05:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 9:08:22 PM CTF Match
CTF The Doctor, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/21/2019 9:25:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/30/2019 10:06:53 PM CTF Match
CTF grandpa, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/20/2021 9:10:50 PM CTF Match
CTF El Diablo, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/26/2019 9:29:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Sage, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/30/2019 10:08:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Lestat, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/21/2019 9:31:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Shamix, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/15/2020 8:33:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Sativa Green, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/21/2020 7:58:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Shamix, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/15/2020 8:35:52 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/15/2020 8:36:30 PM CTF Match
CTF XxxMessengerxxX, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2019 9:37:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Stefan, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 9:34:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Animum Noctis, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/14/2020 9:15:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Hamdo, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/13/2020 8:12:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Shamix, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/15/2020 8:41:02 PM CTF Match
CTF Hamdo, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/15/2020 8:43:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Katia, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/4/2020 9:43:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Crenshaw, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2019 9:42:45 PM CTF Match
CTF Glowmoon, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/14/2020 9:24:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Katia, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 9:17:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 9:18:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Napoleon, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/30/2019 10:14:08 PM CTF Match
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/14/2020 9:26:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Bowman, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/25/2020 9:10:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Blacklow, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/10/2020 8:56:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2020 3:08:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/23/2020 9:24:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 9:22:05 PM CTF Match
CTF ChAcHa, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/3/2019 8:37:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Golden Goat, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/25/2020 9:14:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Elodin, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/25/2020 9:15:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Adan Lys, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2020 3:12:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/23/2020 9:30:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Betsy Grey, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/10/2020 9:00:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Katia, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/19/2020 8:29:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Nilmer Whack, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/28/2019 8:19:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/10/2020 9:02:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:12:05 PM CTF Match
CTF Sage, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/30/2019 10:19:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Pepto Bismol, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 4/30/2020 9:11:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/23/2020 9:34:05 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2020 3:15:57 PM CTF Match
CTF ChAcHa, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2019 8:35:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Sever, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:12:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Sir Kickass, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 9:27:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Betsy Grey, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/10/2020 9:04:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Iker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 4/30/2020 9:12:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/3/2019 9:47:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Anubis, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/3/2019 8:44:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:03:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Blacklow, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/10/2020 9:05:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:13:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Bosco, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/5/2021 1:35:31 PM Lost Lands
CTF Catcha Beating, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/5/2021 1:36:10 PM Lost Lands
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2020 9:28:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 11/20/2020 3:19:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Dacek, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 4/30/2020 9:14:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/3/2019 9:50:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Pangawarehouse, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2019 8:41:08 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:09:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Catcha Beating, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 7/5/2021 1:44:28 PM Lost Lands
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/3/2019 9:53:15 PM CTF Match
CTF Jereno, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:11:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:16:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 4/27/2020 8:55:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Malevolence, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 4/30/2020 9:17:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Generic Player, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/5/2019 9:13:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/3/2019 9:55:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:18:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/27/2020 8:33:08 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/19/2020 10:14:50 PM CTF Match
CTF Rockers, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:19:15 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:20:04 PM CTF Match
CTF Steven Seagal, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/5/2019 9:17:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Pangawarehouse, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2019 9:22:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Marcus, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/5/2019 9:18:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/19/2020 10:22:04 PM CTF Match
CTF Duff Man, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/10/2019 8:58:21 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:51:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Goodfella, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/11/2019 8:17:07 PM CTF Match
CTF BugaBuga, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:47:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:22:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Bladerunner, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2019 9:27:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Drinian, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/8/2020 7:53:48 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/19/2020 10:25:50 PM CTF Match
CTF Apokalypsis, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/11/2019 8:19:14 PM CTF Match
CTF ChAcHa, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/4/2019 9:29:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Scrappy, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:48:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Lestat, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 8/25/2019 8:56:02 PM CTF Match
CTF Taco Bob, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/3/2020 8:17:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/17/2019 10:24:01 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:54:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Julian, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/2/2021 9:18:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Kim Jong-un, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/7/2020 8:00:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/3/2020 8:19:01 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:55:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/7/2020 8:01:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Kim Jong-un, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/7/2020 8:03:06 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:51:52 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 8:59:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Duff Man, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/17/2019 8:14:13 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/1/2020 7:51:00 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 10/7/2019 9:59:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Joshius, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/20/2021 9:01:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Mel Gibson, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/1/2020 7:53:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Joshius, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 9/8/2020 7:59:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/1/2020 7:56:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Mel Gibson, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/1/2020 7:56:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Treble Maker, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/1/2020 7:57:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 9:02:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Pancakes, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 9:03:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:56:30 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/2/2021 9:24:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Pauly D, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:57:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/30/2021 9:57:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Pauly D, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/15/2021 9:58:02 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 2/2/2021 9:27:25 PM CTF Match
CTF Arrow Flynn, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 5/15/2019 9:05:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Chase, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 6/23/2020 8:53:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Julian, during a capture the flag game Terror Miss Sue 1/20/2021 9:06:48 PM CTF Match
Guild Saint Damian, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/10/2020 10:54:09 PM Britannia
Guild Saint Ignatius, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/10/2020 11:54:59 PM Britannia
Guild Saint Damian, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:07:39 AM Britannia
Guild Saint Ignatius, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:10:22 AM Dungeon
Guild Saint Ignatius, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:17:38 AM Dungeon
Guild Saint Dismas, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:29:02 AM Britannia
Guild Saint Ignatius, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:40:56 AM Britannia
Guild Saint Dismas, in guild combat Terror Miss Sue 7/11/2020 12:46:06 AM Britannia
House Redemption, while in a house Terror Miss Sue 6/4/2020 9:14:50 PM Britannia
House Altair, while in a house Terror Miss Sue 3/30/2020 8:44:18 PM Britannia
House Glassjaw, while in a house Terror Miss Sue 11/19/2018 4:04:12 AM Britannia

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