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Ultima Online Killers Albert Lutz's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 3/8/2025 6:36:28 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 10:43:29 PM CTF Match
CTF White Oak, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 10:38:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Blink, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 10:32:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Enarjay, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 10:06:31 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 10:01:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:57:58 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:55:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Nilmer Whack, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:53:59 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:23:53 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:19:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Blink, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:16:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Blink, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 9/2/2019 9:13:33 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 9:06:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Shiver, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 9:03:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Goodfella, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 9:01:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 8:58:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Shiver, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 8:57:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Dunk'd, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 8/25/2019 8:54:29 PM CTF Match
House Kent Lutz, while in a house Albert Lutz 6/18/2019 11:06:05 AM Britannia
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:56:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Susan Redrum, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:54:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:53:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:51:18 PM CTF Match
CTF Harry Beavers, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:48:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:47:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Harry Beavers, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:45:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Harry Beavers, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/17/2019 11:43:58 PM CTF Match
Faction Chase, in faction combat Albert Lutz 5/12/2019 4:52:23 PM Britannia
Faction Ma'at, in faction combat Albert Lutz 5/10/2019 4:59:00 PM Britannia
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Albert Lutz 5/10/2019 11:49:16 AM Britannia
Faction The Killer Bee, in faction combat Albert Lutz 5/9/2019 6:31:01 PM Britannia
Faction Mowgli, in faction combat Albert Lutz 5/9/2019 6:13:00 PM Britannia
CTF ihateshrimpalot, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:25:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Gamble a fart, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:24:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:23:22 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:20:11 PM CTF Match
CTF The Rough Idol, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:19:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Flint, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:18:39 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:18:03 PM CTF Match
CTF The Rough Idol, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:14:50 PM CTF Match
CTF Flint, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:14:09 PM CTF Match
CTF unavailable, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 10:13:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 9:46:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Harry Beavers, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 9:43:22 PM CTF Match
CTF Ruby Jean, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 9:35:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Ruby Jean, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/3/2019 9:33:57 PM CTF Match
Faction Oren, in faction combat Albert Lutz 3/14/2019 8:50:42 PM Britannia
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/13/2019 10:38:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Viktor Hertzfeld, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/13/2019 10:35:02 PM CTF Match
Faction Harry Beavers, in faction combat Albert Lutz 3/13/2019 5:48:30 PM Britannia
CTF Vas corp rel, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/12/2018 11:47:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Mourning Would, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/12/2018 11:46:36 PM CTF Match
CTF CD, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 5/12/2018 11:40:25 PM CTF Match
Guild Sokanon, in guild combat Albert Lutz 5/12/2018 9:38:21 PM Britannia
CTF Vincent Vega, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:29:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Hiro, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:27:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:24:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Vincent Vega, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:23:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:22:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Hiro, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:21:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:19:49 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:18:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Hiro, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:17:50 PM CTF Match
CTF Vincent Vega, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:17:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Hiro, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:16:33 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 4/11/2018 10:15:54 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Xorakk Albert Lutz 4/1/2018 2:40:34 PM Britannia
CTF Leeloo, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/28/2018 11:05:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Krampus, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/28/2018 10:59:30 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/28/2018 10:57:35 PM CTF Match
CTF a lamp, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/28/2018 10:55:07 PM CTF Match
CTF Schlatty, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/15/2018 9:29:57 PM CTF Match
CTF Wishing Frog, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/15/2018 9:25:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Citronelle, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/14/2018 11:30:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Adele Stackhouse, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/14/2018 11:28:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Harry Beavers, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/14/2018 11:25:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Avenger, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 11:06:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Django, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 11:05:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 11:04:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Django, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:58:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Generic Player, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:57:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Zelix, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:53:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Django, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:52:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Zelix, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:30:18 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:28:00 PM CTF Match
CTF british soldier, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:24:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Pestilentia, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:23:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Django, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:21:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Django, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:20:33 PM CTF Match
CTF TsCrusher, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:19:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:18:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Pestilentia, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:17:24 PM CTF Match
CTF british soldier, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 3/9/2018 10:16:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Kebab Remover, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/3/2018 12:55:30 AM CTF Match
CTF Zoom, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/3/2018 12:51:08 AM CTF Match
CTF Abbott, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/3/2018 12:45:23 AM CTF Match
CTF Frontosa, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/2/2018 10:37:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Pax Romain, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/2/2018 10:34:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Perseus, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 2/2/2018 10:29:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Mourning Would, during a capture the flag game Albert Lutz 1/30/2018 11:40:20 PM CTF Match

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