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LogType: Kill Records Shown: 50 Sorted By: Date_Old Last Updated: 2/2/2025 8:19:06 AM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Victim | When | Location |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Flayer of Life | 10/5/2017 5:03:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Keza Ranger | 10/5/2017 5:04:39 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Balian | 10/10/2017 8:07:09 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Covfefe | 10/10/2017 8:52:17 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Scooter | 10/10/2017 9:11:09 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Noir Guerrier | 11/3/2017 9:28:16 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Morbius | 11/3/2017 10:03:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Slow Burnin | 11/12/2017 6:40:11 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Butch Coolidge | 11/12/2017 6:48:01 PM | Britannia |
House | Combat Looter, while in a house | Butch Coolidge | 11/12/2017 6:51:10 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Pedro | 11/18/2017 8:55:30 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Whackin It | 11/25/2017 10:20:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Buckwheat | 11/25/2017 10:29:28 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Buckwheat | 11/25/2017 10:30:30 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Flayer of Life | 12/10/2017 9:20:58 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Franz Kromer | 12/13/2017 9:28:33 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Lacan | 12/16/2017 9:45:40 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Ogan | 12/16/2017 9:46:01 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Cracky | 12/17/2017 12:30:18 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Jenna Jameson | 12/17/2017 12:49:56 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | amfeKk | 12/30/2017 11:49:23 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | amfeKk | 12/30/2017 11:56:37 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Nasty Man | 1/13/2018 11:46:28 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Psycho Joe | 1/18/2018 11:36:11 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Deimos | 1/18/2018 7:36:23 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Lacan | 1/18/2018 7:56:39 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | El Cid | 1/18/2018 8:18:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Bishop | 1/18/2018 8:28:16 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Lacan | 1/18/2018 8:33:45 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Oyster | 1/18/2018 8:42:42 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | a scorpion | 1/18/2018 8:54:38 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Finnster | 1/20/2018 12:40:41 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Chilli | 1/20/2018 12:44:57 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Chilli | 1/20/2018 12:45:52 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Chilli | 1/20/2018 12:46:48 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Chilli | 1/20/2018 12:47:23 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | drunky the drunk | 2/2/2018 9:18:55 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Goodfella | 2/12/2018 9:51:44 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Tooms | 2/15/2018 9:51:40 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Asa Akira | 2/19/2018 9:25:52 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | newb | 2/19/2018 9:34:36 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Midgard Zero | 3/3/2018 11:39:27 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Zoom | 3/4/2018 1:11:44 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Zoom | 3/4/2018 1:16:26 AM | Britannia |
Self | You killed yourself | Combat Looter | 3/4/2018 1:23:28 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | El Cid | 3/10/2018 9:12:00 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Woosh | 3/10/2018 9:23:00 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Bad Juju | 3/10/2018 9:27:46 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Donkey Teeth | 3/25/2018 6:49:31 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Combat Looter | Rizy | 3/25/2018 6:54:07 PM | Dungeon |