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LogType: Death Records Shown: 1000 Sorted By: Type_ASC Last Updated: 2/22/2025 10:29:40 PM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Killed By | When | Location |
Controlled | ValAngel controled by VivianVelvet | Private | 2/12/2016 9:03:26 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Mouth controled by Evil Omen | Private | 8/5/2015 11:44:48 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Mouth controled by Evil Omen | Private | 8/5/2015 11:45:13 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Gabriela controled by Daquanita | Private | 11/17/2016 12:46:03 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | SixtyNine controled by Isabella | Private | 10/5/2015 11:53:04 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Jekyll controled by Steve Irwin | Private | 8/23/2016 2:28:39 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Jekyll controled by Steve Irwin | Private | 8/23/2016 2:40:18 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Jekyll controled by Steve Irwin | Private | 8/23/2016 2:40:39 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shade controled by Aleser | Private | 9/19/2015 6:31:42 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nugget controled by Deathboy | Private | 9/9/2015 10:49:39 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nugget controled by Deathboy | Private | 9/9/2015 10:51:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | First controled by Erlkonig | Private | 8/2/2015 6:10:44 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | trashtwo controled by Damalar | Private | 12/16/2015 12:18:35 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Scarecrow controled by Altaira | Private | 11/9/2016 1:13:00 AM | Dungeon |
Duel | So Fancy, during a duel | Private | 8/14/2015 2:57:04 AM | Britannia |
Duel | So Fancy, during a duel | Private | 8/14/2015 3:04:22 AM | Britannia |
Duel | So Fancy, during a duel | Private | 8/14/2015 3:08:52 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Boris, during a duel | Private | 8/23/2015 5:21:43 PM | Britannia |
Duel | Boris, during a duel | Private | 8/23/2015 5:25:28 PM | Britannia |
House | The Dank Nugget, while in a house | Private | 11/9/2015 9:07:42 PM | Britannia |
House | Jack White, while in a house | Private | 12/19/2015 4:39:00 AM | Britannia |
House | Jack White, while in a house | Private | 7/18/2015 1:59:17 AM | Britannia |
House | on me, while in a house | Private | 9/19/2015 3:40:28 PM | Britannia |
House | Jack White, while in a house | Private | 9/19/2015 3:42:43 PM | Britannia |
House | Arakiel, while in a house | Private | 6/28/2016 1:12:29 AM | Britannia |
House | Xaimen, while in a house | Private | 7/22/2015 8:57:27 PM | Britannia |
House | Jack White, while in a house | Private | 7/20/2015 8:15:02 PM | Britannia |
House | Marneus Calgar, while in a house | Private | 11/14/2015 3:16:09 AM | Britannia |
House | The Dank Nugget, while in a house | Private | 11/9/2015 7:57:53 PM | Britannia |
House | Maximus, while in a house | Private | 10/19/2015 12:28:17 AM | Britannia |
House | Xaimen, while in a house | Private | 7/20/2015 10:32:32 PM | Britannia |
Monster | Killed by the true harrower | Killed by a Monster | 8/2/2015 6:23:35 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by the true harrower | Killed by a Monster | 8/2/2015 6:26:01 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by tentacles of the harrower | Killed by a Monster | 8/2/2015 6:48:03 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by a terathan avenger | Killed by a Monster | 1/24/2016 11:25:17 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by Corrine | Killed by a Monster | 7/22/2015 8:45:39 AM | Britannia |
Monster | Killed by Eliezer | Killed by a Monster | 8/2/2015 7:04:40 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by an ancient wyrm | Killed by a Monster | 12/15/2015 12:50:22 AM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by Corrine | Killed by a Monster | 7/22/2015 10:38:43 PM | Britannia |
Monster | Killed by an imp | Killed by a Monster | 10/8/2015 11:14:25 PM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by tentacles of the harrower | Killed by a Monster | 8/8/2015 1:26:55 AM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by a drake | Killed by a Monster | 11/9/2016 12:51:14 AM | Dungeon |
Monster | Killed by Corrine | Killed by a Monster | 7/20/2015 10:26:33 PM | Britannia |
Murder | Murdered by a pirate | Private | 11/10/2015 1:59:08 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by ThanatoS | Private | 11/9/2015 12:09:14 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Taylor Swift | Private | 3/17/2016 10:58:33 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Texas Red | Private | 11/8/2015 6:27:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Homer Simpson | Private | 11/8/2015 6:40:00 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Bart Simpson | Private | 7/28/2016 10:33:42 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by emptycause- | Private | 12/19/2015 4:30:25 AM | Dungeon |