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LogType: Kill
Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 3/4/2025 8:34:30 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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Kill Log
Death Log
PvM Log

Type Description Victim When Location
CTF Peach, during a capture the flag game Mega Byte 5/2/2017 10:41:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Peach, during a capture the flag game Zupgugh 5/2/2017 10:42:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Peach, during a capture the flag game Nemesis Prime 5/2/2017 10:48:57 PM CTF Match
CTF Peach, during a capture the flag game Mega Byte 5/2/2017 10:36:32 PM CTF Match
House Peach, while in a house PixelMater 4/15/2017 7:56:07 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Lion 8/25/2020 1:42:45 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house a papuan citizen 4/14/2017 4:48:58 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Cookie Dough 6/28/2017 2:45:17 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house FattyMikes 5/8/2020 6:19:29 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Scrabled 4/18/2017 4:14:13 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Mishra 4/10/2020 12:06:15 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Schlatty 3/11/2020 11:52:46 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house a wild snorlax 3/11/2020 11:55:28 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Mishra 4/10/2020 12:23:32 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Vvnt 4/10/2020 12:25:13 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Kirby 4/1/2017 5:08:03 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Unknown 4/13/2017 6:47:34 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/13/2017 10:10:07 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/13/2017 10:12:55 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/13/2017 6:51:37 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/13/2017 10:17:07 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/13/2017 10:35:37 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 1:00:41 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Kali Grey 5/29/2020 9:37:46 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Feral 1/12/2020 7:35:27 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Badillac 1/12/2020 7:46:13 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Feral 1/12/2020 8:03:14 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Red Beard 1/12/2020 8:06:11 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/15/2017 2:05:33 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/15/2017 2:08:05 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/15/2017 2:30:53 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Dacek 1/12/2020 8:09:20 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Wile E 1/12/2020 8:10:41 PM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/15/2017 2:46:45 AM Britannia
House Peach, while in a house Serena 4/15/2017 2:50:24 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Feral 1/12/2020 8:18:31 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Pope Benedict IX 1/12/2020 8:24:24 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Feral 1/12/2020 8:38:52 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Serena 9/18/2020 6:38:06 PM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Behemoth 11/18/2020 1:46:25 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Flo 11/18/2020 1:46:35 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Fatchildren 3/19/2020 12:32:30 AM Britannia
House an ethereal elf, while in a house Fatchildren 3/19/2020 12:35:05 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf FattyMike 1/4/2020 5:41:48 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Virteego 1/4/2020 5:48:34 AM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Cazadorxx 12/26/2020 3:37:41 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Radament 12/26/2020 3:42:57 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Corpsefire Tas Burfoot 11/23/2019 1:39:22 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Corpsefire Lickity Spliff 11/23/2019 1:54:16 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:53:51 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:56:05 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:56:49 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:57:22 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:57:31 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:57:47 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:58:13 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:58:35 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 12:59:46 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf NeedlerSecondDad 9/11/2020 1:01:18 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Tulpan-Erika 9/16/2020 2:25:43 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Susie Redrum 9/16/2020 2:25:59 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Mutant 4/18/2020 4:59:10 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Mutant 4/18/2020 4:59:44 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by an ethereal elf Schlatty 3/11/2020 12:24:38 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself an ethereal elf 2/24/2017 5:18:57 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself an ethereal elf 2/24/2017 5:25:19 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself an ethereal elf 12/26/2020 3:43:27 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself an ethereal elf 4/30/2020 4:12:18 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Murder Hobo 3/19/2020 1:47:49 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vincent Vega 4/28/2020 3:39:42 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Medusa 1/4/2020 2:07:38 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Sylphrena 1/4/2020 2:13:33 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Peach Avenine Ivos 9/15/2017 4:59:21 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Glassjaw 4/28/2020 3:42:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Peach Phobos 4/15/2017 7:14:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf flump 2/25/2020 5:09:50 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Glassjaw 4/28/2020 3:51:58 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 1/4/2020 2:59:05 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Carl 8/18/2020 4:04:31 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Josep Bezach 8/28/2020 2:10:41 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf RobinBastard 5/10/2020 2:41:31 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Christinith 8/28/2020 2:20:42 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Ewa Brown 1/4/2020 4:07:07 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vol'jin 2/17/2020 4:06:20 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf RobinBastard 5/10/2020 2:47:08 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf LilithVonHell 8/26/2020 1:27:04 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 3/30/2020 3:11:57 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vladimir Putin 12/26/2020 12:08:37 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Goodfella 5/19/2020 7:02:17 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vol'jin 2/17/2020 4:19:00 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 5/3/2020 2:51:22 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Aurius Snow 12/26/2020 12:16:58 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Winterfall 11/23/2020 1:08:18 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Terror Miss Sue 5/19/2020 7:03:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire fILL 11/22/2019 6:31:36 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Anna 1/4/2020 5:19:16 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vivint 2/29/2020 11:53:08 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Adaloaldo 3/31/2020 4:09:10 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Illuminati 1/4/2020 5:33:53 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Peach Soazig Prigent 9/7/2017 6:10:41 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf RobinBastard 5/10/2020 3:04:31 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Winterfall 11/23/2020 1:21:09 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Winterfall 11/23/2020 1:27:17 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Jolly Jane 9/3/2020 9:55:45 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Elder Noob 8/22/2020 1:57:21 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Animum Noctis 6/4/2020 2:09:30 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Tas Burfoot 4/14/2020 1:12:13 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Pot putt 4/15/2017 7:54:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Ron Paul 2/22/2020 1:02:33 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Tettix 3/30/2020 3:44:58 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Animum Noctis 6/4/2020 2:14:18 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf NeedleR 3/16/2020 1:20:55 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Winterfall 11/23/2020 1:49:10 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Animum Noctis 6/4/2020 2:24:40 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vivint 3/1/2020 12:29:43 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Ahab 8/25/2020 1:40:01 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Winterfall 11/23/2020 1:57:41 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Barry McKenzie 10/24/2020 4:52:22 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Princess Leia 8/25/2020 1:42:00 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lore 10/22/2020 4:33:45 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Bikr 12/23/2020 12:41:57 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf RobinBastard 5/10/2020 3:37:43 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lyle 11/23/2020 2:21:40 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lyle 11/23/2020 2:23:32 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lynx 8/25/2020 1:43:15 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Alison 9/17/2017 3:45:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lyle 11/23/2020 2:26:30 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Graveling 10/24/2019 4:37:53 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf RobinBastard 5/10/2020 3:42:45 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Kaloth 3/30/2020 4:53:18 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Animum Noctis 3/16/2020 2:09:26 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Mutato 6/20/2018 1:19:14 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Deathboy 3/16/2020 7:40:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Mick Dundee 6/20/2018 1:19:51 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach HilArgi 9/17/2017 3:56:44 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Drave 6/20/2018 1:21:08 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Trigger Mortis 8/25/2020 1:45:40 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Wicyt 9/17/2017 4:06:14 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf fefe 2/15/2020 5:38:48 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Princess Leia 8/25/2020 1:46:07 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach a papuan citizen 4/14/2017 5:02:33 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf fefe 5/10/2020 3:59:53 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vincent Vega 11/9/2020 3:17:53 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf EdDennis 5/15/2020 1:13:13 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Atraxi 3/27/2017 7:51:01 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf DarkFeather 5/15/2020 1:48:07 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Glacius 2/15/2020 6:20:33 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf DarkFeather 5/15/2020 1:49:16 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Magus 2/22/2020 1:31:28 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Atraxi 3/27/2017 8:02:07 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf FattyMikes 2/15/2020 6:20:42 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Jesse 9/4/2020 12:22:46 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Chuck Biscuits 3/28/2017 7:44:55 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 2/10/2020 2:11:16 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf smith 3/3/2020 5:28:01 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf FattyMikes 3/16/2020 7:46:07 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Rufina 12/18/2020 12:39:30 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Glassjaw 11/26/2020 2:03:22 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Tas Burfoot 11/23/2019 12:06:16 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach a wild snorlax 6/28/2017 2:42:03 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Rydia 8/24/2020 10:44:48 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Tas Burfoot 11/23/2019 12:06:55 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a lucid dreamer 12/18/2020 1:06:02 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf fefe 3/16/2020 2:48:25 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Chingos 6/28/2017 2:48:10 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a lucid dreamer 12/18/2020 1:06:48 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Peach Chingos 6/28/2017 2:48:52 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf fefe 3/16/2020 2:55:25 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Chingos 6/28/2017 2:49:05 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Ania 11/9/2020 3:20:21 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Lickity Spliff 11/23/2019 12:10:52 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Rose 3/16/2020 3:30:46 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Derrida 12/26/2020 2:48:38 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Rose 3/16/2020 3:32:37 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Toto 2/13/2020 3:29:45 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Cormorant 4/14/2020 4:36:16 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Merlin 8/9/2020 2:28:11 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 4/8/2020 2:42:41 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Lickity Spliff 11/23/2019 12:24:36 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Unknown 12/26/2020 2:55:14 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Peach Bigoud 4/24/2017 3:59:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Tas Burfoot 11/23/2019 12:24:49 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Bullock 8/22/2020 4:32:33 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 4/8/2020 2:47:39 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Dragonseducer 4/8/2020 2:51:15 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Lickity Spliff 11/23/2019 12:38:42 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 4/8/2020 2:55:32 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vincent Vega 3/16/2020 7:56:49 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Adan Lys 9/4/2020 1:14:16 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 1/28/2020 3:28:40 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lorica Gruggo 8/24/2020 11:08:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Anna 1/3/2020 4:26:03 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach Cookie Dough 6/28/2017 4:54:55 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:19:09 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Clam 10/2/2018 4:23:52 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:21:39 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:26:22 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Mike Haggar 2/22/2020 3:10:20 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Luck 3/16/2020 8:00:02 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Anna 1/3/2020 4:36:18 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Manganga 12/26/2020 3:26:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Anna 1/3/2020 4:42:05 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:32:21 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Toto 1/28/2020 5:09:10 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vampire Hunter D 3/19/2020 10:39:26 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Hilda 5/11/2020 2:20:19 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Arcanias 3/19/2020 10:40:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Strawnana 9/4/2020 1:45:15 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:41:21 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 2/19/2020 12:47:02 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Strawnana 9/4/2020 1:45:33 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:47:51 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf EdDennis 8/24/2020 11:40:49 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 3:56:06 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 4:07:35 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Malex 8/11/2020 12:29:17 AM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Siva 9/21/2021 8:33:40 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf a blade runner 1/27/2020 4:20:56 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vexyl 9/21/2021 8:35:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Lickity Spliff 5/8/2019 1:34:41 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Aducer'a' 12/27/2019 3:25:17 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Lickity Spliff 5/8/2019 1:34:54 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Platinum 1/23/2020 4:28:37 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Aducer'a' 12/27/2019 4:09:11 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Aducer'a' 12/27/2019 4:17:46 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Peach John Titor 4/29/2017 5:20:29 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 4/12/2020 3:24:50 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Everlast One 1/23/2020 4:37:56 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Xi 1/27/2020 6:19:00 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vol'jin 2/19/2020 2:03:38 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Amador 8/25/2020 12:28:04 AM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf generic player 11/5/2020 5:04:19 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Lickity Spliff 5/8/2019 2:35:12 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Aurius Snow 11/25/2020 11:19:53 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Grey Bush 1/23/2020 4:59:59 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Arcanias 3/19/2020 10:53:53 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Daryl Dixon 12/14/2020 1:47:09 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Xia Lickity Spliff 5/8/2019 3:35:27 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 4/18/2020 1:36:12 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf of the Lake 11/25/2020 11:27:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf FattyMikes 1/23/2020 5:28:04 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Pantherbabe 8/11/2020 1:37:48 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Cannoli 9/1/2020 3:47:11 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Corpsefire Graveling 9/28/2019 5:23:59 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 4/2/2020 3:05:17 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Lickity Spliff 4/20/2020 6:10:01 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf NeedleR 2/1/2020 2:41:52 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf War 3/1/2020 10:24:36 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Pale Face 4/26/2020 2:46:45 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by an ethereal elf Vol'jin 2/6/2020 11:59:50 PM Britannia

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