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Ultima Online Killers LoneWolf's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 2/23/2025 2:29:58 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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Death Log
PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled Bromare controled by Nicholas LoneWolf 11/1/2021 3:34:28 PM Britannia
Controlled Fozzy controled by Duke Martell LoneWolf 11/4/2021 7:54:50 PM Dungeon
Controlled Fozzy controled by Duke Martell LoneWolf 11/4/2021 7:55:09 PM Dungeon
Controlled Bo controled by Charles Woodson LoneWolf 2/2/2023 7:30:34 PM Britannia
Controlled GhostMaker controled by Cohiba LoneWolf 10/1/2021 6:16:55 PM Britannia
Controlled Decima controled by Lahkesis LoneWolf 4/15/2022 5:57:23 PM Dungeon
Controlled Decima controled by Lahkesis LoneWolf 4/15/2022 5:57:53 PM Dungeon
Controlled Aurelius controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 5:58:49 PM Dungeon
Controlled Ruler controled by Lahkesis LoneWolf 3/31/2022 2:38:47 PM Britannia
Controlled Nymeria controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 5:58:59 PM Dungeon
Controlled Nymeria controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 6:00:53 PM Dungeon
Controlled Nymeria controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 6:03:11 PM Dungeon
Controlled Nymeria controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 6:03:48 PM Dungeon
Controlled Nymeria controled by Lichend LoneWolf 4/15/2022 6:04:34 PM Dungeon
Controlled AlfaA controled by Pirlo LoneWolf 11/20/2021 11:14:27 AM Lost Lands
Controlled AlfaA controled by Pirlo LoneWolf 11/20/2021 11:16:07 AM Lost Lands
Controlled Freddy controled by Freddy LoneWolf 4/25/2022 3:51:13 PM Britannia
Controlled SMOKE controled by AkirA LoneWolf 12/23/2022 6:50:27 PM Britannia
Controlled Ethy controled by Belathorn LoneWolf 5/9/2022 2:27:25 PM Britannia
Controlled Sola controled by Triss Merigold LoneWolf 1/18/2022 4:16:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled Sola controled by Triss Merigold LoneWolf 1/18/2022 4:17:26 PM Dungeon
Controlled Mandinga controled by Torr Buckner LoneWolf 1/19/2022 3:59:09 PM Dungeon
Controlled Brownie controled by Pandemic LoneWolf 10/22/2021 6:37:07 PM Dungeon
Controlled Blush controled by Freya LoneWolf 11/29/2021 6:25:26 PM Britannia
Controlled Diablo controled by Torr Buckner LoneWolf 11/4/2021 9:28:28 AM Lost Lands
Controlled a nightmare controled by Ohota LoneWolf 10/8/2021 12:29:55 PM Dungeon
Controlled OBrien controled by thetinkerII LoneWolf 4/14/2022 6:20:36 PM Dungeon
Controlled Sauce controled by The Seer LoneWolf 4/14/2022 6:59:33 PM Dungeon
Controlled Sauce controled by The Seer LoneWolf 4/14/2022 6:59:56 PM Dungeon
CTF Fred Bear, during a capture the flag game LoneWolf 11/8/2021 8:48:35 PM Lost Lands
CTF Berry Dingle, during a capture the flag game LoneWolf 11/8/2021 8:51:56 PM Lost Lands
House Celt, while in a house LoneWolf 1/14/2022 2:33:42 AM Britannia
House RattFink, while in a house LoneWolf 11/6/2021 11:45:01 AM Britannia
House Negativa, while in a house LoneWolf 1/14/2022 10:10:37 PM Britannia
House Celt, while in a house LoneWolf 1/14/2022 3:39:49 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 3/17/2022 4:25:04 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 9/22/2022 12:33:10 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a scorching elemental Killed by a Monster 11/12/2021 4:28:21 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a scorching imp Killed by a Monster 11/12/2021 4:31:13 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a scorching hound Killed by a Monster 11/12/2021 4:33:02 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a fire elemental Killed by a Monster 11/12/2021 4:35:35 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Ethy Killed by a Monster 5/10/2022 4:52:14 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by a scorching hound Killed by a Monster 11/12/2021 6:25:10 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 12/4/2021 3:51:51 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 12/4/2021 3:52:28 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dark elf ranger Killed by a Monster 1/5/2022 6:20:58 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 1/31/2022 5:22:44 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Slayer Killed by a Monster 11/15/2021 9:05:49 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Slayer Killed by a Monster 11/15/2021 9:07:35 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Slayer Killed by a Monster 11/15/2021 9:08:19 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Slayer Killed by a Monster 11/15/2021 9:09:35 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a succubus Killed by a Monster 11/20/2021 11:11:45 AM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by an ice construct Killed by a Monster 4/25/2022 3:31:33 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an ice spider Killed by a Monster 4/25/2022 3:47:13 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 11/4/2021 7:25:02 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 11/4/2021 7:25:32 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a leprechaun Killed by a Monster 4/14/2022 5:38:21 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself LoneWolf 10/1/2021 2:45:05 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself LoneWolf 12/23/2022 6:46:39 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself LoneWolf 11/8/2021 8:45:37 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by LarA LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:48:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Live for Christ LoneWolf 10/8/2021 3:39:01 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Val Venis LoneWolf 10/29/2021 2:48:39 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Impossible LoneWolf 9/22/2022 12:32:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Rick LoneWolf 12/3/2021 6:00:06 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Pirlo LoneWolf 11/2/2021 1:34:02 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Nyx LoneWolf 10/1/2021 3:04:58 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Silent Bob LoneWolf 11/12/2021 5:57:57 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Bad Boy Bubby LoneWolf 11/12/2021 6:11:39 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Lahkesis LoneWolf 3/31/2022 1:25:46 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Lahkesis LoneWolf 3/31/2022 1:26:14 PM Britannia
Standard Unknown LoneWolf 1/29/2022 6:53:50 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Lahkesis LoneWolf 4/15/2022 6:06:06 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Merlin LoneWolf 11/18/2021 1:32:36 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Cookie Monster LoneWolf 12/12/2021 7:36:48 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by The Seer LoneWolf 11/29/2021 6:29:51 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by tim lincecum LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:29:27 PM Britannia
Standard Unknown LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:31:34 PM Britannia
Standard Unknown LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:32:23 PM Britannia
Standard Unknown LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:33:00 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by LarA LoneWolf 10/17/2021 3:47:19 PM Britannia
Standard Unknown LoneWolf 4/26/2022 7:17:13 PM Britannia

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