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LogType: Kill Records Shown: 100 Sorted By: Type_ASC Last Updated: 2/23/2025 10:29:53 AM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Victim | When | Location |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | Jesus | 11/1/2018 10:07:08 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by Evil Iron Man | Ragnar Lothbrak | 11/6/2018 7:54:08 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Mii U Wii | 7/26/2018 1:00:27 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Balir | 4/2/2018 4:27:27 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Bradlee | 10/22/2018 12:21:26 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Galvatron | 8/8/2018 12:54:13 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Uncle Slam | 10/26/2018 9:38:54 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Goomba controled by Evil Iron Man | Drathoran | 11/4/2018 12:49:14 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Dunk'd | 8/16/2018 1:28:36 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 5/4/2018 10:14:18 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | an energy vortex controled by StarScream | Lacan | 4/13/2018 3:50:55 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Kerplunk | 5/29/2018 10:18:03 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | Galvatron | 11/12/2018 12:51:12 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Decepticon controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 10/7/2017 3:50:48 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Lily Labeau | 10/5/2017 2:49:23 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Lily Labeau | 10/5/2017 2:58:41 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 12/20/2017 5:13:47 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | Ragnar Lothbrak | 10/29/2018 2:28:26 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | StarScream | 3/30/2018 5:30:54 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Jimmy the Hand | 4/4/2018 4:37:10 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Jimmy the Hand | 4/4/2018 4:38:09 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Jimmy the Hand | 4/4/2018 4:39:29 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 9/27/2017 6:32:35 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Tank controled by StarScream | heleneneea III | 11/19/2018 1:02:12 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Abox | 9/5/2018 8:39:52 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | StarScream | 8/19/2018 12:21:40 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | a wildling | 5/31/2018 1:37:33 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | IX | 9/30/2017 11:59:39 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/1/2018 10:38:56 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Liam McPoyle | 7/15/2018 6:02:58 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Rextacy | 10/23/2018 3:22:56 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | ScubaSean | 11/2/2018 10:12:44 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Vishakt | 10/26/2018 2:45:29 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 9/19/2017 4:54:42 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | StarScream | 4/2/2018 12:24:57 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Liam McPoyle | 7/15/2018 6:40:34 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 8/19/2018 12:37:33 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Bayonet | 4/4/2018 3:37:31 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Joe | 9/20/2018 1:47:10 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Hank williams jr | 8/10/2018 7:07:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Tyrone Biggums | 9/9/2018 10:33:35 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Howlback controled by StarScream | of Bones | 7/22/2018 11:21:14 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Goodfella | 7/31/2018 4:23:22 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Runty controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 4/29/2018 12:22:43 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Brimstone | 4/6/2018 6:20:35 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chappy | 4/6/2018 6:22:25 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Black Betty | 5/6/2018 11:28:49 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | A Generic Trammy | 5/6/2018 11:29:47 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chicken Love | 7/10/2018 7:07:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chicken Love | 7/10/2018 7:07:22 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Howlback controled by StarScream | Hacksaw | 7/9/2018 5:22:23 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chicken Love | 7/10/2018 7:07:48 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | a curious fellow | 10/26/2018 3:52:41 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chicken Love | 7/10/2018 7:07:55 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Chicken Love | 7/10/2018 7:08:04 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Nasty Man | 7/10/2018 7:10:04 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | DowntownLeroyBrn | 8/8/2018 6:03:52 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Nasty Man | 7/10/2018 7:10:28 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Arawn | 8/18/2018 4:44:31 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Nasty Man | 7/10/2018 7:11:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | Unknown | 11/11/2018 5:35:07 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Nasty Man | 7/10/2018 7:11:20 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Phattymike | 10/26/2018 4:07:40 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Runty controled by StarScream | Pantera | 4/9/2018 3:32:22 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Unknown | 10/25/2018 11:09:27 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Revan | 6/23/2018 2:28:50 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | an energy vortex controled by StarScream | Ruck | 4/9/2018 3:42:23 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:07:59 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | NewGuy | 8/22/2018 1:49:25 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Howlback controled by StarScream | Unknown | 6/26/2018 5:24:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Iva Biggen | 7/15/2018 9:36:36 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:08:50 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 4/5/2018 5:09:07 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:09:08 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:09:26 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:09:38 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:09:54 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Bread Tamer | 5/22/2018 10:44:55 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:10:03 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | dawizard | 4/5/2018 5:10:18 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Vivien Angelsin | 10/3/2018 1:01:16 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Ermey | 10/3/2018 1:02:09 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 9/30/2017 5:22:11 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/22/2018 11:23:27 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Malphas | 9/29/2018 7:06:57 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Ermey | 10/27/2018 1:39:51 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 9/20/2017 6:04:28 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Decepticon controled by Star Scream | StarScream | 9/12/2017 3:57:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | Dracula | 4/28/2018 4:01:12 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/22/2018 1:05:45 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | PeeeFreshner controled by StarScream | Unknown | 11/2/2018 6:20:29 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | juno | 8/9/2018 4:42:52 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Israel | 12/10/2017 8:31:41 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/22/2018 2:24:34 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | AnaKings | 7/6/2018 1:03:28 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Howlback controled by StarScream | Goodfella | 7/6/2018 1:03:41 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Razorclaw controled by StarScream | StarScream | 10/4/2017 2:31:30 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/2/2018 1:14:52 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shockwave controled by StarScream | Living Dead Girl | 8/11/2018 4:52:35 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Beastbox controled by StarScream | Zeb Hogan | 5/2/2018 1:38:07 PM | Britannia |