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Ultima Online Killers Vex's Kill Log

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LogType: Kill
Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 2/26/2025 6:31:31 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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Type Description Victim When Location
Self You killed yourself Vex 11/1/2017 1:01:34 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Vex 11/9/2017 1:06:57 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Vex 11/9/2017 1:16:53 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Vex 11/10/2017 11:34:19 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Vex 11/11/2017 1:14:44 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Sterling Archer 1/17/2018 2:29:19 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragmar Lothbrok 1/17/2018 2:34:18 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Psycho Joe 1/17/2018 2:44:18 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house of the Shadows 1/18/2018 12:46:22 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Massacre 1/18/2018 3:24:23 PM Dungeon
Duel Vex, during a duel Happy Gilmore 1/25/2018 7:19:10 PM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel Happy Gilmore 1/25/2018 7:27:30 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex cade 1/25/2018 7:48:02 PM Britannia
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game lililililil 1/27/2018 12:29:34 AM CTF Match
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Ohme 1/27/2018 12:31:38 AM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Vex lincecum 3/10/2019 10:47:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex lincecum 3/10/2019 11:05:47 PM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel Dasha 3/10/2019 11:31:48 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Enguard 3/12/2019 2:21:56 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex DontAxeWhy 3/12/2019 2:41:52 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex DontAxeWhy 3/12/2019 2:53:53 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex DontAxeWhy 3/12/2019 2:55:09 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex DontAxeWhy 3/12/2019 3:06:27 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Crios 3/12/2019 9:30:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Crios 3/12/2019 9:34:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Generic Player 3/16/2019 10:14:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Elvis 4/22/2019 9:50:35 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Vampire Hunter D 4/22/2019 11:19:37 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Glassjaw 4/23/2019 9:17:43 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Unknown 4/25/2019 11:01:19 AM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel ChAcHa 4/25/2019 11:39:19 AM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel ChAcHa 4/25/2019 11:47:32 AM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel unavailable 4/25/2019 11:58:24 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 4/26/2019 2:55:17 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Varvarin 4/26/2019 3:04:04 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex Elvis 4/26/2019 4:24:22 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Ellie Mental 4/26/2019 4:28:54 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Karris 4/27/2019 1:35:33 AM Dungeon
Duel Vex, during a duel The Killer Bee 4/28/2019 7:37:46 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Tiger Woods 4/29/2019 11:28:46 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Tiger Woods 4/29/2019 11:57:33 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Martin 4/29/2019 10:22:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Snow 4/30/2019 10:08:39 AM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex Ofpain 5/2/2019 10:15:41 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Unknown 5/2/2019 3:44:37 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Unknown 5/3/2019 3:26:39 PM Dungeon
Duel Vex, during a duel tim lincecum 5/4/2019 1:50:07 AM Britannia
Duel Vex, during a duel tim lincecum 5/4/2019 1:57:22 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Colin Kaepernick 5/4/2019 2:06:33 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Colin Kaepernick 5/4/2019 2:15:56 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Blade 5/4/2019 12:58:56 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Jean-Luc Picard 5/4/2019 5:07:49 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Riker 5/4/2019 5:08:53 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Ketoid 5/4/2019 5:12:25 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Dredd 5/10/2019 4:28:16 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Glacius 5/10/2019 4:39:52 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Gethid 5/10/2019 5:10:40 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Ophira 5/10/2019 5:22:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Rufina 5/10/2019 5:23:05 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Paje 5/13/2019 3:14:08 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Miranda Lambert 5/16/2019 1:14:36 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Tuneful 5/16/2019 3:44:48 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Schlatty 5/16/2019 3:59:14 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Mondrakus 5/16/2019 4:02:14 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Roxwell 5/16/2019 5:26:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex James Stampley 5/16/2019 9:57:05 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Bilbo Baggins 5/16/2019 10:11:38 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Devil Anse 5/16/2019 10:32:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Deanna Troi 5/18/2019 12:25:51 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Seychelles 5/18/2019 1:13:22 AM Lost Lands
Self You killed yourself Vex 5/18/2019 1:48:02 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Sarah 5/19/2019 10:56:20 AM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Vex Sarah 5/19/2019 11:06:12 AM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex Daytona 5/20/2019 1:10:17 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Joshua Beolve 5/21/2019 11:24:57 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Macha 5/22/2019 10:03:26 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Jean-Luc Picard 5/22/2019 2:57:59 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Orion 5/22/2019 5:08:30 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Karris 5/23/2019 11:03:29 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Over 5/23/2019 2:06:42 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Peetrik 5/23/2019 2:14:53 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Xeno 5/23/2019 2:37:31 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Croc Hunter 5/23/2019 8:53:27 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Dacek 5/23/2019 9:03:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Katrin 5/24/2019 2:19:26 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Vex Valfreyja 5/24/2019 3:23:28 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Kimbo Slice 5/31/2019 5:28:25 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Sage 5/31/2019 5:31:49 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Love 6/2/2019 10:22:50 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Peetrik 6/4/2019 2:50:14 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Tuneful 6/4/2019 3:05:54 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Emon Lusk 6/4/2019 3:10:35 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex unavailable 6/4/2019 3:27:17 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Alyx Silverkin 6/5/2019 10:37:04 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Oo 6/6/2019 3:58:32 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex a nightmare 6/6/2019 4:14:06 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Rexxar 6/6/2019 6:11:10 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Takun 6/6/2019 6:20:10 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Born Again 6/11/2019 10:05:38 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Brecca 6/11/2019 10:11:11 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Tuna Boat 6/16/2019 10:07:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Gzus 6/16/2019 10:19:18 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Gzus 6/16/2019 10:37:29 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Gzus 6/16/2019 10:48:08 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Paje 6/25/2019 4:16:45 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex DoowBee 6/25/2019 4:17:22 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Jumping Jack 6/26/2019 12:22:29 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Smooth 6/26/2019 1:04:40 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Croc Hunter 6/26/2019 1:17:40 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Toto 6/26/2019 7:19:09 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Lila 6/28/2019 5:11:31 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Glacius 7/3/2019 6:22:08 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex FattyMike 7/3/2019 6:22:47 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Danger 7/3/2019 1:53:02 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Hestia 7/3/2019 2:44:34 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Stoat 7/3/2019 4:08:39 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Bengay 7/5/2019 4:00:57 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Waumbek 7/5/2019 5:51:15 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex DoowBee 7/5/2019 11:10:09 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Mondrakus 7/7/2019 12:13:05 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Vex Terror Miss Sue 7/7/2019 12:15:38 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Vex Glassjaw 7/7/2019 12:20:12 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Vex Katrin 7/8/2019 2:07:06 PM Dungeon
House Vex, while in a house Ketoid 7/8/2019 2:27:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Centaur 7/8/2019 4:38:00 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Badillac 7/8/2019 4:41:16 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Dreconis 7/8/2019 6:10:44 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Elinor Svint 7/9/2019 10:15:17 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Judge Doom 7/12/2019 9:58:53 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Aaron 7/12/2019 8:19:06 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Krobelus 7/17/2019 5:25:38 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Krobelus 7/17/2019 5:25:54 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Moonchild 7/21/2019 1:04:07 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Vader 7/21/2019 1:46:12 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex JKMidget 7/21/2019 5:24:53 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Sweyn Deathpunch 7/21/2019 5:37:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Minvera Greaco 7/21/2019 6:27:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Sketchy 7/21/2019 6:51:32 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Dreconis 7/21/2019 8:09:04 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Source 7/22/2019 12:12:42 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Mondrakus 7/22/2019 12:14:55 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Mondrakus 7/22/2019 12:16:00 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex RunBabyRun 7/22/2019 12:27:59 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Krobelus 7/22/2019 11:15:32 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Ophira 7/22/2019 11:28:39 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Octavia 7/22/2019 11:38:30 AM Dungeon
House Vex, while in a house Jumping Jack 7/22/2019 11:38:30 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Skalder 7/23/2019 7:40:41 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Taz 7/25/2019 11:53:16 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Semiramis 7/26/2019 11:06:53 AM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Nicolas 7/26/2019 11:29:24 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Aonach 7/26/2019 12:27:02 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Vader 7/26/2019 2:05:45 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Willy 7/26/2019 2:29:58 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex AkirA 7/26/2019 9:40:02 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Sylphrena 7/26/2019 10:53:38 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Axl Rose 7/27/2019 12:16:43 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Lucy Lulaby 8/10/2019 4:59:43 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex JurrasicParkGuy 8/10/2019 5:22:51 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Animal Doc 8/10/2019 5:23:01 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Liam McPoyle 8/10/2019 5:26:18 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Quick 8/10/2019 11:57:10 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Ghostie 8/11/2019 8:31:20 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Unknown 8/14/2019 1:38:17 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Gaga 8/14/2019 1:50:29 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex Gaga 8/14/2019 1:54:20 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex BigVuddudaddy 8/14/2019 2:21:07 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex BigVuddudaddy 8/14/2019 2:22:29 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Lucy Lulaby 8/14/2019 2:39:37 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Macha 8/14/2019 3:03:03 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Bengay 8/24/2019 2:57:04 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Macha 8/24/2019 2:57:32 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Lucy Lulaby 8/24/2019 3:25:06 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Waag 8/24/2019 3:47:31 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by Vex Lacan 8/24/2019 5:54:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Lacan 8/24/2019 6:00:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Over 8/24/2019 6:07:57 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Monteith 8/26/2019 11:55:11 AM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Tuneful 8/26/2019 5:49:00 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Paje 8/26/2019 6:14:13 PM Dungeon
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Pugnator 8/26/2019 8:50:04 PM CTF Match
Murder Murdered by Vex The Big Lebowski 8/27/2019 2:46:05 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:17:48 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:19:34 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:21:15 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:22:22 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:23:13 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:25:44 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:26:35 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:27:26 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:28:17 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:29:18 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ibn Battuta 8/28/2019 12:30:50 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Over 8/28/2019 12:32:04 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:32:45 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex I Am 8/28/2019 12:33:48 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Thu 8/28/2019 12:34:36 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ragnar Lothbrak 8/28/2019 12:35:12 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Ibn Battuta 8/28/2019 12:37:33 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Toto 8/29/2019 11:10:19 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Toto 8/29/2019 11:11:47 AM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Blingz 8/29/2019 2:31:52 PM Dungeon
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Pugnator 8/29/2019 11:05:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Dunk'd 8/29/2019 11:11:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Dunk'd 8/29/2019 11:14:05 PM CTF Match
Murder Murdered by Vex Rancid 8/30/2019 4:49:13 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Schlatty 8/31/2019 7:16:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex FattyMike 8/31/2019 7:18:44 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex PETman 10/2/2019 6:13:46 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Lacan 10/13/2019 7:53:55 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Angry Leprechaun 10/13/2019 7:56:08 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Kimura 10/17/2019 1:26:48 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Kimura 10/17/2019 1:29:11 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Lore 10/25/2019 7:29:22 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Darnell Williams 10/26/2019 10:10:25 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Nusir 11/1/2019 3:40:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Nusir 11/1/2019 3:41:34 PM Britannia
House Vex, while in a house Terror Miss Sue 11/1/2019 4:18:57 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Ketoid 11/4/2019 5:27:28 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Kylie Lutz 11/4/2019 5:34:27 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Jake 11/5/2019 2:15:31 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Shax 11/5/2019 4:07:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Lacan 11/5/2019 5:34:02 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Dakota Dynamite 11/6/2019 6:42:47 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex ValoriVinyl 11/6/2019 7:47:05 PM Dungeon
Murder Murdered by Vex Arcanias 11/6/2019 7:56:33 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Blingz 11/7/2019 2:02:27 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex King Harambe Qua 11/9/2019 1:43:43 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Blingz 11/9/2019 2:42:34 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Blingz 11/9/2019 2:42:56 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex death lord 11/9/2019 2:56:36 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex II 11/10/2019 8:38:04 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Blast Runfast 11/10/2019 8:39:54 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Source 11/10/2019 8:40:11 PM Dungeon
House Vex, while in a house I Spy 12/1/2019 9:12:24 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex FattyMikes 12/1/2019 9:17:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex FattyMikes 12/1/2019 9:28:59 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex FattyMikes 12/1/2019 9:50:09 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex FattyMikes 12/1/2019 9:51:26 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex ValoriVinyl 12/4/2019 9:33:58 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Devil Anse 12/5/2019 11:49:55 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Vincent Vega 12/5/2019 10:14:50 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex JetFuel 12/6/2019 9:37:08 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex DontBlameTheLag 12/10/2019 12:25:23 PM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Vex FattyMikes 12/10/2019 1:28:33 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Eastwood 12/10/2019 2:15:24 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Dunk'd 12/10/2019 2:21:14 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vex Hoominaga 12/10/2019 3:20:17 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vex Leblanc 12/17/2019 4:36:28 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Vex Havoc- 12/18/2019 7:36:52 PM Britannia

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