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Ultima Online Killers Vex's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 2/26/2025 4:31:31 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled BlueSteel controled by Mugatu Vex 9/10/2021 8:19:09 PM Dungeon
Controlled Pursan controled by Vex Vex 7/25/2021 3:02:21 PM Britannia
CTF Sigurd, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 9:05:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 9:05:15 PM CTF Match
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 9:03:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Timmy Tucker, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 8:56:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 8:56:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Sour Diesel, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 8:55:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Ruby Rhod, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 8:54:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Drinian, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/12/2021 8:53:08 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Dany Targaryen Vex 7/6/2021 8:49:12 PM Dungeon
CTF Drinian, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/6/2021 8:15:15 PM CTF Match
CTF Sigurd, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/6/2021 8:14:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Lizzie, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/6/2021 8:07:33 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by an ancient wyrm Killed by a Monster 6/4/2021 7:57:41 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Ania Vex 6/4/2021 5:12:56 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Ali the fish Vex 2/28/2021 1:43:55 AM Dungeon
Controlled Julie controled by Jody Vex 2/18/2021 2:08:30 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Tess Tickles Vex 2/17/2021 3:24:26 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a rookie archer Killed by a Monster 2/11/2021 4:54:40 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Arcanias Vex 1/31/2021 12:15:35 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Terra Vex 1/12/2021 10:38:15 PM Britannia
Controlled PhoenixTheory controled by Phoenix Vex 1/12/2021 9:52:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Naomi Vex 12/28/2020 8:07:47 PM Dungeon
House NancyBoyYardBird, while in a house Vex 12/26/2020 9:54:40 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Arcanias Vex 12/21/2020 3:14:37 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vexyl Vex 12/16/2020 9:24:46 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Rosa Vex 12/10/2020 12:59:37 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Naomi Vex 12/6/2020 1:41:24 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by a possessed fire elemental Killed by a Monster 12/4/2020 11:10:03 PM Dungeon
House Terror Miss Sue, while in a house Vex 12/4/2020 5:31:54 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Violent J Vex 12/2/2020 10:10:27 PM Dungeon
House Malvo, while in a house Vex 11/29/2020 7:14:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Arcanias Vex 11/29/2020 11:16:09 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Leeloo Vex 11/21/2020 7:15:54 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Glenstorm Vex 11/19/2020 11:07:23 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an ancient wyrm Killed by a Monster 11/15/2020 9:48:09 PM Dungeon
CTF Animosity, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/15/2020 9:00:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Pi, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/15/2020 8:57:36 PM CTF Match
CTF NancyBoyYardBird, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/15/2020 8:54:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Korben Dallas, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/14/2020 9:08:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Korben Dallas, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/14/2020 9:07:08 PM CTF Match
CTF Korben Dallas, during a capture the flag game Vex 11/14/2020 9:05:31 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Slevin Kelevra Vex 11/12/2020 9:58:07 PM Britannia
House Malvo, while in a house Vex 11/12/2020 4:08:00 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Malvo Vex 11/12/2020 4:00:22 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Drinian Vex 11/12/2020 3:28:32 PM Dungeon
Controlled NotSkeletal controled by Deathboy Vex 11/9/2020 5:55:35 PM Britannia
Controlled DC controled by Moriquendi Vex 11/6/2020 8:38:23 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Dredd Vex 11/6/2020 7:22:39 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Whisper Vex 10/29/2020 4:26:26 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by on me Vex 10/27/2020 11:01:50 AM Britannia
Controlled Herman controled by Ahab Vex 10/27/2020 10:57:18 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Mordant Vex 10/25/2020 1:32:52 PM Britannia
House Meoff, while in a house Vex 10/18/2020 12:07:20 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Deathboy Vex 10/17/2020 10:47:59 PM Dungeon
Controlled GlipGlop controled by Phoenix Vex 10/17/2020 9:22:09 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an angry ettin Killed by a Monster 10/17/2020 8:32:57 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Wolfgang Vex 10/1/2020 10:22:03 PM Britannia
CTF Pi, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/29/2020 8:18:32 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Mighty Adrien Vex 9/26/2020 9:20:09 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ethan Vex 9/25/2020 11:39:24 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ethan Vex 9/25/2020 11:34:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by El Cid Vex 9/25/2020 11:27:55 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by El Cabron Vex 9/25/2020 10:49:54 PM Britannia
Controlled dragon controled by Cohiba Vex 9/25/2020 10:44:32 PM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Vex 9/25/2020 9:43:58 PM Dungeon
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/25/2020 9:37:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/25/2020 9:35:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/25/2020 9:32:39 PM CTF Match
House NeedlerSecondDad, while in a house Vex 9/25/2020 3:07:46 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Drinian Vex 9/23/2020 3:06:27 PM Britannia
Controlled Boysenberry controled by Jam Vex 9/23/2020 2:57:40 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Papa Smurf Vex 9/22/2020 10:12:33 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Cobrinha Vex 9/22/2020 10:06:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by El Cabron Vex 9/22/2020 9:54:15 PM Britannia
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:45:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:43:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:42:47 PM CTF Match
CTF You, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:39:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Xegugg, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:34:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Vex 9/22/2020 7:32:20 PM CTF Match
Self You killed yourself Vex 9/22/2020 2:35:46 PM Britannia
Controlled TeufelHunden controled by Zero Fuchs Vex 9/10/2020 1:07:05 PM Britannia
House Ooji, while in a house Vex 9/2/2020 12:53:06 AM Britannia
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Vex 8/13/2020 8:32:13 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Vex 8/13/2020 8:28:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Vex 8/13/2020 8:25:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Vex 8/13/2020 8:22:32 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Djevik KShar Vex 8/13/2020 3:35:06 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Drinian Vex 8/2/2020 6:17:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Cannoli Vex 8/1/2020 2:27:11 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Arcanias Vex 8/1/2020 8:21:13 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Drinian Vex 7/29/2020 11:02:36 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Animum Noctis Vex 7/28/2020 2:50:30 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Apokalypsis Vex 7/27/2020 9:45:15 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Leeho Fook Vex 7/26/2020 8:55:20 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by an air elemental Killed by a Monster 7/16/2020 9:59:26 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Delstrudo Vex 7/14/2020 9:52:27 AM Britannia
CTF Cannoli, during a capture the flag game Vex 7/13/2020 8:15:13 PM CTF Match

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