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LogType: Kill Records Shown: 250 Sorted By: Type_DESC Last Updated: 2/23/2025 8:29:51 AM (CST, GMT -6) |
Date Newest First Date Oldest First Type A > Z Type Z > A |
Show 100 Results Show 250 Results Show 500 Results Show 1000 Results |
PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Victim | When | Location |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Dismas | 9/12/2021 12:42:14 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Aesop Rock | 7/14/2015 9:10:43 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Khaleesi | 1/23/2022 10:14:04 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Khaleesi | 1/19/2022 12:57:02 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Frud | 1/19/2022 1:07:48 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Friend | 11/17/2015 6:11:23 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Murder Hornet | 6/26/2021 10:16:02 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Stark Lichend | Croc Hunter | 2/15/2022 1:18:33 PM | Britannia |
Self | You killed yourself | Lichend | 2/24/2016 7:51:38 PM | Dungeon |
Self | You killed yourself | Lichend | 5/31/2015 10:36:33 PM | Britannia |
Self | You killed yourself | Lichend | 5/31/2015 10:50:58 PM | Britannia |
House | Stark Lichend, while in a house | James Harden | 8/9/2015 2:45:40 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | a blade spirit controled by Stark Lichend | Fire Lichend | 2/14/2022 4:13:41 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | BaBa YaGa | 4/14/2022 7:00:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Ascanio | 10/1/2021 1:05:20 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Hugh Jorgan | 8/1/2021 7:05:48 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/4/2021 8:30:21 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 10/4/2021 7:46:00 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 8/21/2015 7:04:46 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/16/2021 1:47:37 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Lichend | MR T | 4/18/2022 6:17:23 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Lichend controled by Stark Lichend | Animum Noctis | 8/12/2020 10:51:58 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Carmen Sandiego | 8/13/2015 9:41:55 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Bolero | 4/18/2022 6:22:07 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Athena | 1/26/2022 9:55:03 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Shadow Wolf | 3/5/2022 7:06:52 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Shadow Wolf | 3/5/2022 7:07:03 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Harlow | 12/14/2021 8:34:51 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Leeho Fook | 11/11/2021 2:01:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Lichend | Shadow Wolf | 3/5/2022 7:07:15 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/16/2021 2:34:13 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/26/2021 6:20:02 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Tulpan-Erika | 11/11/2021 2:03:13 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Pavel Gaganov | 9/29/2015 7:22:46 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 1/22/2022 8:38:09 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/27/2015 9:42:56 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Dallas Multipass | 11/11/2021 2:04:34 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Salty McGee | 12/14/2021 8:50:27 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/3/2021 11:36:37 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Vahlok Nahl Drog | 9/26/2021 7:42:57 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Jinky | 3/8/2022 8:15:30 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/10/2021 8:32:51 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Mint controled by Stark Lichend | Lablina | 6/24/2021 7:06:21 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Mike Hunt | 8/13/2015 9:49:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/31/2015 11:26:33 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Drinian | 8/1/2021 7:32:08 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 1/25/2022 8:34:30 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Colt Lichend | 7/22/2021 9:39:56 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Boombunny | 2/1/2022 9:55:58 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Lichend | Woodsman | 4/18/2022 7:17:46 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Lichend | 7/5/2022 7:49:12 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Lichend | 7/5/2022 7:49:27 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Mordant | 12/16/2021 8:43:31 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Ooji | 7/10/2021 9:19:11 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Mint controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/19/2021 11:58:48 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Nightshade | 10/10/2021 9:35:53 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Schutze controled by Stark Lichend | undude | 12/1/2015 8:23:46 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Ragnar LothBrok | 2/14/2022 6:13:09 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Honest Abe | 10/10/2021 9:39:58 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | of the Lake | 8/13/2015 10:17:24 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Deathboy | 8/13/2015 10:22:07 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Crackity Jones | 10/5/2015 10:00:12 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/19/2021 1:05:12 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/19/2021 1:06:23 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/23/2021 8:47:26 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Rainbow Sprinkle | 9/3/2021 7:06:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | LichendTwo controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/27/2015 10:49:03 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Anakin | 11/12/2021 4:49:20 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/23/2021 9:16:29 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Anna | 9/3/2021 7:16:00 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Rainbow Sprinkle | 9/3/2021 7:18:29 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lorena | 9/3/2021 7:21:30 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Chimeria controled by Stark Lichend | Wednesday | 9/3/2021 7:22:54 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Djevik KShar | 11/12/2021 5:10:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/18/2021 7:23:05 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Chimeria controled by Stark Lichend | Samuel | 9/3/2021 7:23:17 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Eastwood | 10/6/2015 5:06:09 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lorena | 11/19/2021 10:16:53 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Fire Lichend | 5/29/2021 8:45:53 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Djevik KShar | 11/12/2021 5:11:56 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Merlin | 9/22/2021 8:14:02 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/29/2021 7:58:12 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Salty McGee | 12/11/2021 8:58:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 12/3/2021 7:50:56 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Salty McGee | 4/1/2022 6:03:21 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Deathboy | 8/24/2015 10:28:11 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Salty McGee | 4/1/2022 6:05:06 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lorena | 1/29/2022 4:48:22 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/11/2021 8:59:48 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Freddy Krueger | 3/13/2022 10:42:58 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Fire Lichend | 8/11/2021 8:14:32 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Jody | 9/24/2021 7:40:42 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Jody | 9/24/2021 7:41:04 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lyle | 9/24/2021 7:43:01 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Lichend controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/30/2015 8:19:12 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/30/2021 8:06:23 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Nicole | 1/7/2022 9:23:12 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Drunk Rick | 11/3/2021 6:47:43 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Crilus | 3/26/2022 8:59:15 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/24/2021 7:43:21 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/17/2021 6:54:51 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Mint controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 8/17/2021 8:56:09 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Ruby Rhod | 7/12/2021 7:17:03 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Chicken Love | 1/7/2022 9:36:02 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/5/2015 10:04:57 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Mint controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/20/2021 7:11:30 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Deathboy | 10/6/2015 7:30:47 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Deathboy | 10/6/2015 7:31:28 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lyle | 8/9/2021 5:51:37 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/29/2015 11:18:04 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | swanK | 6/30/2015 9:55:11 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Isobel Darkheart | 2/16/2022 4:15:28 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/29/2015 11:19:19 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Siva | 9/14/2021 8:22:48 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Plentimon | 3/4/2022 7:17:08 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/29/2015 11:20:27 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/19/2021 4:44:04 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Cleopatra | 3/4/2022 12:46:16 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Honey | 3/4/2022 12:46:31 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Thrashska | 3/4/2022 7:21:06 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Peanut Butter | 3/4/2022 12:46:50 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Quality Fellow | 4/15/2022 5:29:11 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Wampler Longacre | 8/9/2021 6:37:06 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Quality Fellow | 4/15/2022 5:29:42 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 7/5/2015 10:27:05 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Croc Hunter | 3/4/2022 7:23:29 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Quality Fellow | 4/15/2022 5:29:58 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Croc Hunter | 3/4/2022 7:24:59 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Quality Fellow | 4/15/2022 5:30:16 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Shiver | 4/1/2022 8:08:18 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Khaleesi | 1/19/2022 9:04:21 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Khaleesi | 1/19/2022 9:09:40 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Bigdaddy | 7/12/2021 7:48:28 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Frud | 1/19/2022 9:10:06 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Auza | 2/5/2022 2:34:23 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Honest Abe | 2/24/2022 8:36:31 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lucifer | 1/19/2022 9:10:16 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 1/8/2022 2:44:56 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Bibol | 9/3/2021 2:50:56 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Luck | 4/1/2022 8:14:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Trebuchet controled by Stark Lichend | DoowBee | 4/5/2021 8:21:43 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Pirlo | 11/5/2021 9:21:51 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Sawrey | 4/15/2022 5:58:20 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/9/2021 11:36:31 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Jam | 3/4/2022 12:58:41 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 5/28/2021 10:42:11 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Kaloth | 4/15/2022 5:58:24 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Sawrey | 4/15/2022 5:58:42 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/4/2021 9:41:08 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 5:58:49 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Sawrey | 4/15/2022 5:58:54 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Kaloth | 4/15/2022 5:58:58 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | LichRedone controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/14/2015 9:50:04 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Peanut Butter | 3/4/2022 1:01:10 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 5:58:59 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 10/8/2021 8:03:48 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Honey | 3/4/2022 1:01:29 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Sawrey | 4/15/2022 5:59:15 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/5/2021 9:46:19 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Megan Fox | 5/28/2021 10:52:35 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Unknown | 8/7/2015 12:56:34 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Sawrey | 4/15/2022 6:00:16 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/20/2021 9:41:33 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Bolero | 4/15/2022 6:00:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Ophelia | 10/6/2015 9:46:19 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 6:00:53 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Talon Lichend | 10/22/2015 3:45:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Lucifer | 1/19/2022 1:07:46 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Bolero | 4/15/2022 6:01:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | BIBOL | 1/5/2022 6:53:32 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 6:03:11 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/20/2021 10:37:18 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Najena | 1/19/2022 9:53:33 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 6:03:48 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Mint controled by Stark Lichend | Lillith | 8/8/2021 5:25:16 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Pockets | 10/4/2015 6:55:55 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Drinian | 1/19/2022 9:59:30 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | LoneWolf | 4/15/2022 6:04:34 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Lichend | Lichend | 6/11/2022 12:33:56 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Lichend | Piatt | 6/11/2022 12:34:05 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 4/20/2021 5:02:53 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Lichend | Fisher Mary | 6/9/2022 4:16:21 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Lyra | 6/11/2022 12:34:10 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 5/27/2021 7:16:27 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Cipher | 6/23/2021 10:03:16 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | BaBa YaGa | 11/20/2021 11:16:41 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Lichend | Disco Dan | 6/11/2022 12:34:18 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Cipher | 6/23/2021 10:03:34 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Cipher | 6/23/2021 10:03:51 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Samuel | 7/11/2021 11:33:39 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | ball slime | 8/24/2021 7:10:38 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Unknown | 10/13/2015 11:53:30 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Cliff MacCloud | 10/13/2015 11:53:39 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Glarendiil | 4/3/2022 10:33:45 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a bull controled by Stark Lichend | Mithril | 11/17/2021 11:47:59 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | Wolfbane | 10/13/2015 12:05:17 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Yang | 1/7/2022 11:37:48 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | SixSixSix | 10/13/2015 12:17:06 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Talon Lichend | 11/1/2021 8:49:55 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 2/2/2022 12:07:58 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Dierdra | 9/22/2015 9:00:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Schutze controled by Stark Lichend | Norton | 12/10/2015 9:48:52 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | YellowSnow controled by Stark Lichend | Drinian | 8/11/2020 9:52:49 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Cheap Shot | 4/15/2022 7:09:23 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Chris controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/28/2015 3:42:22 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Cheap Shot | 4/15/2022 7:10:35 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Cheap Shot | 4/15/2022 7:10:49 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Feuer controled by Stark Lichend | HEAVY PETTING | 11/17/2015 4:28:44 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Lichend | Cheap Shot | 4/15/2022 7:10:55 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/26/2021 9:08:26 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Waraxe controled by Stark Lichend | Afro Thunda | 11/12/2015 11:47:55 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 10/19/2015 1:28:08 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Cookie Monster | 9/12/2021 6:59:38 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 11/28/2021 2:58:25 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Cookie Monster | 9/12/2021 7:13:02 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Ali the fish | 6/23/2021 10:51:31 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Feuer controled by Stark Lichend | Serephina | 12/10/2015 11:31:56 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Ali the fish | 6/23/2021 11:00:47 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Quasar | 2/1/2022 6:01:33 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lyle | 7/17/2021 8:56:46 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Idaho controled by Stark Lichend | Inferno | 11/12/2021 9:01:47 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Slurpee | 11/12/2021 9:03:09 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lyle | 7/17/2021 8:57:32 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Terra | 11/12/2021 11:58:27 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Jody | 11/12/2021 11:59:06 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Terra | 11/13/2021 12:00:17 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Lyle | 2/5/2022 4:47:09 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Dallas Multipass | 2/23/2022 6:50:09 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Terra | 11/13/2021 12:00:39 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Stark Lichend | Terra | 11/13/2021 5:54:47 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Waraxe controled by Stark Lichend | Friend | 11/17/2015 6:07:17 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Lichend | Wednesday | 4/2/2022 10:29:34 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Colorado controled by Lichend | Fisher Mary | 3/29/2022 5:30:28 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Tellah | 11/13/2021 5:56:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Bartleby | 11/13/2021 12:02:49 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 9/24/2021 12:39:43 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Nightshade | 8/8/2015 1:39:27 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Scooter | 9/20/2015 10:24:02 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Chimeria controled by Stark Lichend | Tara | 9/7/2021 6:06:12 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | a bull controled by Stark Lichend | Mithril | 2/22/2022 5:13:14 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Aurelius controled by Stark Lichend | Unknown | 10/8/2021 12:35:03 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Iowa controled by Stark Lichend | Duross | 2/28/2022 7:22:44 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Arizona controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 1/22/2022 7:12:37 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | SnowFlake controled by Stark Lichend | Lichend | 6/12/2017 1:56:46 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Jango | 1/7/2022 5:19:28 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Vengeance controled by Stark Lichend | Spy | 10/6/2015 12:24:08 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Nymeria controled by Stark Lichend | Fire Lichend | 12/3/2021 2:16:33 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Paladin controled by Stark Lichend | crooks | 10/6/2015 12:25:03 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Scooter | 11/2/2015 1:59:11 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Justice controled by Stark Lichend | Scooter | 11/2/2015 2:00:18 PM | Britannia |