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LogType: Death Records Shown: 100 Sorted By: Type_ASC Last Updated: 2/26/2025 6:31:22 AM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Killed By | When | Location |
Controlled | TwoFive controled by Woody III | Pillionaire | 2/18/2017 11:49:44 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | White controled by Regnus Gyre | Pillionaire | 12/2/2016 4:37:50 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Toxic controled by Saige | Pillionaire | 7/31/2017 3:07:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a nightmare controled by Theo | Pillionaire | 8/20/2015 6:29:37 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Nuts controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 9/30/2015 11:29:46 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Red controled by Regnus Gyre | Pillionaire | 12/2/2016 4:38:58 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Pill controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 8/28/2017 9:35:30 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Jerry controled by Lacan | Pillionaire | 4/13/2017 3:26:47 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Apple controled by Shido | Pillionaire | 10/16/2016 2:15:04 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Terry controled by Lacan | Pillionaire | 4/13/2017 3:29:34 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Hero controled by Ella Grayce | Pillionaire | 8/2/2015 6:31:53 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a blade spirit controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 9/7/2022 3:17:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | shotgun controled by t dawg | Pillionaire | 4/14/2015 1:27:43 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Stops controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 9/16/2016 3:10:29 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | an air elemental controled by crooks | Pillionaire | 12/1/2014 1:29:53 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Achilles controled by Kermit | Pillionaire | 8/13/2015 10:01:06 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | IWuvWuu controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 7/31/2014 9:31:20 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | a nightmare controled by Theo | Pillionaire | 12/20/2015 11:04:15 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Dont controled by Saige | Pillionaire | 2/14/2017 2:33:03 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | a nightmare controled by Nasty Man | Pillionaire | 8/11/2017 1:25:33 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a mountain goat controled by Calico Rock | Pillionaire | 7/11/2014 12:53:31 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Veritas controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 1/5/2017 8:26:38 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | DOOOOOOOOD controled by Theo | Pillionaire | 8/2/2014 4:35:07 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | a dragon controled by Shido | Pillionaire | 12/28/2016 12:58:09 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | an energy vortex controled by Soul Harvester | Pillionaire | 12/16/2014 12:41:30 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Llamalack controled by Rooster Cogburn | Pillionaire | 7/31/2017 12:31:02 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | MileyCyrus controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 1/9/2015 11:37:08 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Rutt controled by Clip | Pillionaire | 6/27/2017 3:25:14 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Mack controled by Mole | Pillionaire | 6/27/2017 3:28:04 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | YourFather controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 1/23/2015 12:45:18 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | a dragon controled by Shido | Pillionaire | 12/26/2016 2:35:48 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Lawd controled by Balanar | Pillionaire | 12/14/2016 11:46:15 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | A controled by Clam | Pillionaire | 9/12/2014 5:35:20 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | BALLZ controled by Jack Kass | Pillionaire | 11/7/2017 10:00:41 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | VonyEzriDax controled by VonyVoom | Pillionaire | 3/12/2016 6:15:48 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | SNOOCHIBOOCHIE controled by KoolaId- | Pillionaire | 11/29/2014 3:46:14 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | SL controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 9/30/2015 8:29:17 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Ted controled by Bear Grylls | Pillionaire | 9/12/2016 9:31:58 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | This controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 9/26/2016 12:24:52 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | bstable controled by Cuthbert | Pillionaire | 5/24/2015 7:42:39 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Jerry controled by Lacan | Pillionaire | 10/9/2017 1:31:32 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Bonnie controled by Disco Dan | Pillionaire | 7/12/2020 2:40:21 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | ManOwar controled by PETman | Pillionaire | 8/18/2018 12:05:51 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | demodrag controled by The Doctor | Pillionaire | 10/14/2014 11:52:25 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Kenny controled by Shaun Alan | Pillionaire | 6/3/2015 1:15:29 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Veritas controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 1/5/2017 10:22:37 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | LesClaypool controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 9/30/2015 9:49:35 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Bahamut controled by Tyrael | Pillionaire | 9/7/2015 11:26:22 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | VivNight controled by VivianVelvet | Pillionaire | 2/19/2016 11:39:45 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a dragon controled by Shido | Pillionaire | 12/27/2016 4:01:25 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Life controled by Moses | Pillionaire | 7/28/2014 10:02:15 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Pickles controled by Onions | Pillionaire | 8/24/2015 12:12:09 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | HerFavorite controled by Mesdoram Elmdor | Pillionaire | 1/2/2016 2:21:58 AM | Dungeon |
Controlled | This controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 6/30/2020 11:43:09 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | a frenzied ostard controled by Retired PVP'r | Pillionaire | 7/11/2014 9:54:29 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | MileyCyrus controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 4/17/2015 1:42:15 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Poosay controled by Thelax | Pillionaire | 7/11/2018 12:33:24 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Dont controled by Saige | Pillionaire | 1/13/2017 12:59:34 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Queef controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 1/9/2016 12:19:08 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Shadow controled by Rakshasa | Pillionaire | 8/9/2017 9:27:49 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Hellboy controled by Russell | Pillionaire | 5/14/2015 1:25:16 AM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | Train controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 10/11/2022 8:29:09 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Aquitas controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 2/13/2015 12:28:08 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | Loki controled by Exouds | Pillionaire | 9/11/2016 3:14:55 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Moloch controled by Atiki | Pillionaire | 8/1/2014 12:37:02 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Herbert controled by Macha | Pillionaire | 8/26/2019 4:59:50 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Veritas controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 3/5/2015 9:44:13 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | Uchigatana controled by Mishiru | Pillionaire | 5/13/2015 4:31:17 PM | Lost Lands |
Controlled | a nightmare controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 1/26/2015 10:40:33 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Ballbuster controled by Triplebeam | Pillionaire | 1/2/2020 8:47:02 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | a dragon controled by Illite | Pillionaire | 11/10/2017 10:18:08 PM | Dungeon |
Controlled | grey controled by Juxtapose | Pillionaire | 9/15/2014 11:03:46 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Twerk controled by Deathboy | Pillionaire | 4/13/2015 10:32:52 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Halberd controled by Thelax | Pillionaire | 2/16/2018 8:51:01 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Lawd controled by Balanar | Pillionaire | 12/22/2016 2:29:32 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | Stops controled by Pillionaire | Pillionaire | 5/27/2015 8:47:57 PM | Lost Lands |
Duel | Cullinarn, during a duel | Pillionaire | 12/14/2016 3:26:13 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Jake, during a duel | Pillionaire | 12/14/2016 3:27:27 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Jake, during a duel | Pillionaire | 12/14/2016 3:30:34 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Jake, during a duel | Pillionaire | 12/14/2016 3:33:32 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Xi'an, during a duel | Pillionaire | 8/2/2014 4:31:17 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Laurana, during a duel | Pillionaire | 8/1/2014 2:26:46 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Laurana, during a duel | Pillionaire | 8/1/2014 2:28:36 AM | Britannia |
Duel | Peter Griffin, during a duel | Pillionaire | 2/17/2017 10:42:25 AM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 6/9/2021 6:06:18 PM | Britannia |
House | LiTH, while in a house | Pillionaire | 11/16/2014 8:17:24 PM | Britannia |
House | Turbo, while in a house | Pillionaire | 3/22/2015 2:50:28 AM | Britannia |
House | The Dank Nugget, while in a house | Pillionaire | 10/6/2015 11:49:12 PM | Britannia |
House | Skunk Ape, while in a house | Pillionaire | 10/2/2015 12:08:33 AM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 8/22/2019 10:02:39 PM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 8/22/2019 10:06:24 PM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 8/22/2019 10:17:31 PM | Britannia |
House | Mike Hunt, while in a house | Pillionaire | 10/2/2015 12:29:27 AM | Britannia |
House | Deimos, while in a house | Pillionaire | 11/19/2017 1:21:52 AM | Britannia |
House | Turbo, while in a house | Pillionaire | 10/1/2015 8:23:35 PM | Britannia |
House | Thelax, while in a house | Pillionaire | 9/29/2017 11:20:51 PM | Britannia |
House | BACON BOOBIESLOL, while in a house | Pillionaire | 2/18/2017 3:16:54 AM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 9/14/2017 7:22:47 PM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 9/14/2017 7:47:25 PM | Britannia |
House | Eastwood, while in a house | Pillionaire | 8/24/2017 12:01:28 PM | Britannia |