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Ultima Online Killers Nilmer Whack's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 2/23/2025 10:30:03 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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Death Log
PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Monster Killed by a giant spider Killed by a Monster 1/28/2019 10:20:39 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an ettin Killed by a Monster 1/28/2019 10:52:10 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an air elemental Killed by a Monster 2/5/2019 6:22:28 PM Britannia
Controlled Wormius controled by Pajamas Private 2/9/2019 1:52:55 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a wisp Killed by a Monster 2/10/2019 5:28:46 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a wisp Killed by a Monster 2/10/2019 5:35:39 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a wisp Killed by a Monster 2/10/2019 5:35:44 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a wisp Killed by a Monster 2/10/2019 7:14:47 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/11/2019 11:41:38 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/11/2019 11:57:56 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a lich Killed by a Monster 2/12/2019 12:32:39 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/13/2019 2:06:11 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a blood elemental Killed by a Monster 2/13/2019 2:20:18 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Noobius Private 2/13/2019 3:29:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Noobius Private 2/13/2019 3:30:54 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by the grinch Killed by a Monster 2/14/2019 9:09:28 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a poison elemental Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 2:30:02 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a poison elemental Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 2:30:44 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 4:28:37 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 4:31:11 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Slayer Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 5:19:35 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/17/2019 5:23:32 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/18/2019 7:07:17 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/19/2019 2:03:31 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/19/2019 2:38:13 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a poison elemental Killed by a Monster 2/20/2019 3:19:44 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself Private 2/20/2019 3:24:21 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a blood elemental Killed by a Monster 2/20/2019 4:00:18 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the Lord of the Abyss Killed by a Monster 2/21/2019 5:57:21 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a lich lord Killed by a Monster 2/22/2019 12:37:55 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/23/2019 9:42:02 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 2/24/2019 5:18:24 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 2/26/2019 12:01:40 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by Deacon Private 3/1/2019 10:55:46 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 3/2/2019 12:20:09 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 3/2/2019 12:25:32 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by a horse Killed by a Monster 3/3/2019 1:29:23 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a horse Killed by a Monster 3/3/2019 1:49:07 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a phoenix Killed by a Monster 3/8/2019 3:47:49 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a phoenix Killed by a Monster 3/8/2019 3:48:17 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Akela Killed by a Monster 3/14/2019 10:58:15 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an imp Killed by a Monster 3/19/2019 2:07:34 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an imp Killed by a Monster 3/19/2019 2:13:21 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an imp Killed by a Monster 3/19/2019 2:17:51 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 3/21/2019 2:22:31 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 3/21/2019 2:24:29 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a bull Killed by a Monster 3/25/2019 8:20:27 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a silver serpent Killed by a Monster 4/12/2019 11:19:11 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elf Killed by a Monster 4/15/2019 12:18:33 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Krampus Killed by a Monster 4/24/2019 10:16:20 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a monstrous flaming bear Killed by a Monster 4/24/2019 10:24:38 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 5/1/2019 2:25:47 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan matriarch Killed by a Monster 5/1/2019 2:35:53 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dark elf Killed by a Monster 5/2/2019 3:17:57 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dark elf Killed by a Monster 5/2/2019 3:27:51 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dark elf spirit Killed by a Monster 5/2/2019 3:32:48 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dark elf spirit Killed by a Monster 5/2/2019 3:43:19 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a warrior of flame Killed by a Monster 5/2/2019 11:07:09 PM Britannia
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Private 5/3/2019 10:16:56 PM CTF Match
CTF unavailable, during a capture the flag game Private 5/3/2019 10:19:06 PM CTF Match
CTF ihateshrimpalot, during a capture the flag game Private 5/3/2019 10:22:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Chopper, during a capture the flag game Private 5/3/2019 10:23:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Chopper, during a capture the flag game Private 5/3/2019 10:27:19 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 5/13/2019 9:05:28 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 5/13/2019 9:12:23 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 5/13/2019 9:19:21 PM Dungeon
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:33:16 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:34:20 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:36:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:36:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:37:51 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:39:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:43:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 5/22/2019 10:47:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 8:48:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 8:50:16 PM CTF Match
CTF AA Ron, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 8:54:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 8:57:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Goodfella, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:21:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Robin Hood, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:23:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:23:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:26:18 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:26:47 PM CTF Match
CTF unavailable, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:30:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:31:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 5/30/2019 9:34:31 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by a frost mage Killed by a Monster 5/30/2019 10:42:51 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an efreet sultan Killed by a Monster 6/14/2019 1:37:17 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 6/30/2019 5:33:51 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by AdaM HenrY Private 7/4/2019 10:03:57 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a succubus Killed by a Monster 7/12/2019 12:28:43 PM Dungeon
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 8:57:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 8:59:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:00:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:02:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:02:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:03:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:04:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:05:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Ma'at, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:06:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:06:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:07:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:08:37 PM CTF Match
CTF Ma'at, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:09:13 PM CTF Match
CTF Al Bundy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:10:51 PM CTF Match
CTF Ma'at, during a capture the flag game Private 8/6/2019 9:11:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:37:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:41:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Bellum, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:43:37 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:44:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Bellum, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:50:03 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:51:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2019 8:52:36 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 8/8/2019 2:31:21 PM Britannia
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:42:37 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:43:29 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:44:08 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:45:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:45:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Cypher, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:47:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:48:50 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:49:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Cypher, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:51:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:52:53 PM CTF Match
CTF Delstrudo, during a capture the flag game Private 8/8/2019 9:55:24 PM CTF Match
House Ania, while in a house Private 8/11/2019 2:00:11 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a forest troll Killed by a Monster 8/11/2019 2:30:02 PM Britannia
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:14:07 PM CTF Match
CTF Treebeard, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:14:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:15:25 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:17:07 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:18:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:19:48 PM CTF Match
CTF BigVuddudaddy, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:20:45 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:21:24 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:22:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Famis, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:23:58 PM CTF Match
CTF ink, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:24:42 PM CTF Match
CTF Treebeard, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:25:39 PM CTF Match
CTF Treebeard, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:26:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/12/2019 9:28:17 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 8/13/2019 6:59:40 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 8/13/2019 7:01:54 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Apokalypsis Private 8/13/2019 11:25:26 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Shiver Private 8/13/2019 11:59:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Anna Private 8/14/2019 12:18:12 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Akil Killed by a Monster 8/14/2019 1:14:33 PM Dungeon
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Private 8/14/2019 6:29:37 PM Britannia
Faction Dreamshire, in faction combat Private 8/14/2019 6:59:02 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a lich Killed by a Monster 8/15/2019 10:25:49 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a lich Killed by a Monster 8/15/2019 10:30:30 PM Britannia
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:11:47 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:12:57 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:14:07 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:17:09 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:19:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Terror Miss Sue, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:20:01 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:21:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:22:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 8/28/2019 8:23:40 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 8/28/2019 10:58:34 PM Britannia
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Private 9/1/2019 11:09:10 AM Britannia
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Private 9/1/2019 11:11:04 AM Britannia
Standard Unknown Private 9/1/2019 6:36:39 PM Britannia
Faction Delstrudo, in faction combat Private 9/2/2019 6:19:53 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Danny Private 9/2/2019 7:50:08 PM Britannia
CTF Rollo, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:36:43 PM CTF Match
CTF lincecum, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:38:03 PM CTF Match
CTF lincecum, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:39:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Bumboozle, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:41:59 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:43:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Azalano, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:44:56 PM CTF Match
CTF lincecum, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:47:02 PM CTF Match
CTF Rollo, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:48:14 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 8:49:12 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:12:54 PM CTF Match
CTF belly, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:14:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Blink, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:15:16 PM CTF Match
CTF BoNe CrUsHeR, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:16:12 PM CTF Match
CTF White Oak, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:17:07 PM CTF Match
CTF Ma'at, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:19:30 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:20:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Red Eyes, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:21:22 PM CTF Match
CTF belly, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:22:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Blink, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:54:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Albert Lutz, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:57:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Dredd, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 9:59:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Violent J, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:02:22 PM CTF Match
CTF Pugnator, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:03:32 PM CTF Match
CTF Dunk'd, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:04:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Dunk'd, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:07:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Dunk'd, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:08:33 PM CTF Match
CTF Albert Lutz, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:33:59 PM CTF Match
CTF Anubis, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:34:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:37:11 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:39:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:41:18 PM CTF Match
CTF Mordant, during a capture the flag game Private 9/2/2019 10:46:19 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by bumgarner Private 9/3/2019 6:51:44 PM Dungeon
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Private 9/4/2019 12:17:22 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/4/2019 12:57:02 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/4/2019 2:11:19 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/4/2019 5:10:58 PM Britannia
Faction lincecum, in faction combat Private 9/4/2019 5:27:57 PM Britannia
Faction Marilyn Monroe, in faction combat Private 9/4/2019 10:29:12 PM Britannia
Faction Marilyn Monroe, in faction combat Private 9/4/2019 10:37:54 PM Britannia
Faction Marquis Elmdor, in faction combat Private 9/4/2019 10:50:38 PM Britannia
Faction Harold Delaney, in faction combat Private 9/7/2019 10:38:51 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/21/2019 10:49:55 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/22/2019 12:27:15 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an orc bomber Killed by a Monster 9/22/2019 4:01:44 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Ecketak Killed by a Monster 9/22/2019 4:04:03 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/23/2019 9:28:20 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/23/2019 9:52:22 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an elder gazer Killed by a Monster 9/23/2019 10:04:48 PM Britannia
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:02:54 PM CTF Match
CTF Chief Osceola, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:03:41 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:05:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:05:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Ma'at, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:06:28 PM CTF Match
CTF BugaBuga, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:08:06 PM CTF Match
CTF Zesryth, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:10:52 PM CTF Match
CTF Zesryth, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:11:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Zesryth, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:12:34 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:13:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Alvien, during a capture the flag game Private 10/4/2019 10:14:07 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by a vampire lord Killed by a Monster 10/24/2019 11:08:15 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a goblin Killed by a Monster 10/25/2019 1:53:53 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a desiccated skeleton Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:03:09 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a headless horseless man Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:04:19 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a poltergeist Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:05:09 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:06:45 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:07:31 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a mortician Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:08:19 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a mortician Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:08:37 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a mortician Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:08:54 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a mortician Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:09:31 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a gravedigger Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:11:14 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a mortician Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:11:27 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a skeletal-blood mage Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:11:45 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:12:00 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:12:18 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:12:39 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:13:02 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a skeletal-blood mage Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:13:27 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:13:51 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:14:04 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a vampire Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:14:22 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by Morz Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:15:00 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a temple guard Killed by a Monster 10/28/2019 9:15:19 PM Britannia

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