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Ultima Online Killers crooks's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 2/5/2025 6:20:59 PM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled Bane controled by Mandevu crooks 7/7/2016 4:10:53 AM Dungeon
Controlled hemera controled by Helios crooks 6/4/2015 12:22:39 AM Britannia
Controlled Pow controled by Velmi crooks 1/9/2015 3:41:14 AM Dungeon
Controlled VexVangelis controled by VonyVoom crooks 1/9/2015 4:36:29 AM Dungeon
Controlled Canth controled by Radagast crooks 7/18/2015 9:15:45 AM Dungeon
Controlled Nera controled by Marfan crooks 9/19/2014 6:26:51 PM Britannia
Controlled Xigbar controled by Vella crooks 3/25/2015 11:20:42 PM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by EdDennis crooks 12/20/2014 9:17:10 PM Britannia
Controlled White controled by Lamah crooks 1/27/2016 3:03:10 AM Dungeon
Controlled OverSoul controled by Vella crooks 10/27/2015 6:47:12 AM Britannia
Controlled Snowball controled by Marge Simpson crooks 2/13/2015 2:42:19 AM Britannia
Controlled Dragone controled by G-tar crooks 8/1/2017 4:32:59 AM Dungeon
Controlled Taliban controled by Allah bin Laden crooks 8/9/2015 9:06:02 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Paradox crooks 8/27/2014 11:03:55 PM Britannia
Controlled Al controled by Al crooks 2/3/2015 1:40:35 PM Dungeon
Controlled Shade controled by Xavor crooks 6/10/2015 9:42:05 AM Britannia
Controlled Thunder controled by Steve Irwin crooks 8/1/2017 4:55:26 AM Dungeon
Controlled Smaug controled by Cyrus crooks 3/29/2015 5:26:41 AM Dungeon
Controlled Persephone controled by Arawn crooks 11/16/2014 4:08:07 AM Dungeon
Controlled Ice controled by Steve Irwin crooks 8/1/2017 5:13:13 AM Dungeon
Controlled MikeTRED controled by MikeT crooks 2/13/2015 3:20:18 AM Britannia
Controlled TheDarkness controled by Arusha crooks 7/23/2015 2:22:20 PM Dungeon
Controlled Red controled by Lamah crooks 2/4/2016 4:49:16 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Axiom crooks 4/26/2015 7:08:18 AM Britannia
Controlled Revenge controled by Wooly Mamoth Jig crooks 8/15/2015 1:31:14 AM Dungeon
Controlled Head controled by Blockhead crooks 9/20/2015 2:38:10 PM Dungeon
Controlled a dragon controled by Bear crooks 8/29/2015 11:40:08 AM Dungeon
Controlled ArthurEld controled by Cuthbert crooks 10/6/2014 5:06:44 AM Lost Lands
Controlled Kung controled by Velmi crooks 1/7/2015 3:32:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Mon controled by Rotten Teeth crooks 6/5/2015 11:39:44 AM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Cosmic Violence crooks 10/22/2015 11:43:35 PM Britannia
Controlled ValScotland controled by ValoriVinyl crooks 6/29/2015 12:27:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled Kung controled by Velmi crooks 1/7/2015 3:44:23 PM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by crooks crooks 3/23/2016 8:09:51 AM Dungeon
Controlled Queef controled by Deathboy crooks 9/17/2015 9:53:53 PM Britannia
Controlled Felicia controled by Ragnar Lodbrok crooks 6/12/2016 8:56:55 AM Dungeon
Controlled Ash controled by an angry druid crooks 3/26/2017 9:25:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled Theo controled by Mole crooks 4/21/2015 8:34:00 AM Dungeon
Controlled Tsugumori controled by Mishiru crooks 6/10/2015 1:53:26 PM Dungeon
Controlled Pill controled by Deathboy crooks 2/28/2017 3:30:14 AM Britannia
Controlled G controled by Odeth crooks 2/17/2016 7:40:00 AM Britannia
Controlled b controled by Marc Singer crooks 12/11/2014 5:41:38 PM Dungeon
Controlled c controled by FutileMind crooks 12/20/2015 5:01:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled TimeCop controled by Azrael crooks 2/13/2016 5:39:48 PM Britannia
Controlled Loki controled by Exouds crooks 9/10/2015 3:14:36 PM Dungeon
Controlled Tug controled by Karik crooks 3/29/2015 6:25:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Erza Scarlet crooks 1/3/2016 10:55:16 AM Dungeon
Controlled Rudiment controled by Blockhead crooks 2/8/2015 1:08:34 AM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Pork Fried Rice crooks 9/4/2014 9:20:14 AM Britannia
Controlled ValBROWN controled by Val crooks 6/6/2015 12:25:42 PM Dungeon
Controlled Blue controled by Regnus Gyre crooks 4/28/2016 4:17:20 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Cobrinha crooks 3/9/2015 3:14:33 AM Britannia
Controlled UncleTony controled by Blockhead crooks 7/31/2015 1:44:43 PM Dungeon
Controlled Say controled by Thelax crooks 3/5/2017 10:36:57 PM Britannia
Controlled Whitemare controled by Duece crooks 11/1/2014 7:58:34 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by crooks crooks 6/20/2018 3:41:09 AM Britannia
Controlled Chaos controled by Kyren crooks 3/11/2015 7:38:09 AM Dungeon
Controlled a white wyrm controled by Margot Helphas crooks 3/4/2016 9:03:17 AM Dungeon
Controlled Highlander controled by Ezzenglade crooks 11/24/2014 4:29:01 AM Dungeon
Controlled Rutt controled by Clip crooks 3/24/2017 8:31:03 AM Dungeon
Controlled White controled by Regnus Gyre crooks 8/19/2016 7:20:00 AM Dungeon
Controlled HungryForNoobs controled by Wooly Mamoth Jig crooks 8/17/2014 5:04:18 AM Dungeon
Controlled Vexen controled by Angry Cupid crooks 10/9/2015 11:46:23 AM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Pork Fried Rice crooks 9/6/2014 10:15:57 AM Britannia
Controlled Geralt controled by Triss Merigold crooks 12/9/2016 1:35:50 PM Dungeon
Controlled BICYCLE controled by ll l crooks 8/12/2015 10:19:56 AM Lost Lands
Controlled Fluffy vi controled by Lacan crooks 6/22/2018 12:48:36 AM Britannia
Controlled there controled by Dwight the White crooks 8/15/2015 4:19:12 AM Britannia
Controlled Joey controled by Shroominpets crooks 2/25/2017 10:06:22 AM Dungeon
Controlled Bunny controled by Tierpfleger crooks 4/26/2016 1:19:49 PM Dungeon
Controlled FUSSYCAT controled by HEAVY PETTING crooks 5/25/2016 1:29:34 PM Dungeon
Controlled Mighty controled by Eugenia crooks 6/1/2017 11:59:57 PM Britannia
Controlled Drago controled by Tierpfleger crooks 10/16/2015 10:27:59 AM Dungeon
Controlled Rhaegal controled by Daenerys crooks 10/15/2015 2:28:02 PM Dungeon
Controlled a controled by Million crooks 11/26/2015 8:18:08 PM Dungeon
Controlled Smaug controled by Cyrus crooks 2/24/2016 7:09:07 AM Dungeon
Controlled montgomery controled by Velmi crooks 11/21/2014 12:14:04 AM Britannia
Controlled Nugget controled by Deathboy crooks 9/9/2015 10:45:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled CHAOS controled by Dalavar Wolfmage crooks 11/19/2014 10:15:43 AM Britannia
Controlled VoxGenius controled by ValoriVinyl crooks 1/17/2015 6:36:49 AM Dungeon
Controlled Revenge controled by Wooly Mamoth Jig crooks 3/28/2015 10:24:16 PM Britannia
Controlled DRAGON controled by Rotten Teeth crooks 3/13/2015 6:04:47 PM Dungeon
Controlled Glendale controled by Jayden Lutz crooks 5/5/2015 9:30:04 AM Dungeon
Controlled b controled by Descartes crooks 12/14/2014 4:14:32 AM Dungeon
Controlled Greens controled by Evil Omen crooks 12/1/2014 1:13:19 AM Dungeon
Controlled Smaug controled by Cyrus crooks 5/13/2015 4:57:00 AM Dungeon
Controlled TheOne controled by Kermit crooks 8/17/2015 12:42:04 PM Dungeon
Controlled Beta controled by Mr Digglefitz crooks 1/29/2016 9:33:12 AM Dungeon
Controlled Jekyll controled by Steve Irwin crooks 9/15/2016 2:39:45 PM Britannia
Controlled Hyde controled by Steve Irwin crooks 9/15/2016 2:45:07 PM Britannia
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Pork Fried Rice crooks 10/1/2014 7:08:32 AM Britannia
Controlled HungryForNoobs controled by Wooly Mamoth Jig crooks 8/26/2014 12:53:58 AM Britannia
Controlled NP controled by Bertie Wooster crooks 7/4/2015 12:53:00 PM Dungeon
Controlled HingDai controled by Lynx crooks 5/25/2015 3:13:14 PM Dungeon
Controlled Daz controled by Nicki Bluhm crooks 4/15/2016 5:59:55 AM Dungeon
Controlled White controled by Regnus Gyre crooks 11/1/2016 5:58:11 AM Dungeon
Controlled Flam controled by Blockhead crooks 7/17/2015 9:26:26 PM Dungeon
Controlled ORDER controled by Dalavar Wolfmage crooks 12/14/2014 6:28:22 AM Dungeon
Controlled AnimalControl controled by Deathboy crooks 9/21/2016 10:46:53 PM Dungeon
Controlled Washington controled by Animal Cruelty crooks 8/28/2015 7:18:00 PM Britannia

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