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LogType: Kill Records Shown: 100 Sorted By: Date_Old Last Updated: 3/1/2025 2:32:40 AM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Victim | When | Location |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Unknown | 6/8/2020 5:43:26 AM | Britannia |
Controlled | an energy vortex controled by Leeloo | Leeloo | 6/10/2020 4:45:29 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Bad Boy Bubby | 6/10/2020 7:11:14 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Unknown | 6/11/2020 6:04:24 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | PresidentCamacho | 6/13/2020 4:26:18 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | EdDennis | 6/14/2020 7:51:41 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Gloryhole Seeker | 6/24/2020 4:29:20 PM | Britannia |
Controlled | an energy vortex controled by Leeloo | Bowman | 6/25/2020 4:50:51 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Crazy Horse | 6/26/2020 10:28:04 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Animum Noctis | 7/14/2020 7:21:41 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Joe Exotic | 7/25/2020 7:43:44 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Chase | 7/25/2020 8:13:18 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Gorton | 7/25/2020 8:51:14 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Fisher King | 7/25/2020 8:52:34 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Occoquan | 7/25/2020 11:32:10 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Khamul | 7/27/2020 8:03:53 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Farmero | 7/28/2020 9:41:18 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Daryl | 8/1/2020 7:48:43 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Carl | 8/2/2020 7:58:42 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | DoowBee | 8/4/2020 7:16:42 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Nason | 8/4/2020 7:31:37 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Feiro | 8/4/2020 7:41:56 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Sam Houston | 8/4/2020 7:44:11 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Andrew Bird | 8/4/2020 8:00:16 PM | Britannia |
Murder | Murdered by Leeloo | Dragonseducer | 8/4/2020 9:21:35 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Howlin Wolf | 8/9/2020 7:55:10 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Kush | 8/9/2020 8:01:16 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Boazudo | 8/9/2020 8:22:43 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | TwistedHope | 8/10/2020 9:11:32 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Toro Dragonsbane | 8/10/2020 9:11:34 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Ulric Terrowyn | 8/12/2020 9:04:32 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Hilda | 8/12/2020 9:58:30 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Charles Woodson | 8/14/2020 6:13:02 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | NeedleR | 8/14/2020 6:24:22 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Steve Harris | 8/14/2020 8:58:11 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Keza | 8/14/2020 8:59:23 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Fasolt | 8/17/2020 11:49:03 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Juju | 8/17/2020 8:31:09 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Boomshakalaka | 8/17/2020 9:29:25 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Boomshakalaka | 8/17/2020 9:31:01 PM | Britannia |
Murder | Murdered by Leeloo | Chuck | 8/17/2020 10:14:48 PM | Dungeon |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Ghislaine Maxwel | 8/20/2020 7:49:35 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Me | 8/20/2020 8:17:27 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Danny | 8/20/2020 8:17:58 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Joan Sliver | 8/20/2020 8:23:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Finley Firelight | 8/20/2020 8:50:38 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Andrew Bird | 8/20/2020 9:00:05 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Juju | 8/21/2020 8:07:53 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Animum Noctis | 8/21/2020 8:18:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Fenn | 8/23/2020 12:19:37 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Jon Cooper | 8/26/2020 8:43:21 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Jon Cooper | 8/26/2020 8:45:03 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Juan Dawn | 8/27/2020 7:55:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Juan Dawn | 8/27/2020 7:55:56 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Feiro | 8/27/2020 8:28:57 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Stagi | 8/28/2020 1:40:08 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Sam Houston | 8/28/2020 7:38:06 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | tom riddle | 8/29/2020 10:57:52 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Leeho Fook | 9/1/2020 8:12:41 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Sonya Perranuth | 9/2/2020 7:11:17 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Sonya Perranuth | 9/2/2020 7:12:59 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Duke Gregor | 9/3/2020 8:44:41 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Luther Whitney | 9/4/2020 9:02:54 PM | Dungeon |
Self | You killed yourself | Leeloo | 9/4/2020 9:06:04 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Ramandu | 9/5/2020 9:56:39 PM | Dungeon |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Ash | 9/7/2020 8:29:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Jive Turkey | 9/7/2020 8:40:51 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | smith | 9/8/2020 9:57:18 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | You | 9/10/2020 7:32:41 PM | Dungeon |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Enzo | 9/10/2020 9:03:56 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Kolbjorn | 9/10/2020 9:14:45 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Actual Factual | 9/11/2020 10:40:31 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Me | 9/11/2020 11:35:11 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Grover Cleveland | 9/11/2020 11:35:20 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Grover Cleveland | 9/12/2020 12:12:20 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Chase | 9/12/2020 12:41:52 AM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | NancyBoyYardBird | 9/13/2020 7:53:17 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | NancyBoyYardBird | 9/13/2020 8:02:42 PM | Britannia |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | TorAnn | 9/13/2020 8:41:36 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Gelato | 9/13/2020 8:42:43 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Drinian | 9/13/2020 8:46:59 PM | CTF Match |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Zim | 9/13/2020 9:22:25 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | hidey | 9/15/2020 9:46:55 AM | Britannia |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Bick Deard | 9/16/2020 9:08:03 PM | CTF Match |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Eras | 9/17/2020 8:34:05 PM | Dungeon |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Xynn | 9/17/2020 8:40:32 PM | Britannia |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | Evacyn | 9/17/2020 8:41:00 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Seldane | 9/18/2020 11:02:34 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Unknown | 9/19/2020 9:14:18 PM | Dungeon |
House | Leeloo, while in a house | a faceless newb | 9/24/2020 9:40:48 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Helljumper | 9/25/2020 7:54:00 PM | Britannia |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | mulgerdan | 10/1/2020 8:49:29 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Irving Wish | 10/1/2020 8:50:03 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Gelato | 10/1/2020 8:51:37 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | DxAxRxE | 10/1/2020 8:53:22 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | mulgerdan | 10/1/2020 8:54:31 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Gelato | 10/1/2020 8:57:55 PM | CTF Match |
CTF | Leeloo, during a capture the flag game | Irving Wish | 10/1/2020 9:00:10 PM | CTF Match |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Everlast One | 10/1/2020 9:23:56 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Leeloo | Bradlee | 10/4/2020 6:05:59 PM | Britannia |