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Ultima Online Killers Leeloo's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 250
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Last Updated: 3/1/2025 2:32:40 AM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Killed By When Location
Monster Killed by Kwan Li the Lord of the Mists Killed by a Monster 6/8/2020 4:08:15 PM Dungeon
Controlled Tiffany controled by Ozmond Ozborne Private 6/8/2020 4:28:48 PM Dungeon
House Luna, while in a house Private 6/8/2020 5:43:16 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Me Private 6/8/2020 6:08:30 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 6/10/2020 2:01:58 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 6/10/2020 2:06:11 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 6/10/2020 2:09:44 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 6/10/2020 2:11:15 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a drake Killed by a Monster 6/10/2020 2:12:11 PM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Leeloo Private 6/10/2020 4:45:29 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Saint Moses Private 6/10/2020 10:20:16 PM Lost Lands
Murder Murdered by Saint Ignatius Private 6/12/2020 9:42:03 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Saint Ignatius Private 6/12/2020 10:13:21 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by an orcish mage Killed by a Monster 6/19/2020 3:56:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Animum Noctis Private 6/20/2020 11:20:31 PM Britannia
Controlled Mo controled by Charles Woodson Private 6/25/2020 3:54:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Enarjay Private 6/25/2020 4:20:45 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Me Private 6/26/2020 11:26:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Riel Private 6/26/2020 11:37:57 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Basil Private 6/30/2020 11:38:06 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by Rikktor Killed by a Monster 6/30/2020 12:10:22 PM Britannia
House MoNsOoNeR, while in a house Private 7/7/2020 4:57:23 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by a terathan avenger Killed by a Monster 7/17/2020 8:07:30 PM Dungeon
House Me, while in a house Private 7/25/2020 2:55:59 AM Britannia
Standard Unknown Private 7/27/2020 7:26:16 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a white wyrm Killed by a Monster 8/4/2020 7:08:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled a controled by Kirjava Private 8/12/2020 9:06:11 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Dazzle Private 8/12/2020 10:54:25 PM Britannia
Controlled Astrid controled by Johannes Private 8/14/2020 5:49:45 PM Britannia
Controlled Spearmint controled by Charles Woodson Private 8/14/2020 5:57:10 PM Britannia
House Usainette Bolt, while in a house Private 8/14/2020 7:35:13 PM Britannia
House Usainette Bolt, while in a house Private 8/14/2020 7:49:59 PM Britannia
Controlled MyLittlePony controled by Leeho Fook Private 8/17/2020 7:30:05 PM Dungeon
Controlled FIRE controled by AkirA Private 8/21/2020 7:40:29 PM Britannia
Controlled Beta controled by Theta Private 8/21/2020 10:11:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Animum Noctis Private 8/26/2020 7:21:49 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Shamix Private 8/29/2020 12:10:48 AM Britannia
Self You killed yourself Private 9/4/2020 9:06:04 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 9/4/2020 9:35:10 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Khil Killed by a Monster 9/4/2020 9:38:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Shamz Private 9/9/2020 6:41:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a cookie monster Private 9/9/2020 7:47:33 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by Ma'at Private 9/10/2020 7:33:00 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Vvnt Private 9/11/2020 10:34:02 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Actual Factual Private 9/11/2020 10:35:54 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Chase Private 9/12/2020 12:37:35 AM Britannia
House Illien, while in a house Private 9/12/2020 1:09:49 AM Britannia
CTF Xegugg, during a capture the flag game Private 9/13/2020 8:42:09 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by NeedleR Private 9/16/2020 8:20:16 PM Britannia
CTF Bick Deard, during a capture the flag game Private 9/16/2020 9:06:06 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Me Private 9/17/2020 8:35:07 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Me Private 9/17/2020 8:49:46 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Arakiel Private 9/18/2020 10:26:29 PM Dungeon
Controlled Envy controled by Echelon Private 9/19/2020 9:21:40 PM Dungeon
Controlled GhostMaker controled by Miss Ann Thrope Private 9/22/2020 8:30:30 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Shamz Private 9/24/2020 2:16:28 PM Dungeon
House Angeliq, while in a house Private 9/24/2020 5:13:48 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Angeliq Private 9/24/2020 5:15:28 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Bile the paladin Private 9/24/2020 10:12:16 PM Britannia
CTF Bowman, during a capture the flag game Private 9/29/2020 8:15:12 PM CTF Match
CTF grandpa, during a capture the flag game Private 9/29/2020 8:22:06 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 10/1/2020 8:47:01 PM CTF Match
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 10/1/2020 8:59:08 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Boman Private 10/3/2020 10:38:32 PM Dungeon
CTF grandpa, during a capture the flag game Private 10/5/2020 7:49:04 PM CTF Match
CTF grandpa, during a capture the flag game Private 10/5/2020 7:53:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 10/8/2020 8:04:38 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 10/8/2020 8:08:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Ohme, during a capture the flag game Private 10/15/2020 8:43:40 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by an alligator Killed by a Monster 10/19/2020 12:27:08 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Lebron James Private 10/23/2020 10:52:33 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by bumgarner Private 10/23/2020 11:12:28 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a bloody skeleton Killed by a Monster 10/24/2020 12:12:59 AM Dungeon
Controlled Goldie controled by Bjorn Ironside Private 10/28/2020 4:03:07 PM Britannia
Controlled doubletrash controled by Immortal Jester Private 11/1/2020 7:34:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled doubletrash controled by Immortal Jester Private 11/1/2020 7:35:25 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 11/3/2020 6:02:29 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a concubine Killed by a Monster 11/5/2020 9:35:28 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Arrcher Private 11/7/2020 10:09:22 PM Dungeon
Standard Unknown Private 11/12/2020 6:32:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vvnt Private 11/21/2020 7:19:17 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Vvnt Private 11/21/2020 7:46:30 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by bumgarner Private 11/21/2020 11:40:56 PM Britannia
Controlled Cirrus controled by Solomon Private 11/27/2020 10:54:05 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Serena Private 11/27/2020 11:45:48 PM Britannia
CTF Pi, during a capture the flag game Private 12/3/2020 9:22:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Derpy, during a capture the flag game Private 12/3/2020 9:22:46 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by a cookie monster Private 12/4/2020 10:03:09 PM Dungeon
CTF Gelato, during a capture the flag game Private 12/7/2020 9:48:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Bloodseeker, during a capture the flag game Private 12/9/2020 9:09:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Nero, during a capture the flag game Private 12/9/2020 9:11:03 PM CTF Match
CTF Nero, during a capture the flag game Private 12/9/2020 9:13:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Nero, during a capture the flag game Private 12/9/2020 9:16:08 PM CTF Match
CTF Nero, during a capture the flag game Private 12/9/2020 9:17:08 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Vvnt Private 12/10/2020 3:50:49 PM Britannia
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Private 12/10/2020 9:12:46 PM CTF Match
Monster Killed by a dark elf knight Killed by a Monster 12/19/2020 8:32:05 PM Dungeon
Controlled Freedom controled by Rand Swanson Private 12/26/2020 6:04:21 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Rubick Private 12/28/2020 9:32:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Bloodseeker Private 12/28/2020 10:24:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Lycurgus Private 12/30/2020 10:09:39 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Howard Stern Private 1/15/2021 10:51:27 PM Britannia
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 1/16/2021 8:29:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Woody, during a capture the flag game Private 1/16/2021 8:34:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 1/16/2021 8:40:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Wtfhax, during a capture the flag game Private 1/18/2021 9:09:48 PM CTF Match
CTF El Campeador, during a capture the flag game Private 1/18/2021 9:13:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Ervin Bloodstone, during a capture the flag game Private 1/18/2021 9:15:17 PM CTF Match
CTF grandpa, during a capture the flag game Private 1/20/2021 9:07:43 PM CTF Match
CTF a shock trooper, during a capture the flag game Private 1/20/2021 9:09:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 1/21/2021 8:40:54 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Terror Miss Sue Private 1/22/2021 10:11:29 PM Dungeon
House a cookie monster, while in a house Private 1/22/2021 10:23:57 PM Britannia
CTF Rickety Cricket, during a capture the flag game Private 1/24/2021 8:50:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 1/24/2021 8:53:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Mishra, during a capture the flag game Private 1/24/2021 8:54:55 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Private 1/28/2021 9:38:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Private 1/28/2021 9:50:33 PM CTF Match
Controlled blackbird controled by Ukrot Private 1/29/2021 12:56:37 PM Dungeon
Controlled Obiwan controled by Feiro Private 1/29/2021 7:57:23 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Terror Miss Sue Private 2/1/2021 7:45:19 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crenshaw Private 2/1/2021 8:01:19 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crenshaw Private 2/1/2021 8:02:43 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crenshaw Private 2/1/2021 8:05:24 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crenshaw Private 2/1/2021 8:07:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Crenshaw Private 2/1/2021 8:38:39 PM Britannia
CTF Rickety Cricket, during a capture the flag game Private 2/11/2021 8:31:15 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Sam Houston Private 2/12/2021 6:53:22 PM Britannia
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Private 2/17/2021 9:01:57 PM CTF Match
CTF Taco Bob, during a capture the flag game Private 2/17/2021 9:06:20 PM CTF Match
CTF Piatt, during a capture the flag game Private 2/17/2021 9:09:43 PM CTF Match
Controlled Unhurt controled by Anahata Private 2/19/2021 11:55:23 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Slick Private 2/20/2021 9:03:31 PM Britannia
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Private 2/20/2021 9:57:35 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 2/20/2021 9:59:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Al, during a capture the flag game Private 2/20/2021 10:03:16 PM CTF Match
CTF Golden Goat, during a capture the flag game Private 2/21/2021 9:02:14 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 2/21/2021 9:03:24 PM CTF Match
CTF Golden Goat, during a capture the flag game Private 2/21/2021 9:04:31 PM CTF Match
CTF Tniviv, during a capture the flag game Private 2/21/2021 9:06:17 PM CTF Match
CTF Enarjay, during a capture the flag game Private 2/21/2021 9:08:03 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 2/26/2021 8:12:41 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 2/26/2021 8:15:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 2/26/2021 8:17:37 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 2/26/2021 8:22:10 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Anubis Private 2/26/2021 8:27:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Ma'at Private 2/27/2021 8:28:34 PM Britannia
Duel lincecum, during a duel Private 2/28/2021 7:32:30 PM Britannia
Duel lincecum, during a duel Private 2/28/2021 7:40:49 PM Britannia
CTF Pablo Caliente, during a capture the flag game Private 3/1/2021 9:22:15 PM CTF Match
CTF Pablo Caliente, during a capture the flag game Private 3/13/2021 9:06:01 PM CTF Match
CTF Othello, during a capture the flag game Private 3/13/2021 9:09:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Othello, during a capture the flag game Private 3/13/2021 9:09:49 PM CTF Match
CTF Othello, during a capture the flag game Private 3/13/2021 9:18:23 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Mortred Private 3/13/2021 9:29:19 PM Britannia
Controlled Douche controled by Rellimtamer Private 3/13/2021 9:47:23 PM Dungeon
CTF Sigurd, during a capture the flag game Private 3/16/2021 8:40:44 PM CTF Match
CTF Sigurd, during a capture the flag game Private 3/16/2021 8:42:11 PM CTF Match
CTF Lucretia, during a capture the flag game Private 3/16/2021 8:45:28 PM CTF Match
Standard Unknown Private 3/28/2021 7:42:11 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Thomas Private 3/28/2021 9:29:52 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Basil Private 4/2/2021 1:19:27 PM Britannia
House Howard Stern, while in a house Private 4/2/2021 10:55:10 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by the Collector of Souls Killed by a Monster 4/9/2021 6:36:20 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Thomas Private 4/9/2021 6:46:19 PM Dungeon
Controlled a dragon controled by Kinley Private 4/18/2021 12:07:34 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 4/29/2021 1:24:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 4/29/2021 1:30:10 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 4/29/2021 1:44:28 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 4/29/2021 1:48:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Cookie Monster Private 5/16/2021 2:47:00 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Duo controled by Pirlo Private 5/16/2021 3:03:12 PM Lost Lands
CTF Lizzie, during a capture the flag game Private 5/17/2021 8:54:56 PM CTF Match
CTF Red Eyes, during a capture the flag game Private 5/17/2021 9:02:40 PM CTF Match
Standard Killed by Magus Private 5/20/2021 9:39:03 PM Lost Lands
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Private 6/1/2021 7:43:19 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by an arctic ogre lord Killed by a Monster 6/1/2021 7:52:47 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by Josey Private 6/4/2021 5:32:49 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Alan Watts Private 6/4/2021 5:38:19 PM Britannia
Controlled Unhurt controled by Anahata Private 6/4/2021 7:47:08 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 6/8/2021 6:07:51 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 6/8/2021 6:13:25 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by lincecum Private 6/8/2021 6:18:52 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by Anna Private 7/1/2021 8:34:00 AM Britannia
Controlled Grapes controled by Live for Christ Private 7/5/2021 12:06:15 PM Dungeon
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:01:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:04:10 PM CTF Match
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:06:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Vex, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:08:08 PM CTF Match
CTF Fellatio, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:08:44 PM CTF Match
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:13:27 PM CTF Match
CTF Danny, during a capture the flag game Private 7/6/2021 8:15:19 PM CTF Match
CTF Zeus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/7/2021 7:26:35 PM CTF Match
CTF PIG, during a capture the flag game Private 7/7/2021 7:33:26 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 7/7/2021 9:25:01 PM Lost Lands
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 7/7/2021 9:34:39 PM Lost Lands
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 7/7/2021 9:37:43 PM Lost Lands
CTF BugaBuga, during a capture the flag game Private 7/8/2021 8:35:36 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 7/9/2021 7:09:26 PM Dungeon
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/9/2021 9:24:43 PM CTF Match
CTF Nikki, during a capture the flag game Private 7/9/2021 9:29:22 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/9/2021 9:31:36 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/9/2021 9:35:47 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/9/2021 9:38:09 PM CTF Match
House Ruby Rhod, while in a house Private 7/11/2021 6:45:56 AM Britannia
CTF I love Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:40:06 PM CTF Match
CTF Dyllan, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:40:36 PM CTF Match
CTF I love Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:43:06 PM CTF Match
CTF I love Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:44:44 PM CTF Match
CTF I love Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:49:58 PM CTF Match
CTF Dyllan, during a capture the flag game Private 7/11/2021 8:51:17 PM CTF Match
Controlled Grapes controled by Live for Christ Private 7/12/2021 7:39:41 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Blush controled by Freya Private 7/12/2021 7:51:16 PM Lost Lands
House Bowen Wilson, while in a house Private 7/14/2021 6:59:17 PM Britannia
Controlled Beauty controled by Xena Private 7/15/2021 6:31:14 AM Britannia
Controlled Odin controled by Ragnar LothBrok Private 7/15/2021 8:12:35 PM Britannia
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:43:04 PM CTF Match
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:44:23 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:45:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:49:10 PM CTF Match
CTF Jill Stihl, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:50:22 PM CTF Match
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:51:13 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:51:46 PM CTF Match
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 7/21/2021 6:52:53 PM CTF Match
Controlled Giotto controled by Haman Karn Private 7/25/2021 4:34:45 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Cancerbero controled by Radament Private 7/25/2021 5:36:30 PM Lost Lands
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Private 7/27/2021 8:36:48 PM CTF Match
CTF Dear Baby Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/28/2021 7:47:33 PM Lost Lands
CTF The Doctor, during a capture the flag game Private 7/28/2021 7:50:44 PM Lost Lands
CTF I love Jesus, during a capture the flag game Private 7/28/2021 7:52:54 PM Lost Lands
CTF Hemingway, during a capture the flag game Private 7/29/2021 9:39:39 PM Lost Lands
CTF PIG, during a capture the flag game Private 7/29/2021 9:51:08 PM Lost Lands
CTF PrettyMFer, during a capture the flag game Private 7/29/2021 9:52:01 PM Lost Lands
CTF Head Hunter, during a capture the flag game Private 7/31/2021 7:54:48 PM Lost Lands
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 7/31/2021 7:58:44 PM Lost Lands
CTF Sigurd, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2021 1:56:28 PM CTF Match
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2021 8:22:40 PM CTF Match
CTF Moander, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2021 8:25:09 PM CTF Match
CTF Bodegate, during a capture the flag game Private 8/7/2021 8:26:13 PM CTF Match
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:35:18 PM Lost Lands
CTF Cannoli, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:41:39 PM Lost Lands
CTF Arcanias, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:42:37 PM Lost Lands
CTF Cannoli, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:43:47 PM Lost Lands
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:45:01 PM Lost Lands
CTF Cannoli, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:46:06 PM Lost Lands
CTF SaltMiner, during a capture the flag game Private 8/9/2021 8:47:56 PM Lost Lands
CTF diva, during a capture the flag game Private 8/10/2021 8:08:15 PM Lost Lands
CTF Ohme, during a capture the flag game Private 8/11/2021 8:13:53 PM CTF Match
Self You killed yourself Private 8/11/2021 8:14:12 PM Dungeon
CTF Ohme, during a capture the flag game Private 8/11/2021 8:15:21 PM CTF Match

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