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Ultima Online Killers Enthalpy's Death Log

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LogType: Death
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 2/23/2025 8:29:51 AM (CST, GMT -6)
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Type Description Killed By When Location
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Pocahontas Enthalpy 6/24/2017 5:56:14 PM Britannia
Controlled superMare controled by galaxy crisis Enthalpy 6/25/2017 7:30:01 AM Britannia
Controlled c controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 7/16/2017 3:57:22 PM Dungeon
Controlled Lithium controled by Covfefe Enthalpy 9/28/2017 7:34:24 PM Dungeon
Controlled Permanganate controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 11/7/2017 4:39:48 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Pocahontas Enthalpy 6/25/2017 9:00:27 AM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Pocahontas Enthalpy 6/25/2017 9:01:31 AM Britannia
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Pocahontas Enthalpy 6/25/2017 9:07:00 AM Britannia
Controlled Stops controled by Pillionaire Enthalpy 7/5/2017 11:15:44 PM Dungeon
Controlled Stops controled by Pillionaire Enthalpy 7/5/2017 11:17:09 PM Dungeon
Controlled Shadow controled by Rakshasa Enthalpy 9/14/2017 5:04:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled Hyperion controled by Eos Enthalpy 7/15/2017 9:57:26 AM Britannia
Controlled Potassium controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 9/17/2017 2:40:24 AM Dungeon
Controlled Potassium controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 10/14/2017 7:45:09 AM Dungeon
Controlled Entropy controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 10/18/2017 12:24:46 AM Britannia
Controlled Pewta controled by Rooster Cogburn Enthalpy 7/29/2017 4:49:12 PM Britannia
Controlled Smog controled by Saige Enthalpy 9/20/2017 4:46:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled Fire controled by Thelax Enthalpy 9/20/2017 5:31:33 PM Britannia
Controlled a dragon controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 7/18/2017 6:45:51 AM Dungeon
Controlled Champ controled by Araziane Enthalpy 7/26/2017 1:17:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled a snow leopard controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 6/22/2017 8:04:51 PM Britannia
Controlled Potassium controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 10/22/2017 12:43:08 PM Dungeon
Controlled Potassium controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 10/4/2017 12:39:18 AM Dungeon
Controlled a hell hound controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 6/26/2017 8:01:15 AM Dungeon
Controlled Alpha controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 7/1/2017 9:13:55 AM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by Excidium Enthalpy 6/29/2017 9:26:08 PM Britannia
Controlled Entropy controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 9/24/2017 1:55:30 PM Dungeon
Controlled Natural controled by of Nature Enthalpy 11/8/2017 9:27:14 PM Dungeon
Controlled Permanganate controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 9/24/2017 2:18:22 PM Dungeon
Controlled Apoptosis controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 7/17/2017 8:39:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled Permanganate controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 10/27/2017 6:46:06 PM Lost Lands
Controlled Entropy controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 9/28/2017 3:41:58 PM Dungeon
Controlled Pestilence controled by Damalar Enthalpy 7/14/2017 6:35:49 AM Britannia
Controlled a hell hound controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 6/26/2017 3:32:51 PM Dungeon
Controlled Sodium controled by Kepler Enthalpy 10/4/2017 9:45:46 PM Dungeon
Controlled Halberd controled by Thelax Enthalpy 9/24/2017 11:46:19 PM Dungeon
Controlled a blade spirit controled by Enthalpy Enthalpy 6/27/2017 11:07:25 PM Britannia
Controlled Newb controled by Altis Enthalpy 9/25/2017 5:43:19 PM Britannia
House War, while in a house Enthalpy 6/28/2017 12:41:58 PM Britannia
House Entropy, while in a house Enthalpy 10/6/2017 12:55:39 AM Britannia
House PattY-, while in a house Enthalpy 10/18/2017 8:47:30 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by Piepe Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:01:16 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by tentacles of the harrower Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:08:06 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 7/16/2017 5:57:25 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Kechaki Killed by a Monster 9/10/2017 9:48:30 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by the true harrower Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:12:13 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Barracoon Killed by a Monster 10/26/2017 2:24:02 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Barracoon Killed by a Monster 11/2/2017 2:56:18 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a ki-rin Killed by a Monster 10/28/2017 6:01:57 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a wisp Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:16:36 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a hell hound Killed by a Monster 7/21/2017 9:02:02 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a hell hound Killed by a Monster 9/20/2017 8:48:27 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an arctic ogre mage Killed by a Monster 10/26/2017 2:52:51 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a ki-rin Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:29:39 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 9/17/2017 2:10:18 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a bloated zombie Killed by a Monster 11/5/2017 4:56:10 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by the true harrower Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 5:22:59 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a hell hound Killed by a Monster 7/26/2017 3:03:04 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Retchectik Killed by a Monster 10/10/2017 10:56:58 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 6/27/2017 8:51:13 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an ogre lord Killed by a Monster 10/26/2017 3:32:03 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 7/22/2017 3:00:48 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Chichachak Killed by a Monster 10/10/2017 10:58:54 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 9/17/2017 2:40:56 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Kikiaki Killed by a Monster 7/26/2017 3:42:38 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Chek Killed by a Monster 10/15/2017 10:38:53 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Barracoon Killed by a Monster 9/10/2017 10:42:52 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Fackek Killed by a Monster 9/10/2017 10:45:24 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Chickek Killed by a Monster 7/24/2017 7:47:51 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a frost troll Killed by a Monster 6/23/2017 6:14:57 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by a silver serpent Killed by a Monster 6/24/2017 7:20:47 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by Charpris Killed by a Monster 9/29/2017 10:15:54 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by Ciline Killed by a Monster 10/27/2017 9:29:04 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 11/7/2017 5:05:24 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 7/24/2017 8:42:04 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Chiackukk Killed by a Monster 11/7/2017 5:19:34 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Eactiki Killed by a Monster 9/14/2017 4:47:50 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a slime Killed by a Monster 10/1/2017 4:43:42 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by a horse Killed by a Monster 6/20/2017 9:12:12 PM Britannia
Monster Killed by the Lord of the Abyss Killed by a Monster 11/7/2017 6:18:40 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an ogre lord Killed by a Monster 7/25/2017 6:06:03 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Rikktor Killed by a Monster 9/21/2017 6:34:43 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a shadow wyrm Killed by a Monster 6/28/2017 2:59:41 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an ogre mage Killed by a Monster 9/14/2017 5:27:43 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a snow elemental Killed by a Monster 6/23/2017 8:46:10 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by Ckek Killed by a Monster 11/2/2017 3:12:34 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dragon Killed by a Monster 7/15/2017 10:06:31 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 11/3/2017 6:57:54 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Ckak Killed by a Monster 9/17/2017 3:10:17 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Galdrion Killed by a Monster 10/28/2017 8:54:40 PM Lost Lands
Monster Killed by a silver serpent Killed by a Monster 7/17/2017 11:37:27 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a white wyrm Killed by a Monster 7/12/2017 2:00:49 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by dread captain johne Killed by a Monster 10/19/2017 1:43:56 AM Britannia
Monster Killed by an ogre lord Killed by a Monster 7/7/2017 8:39:33 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Ckikicheki Killed by a Monster 7/22/2019 1:28:30 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a dire wolf Killed by a Monster 10/14/2017 7:56:08 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a silver serpent Killed by a Monster 9/17/2017 3:53:49 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by a white wyrm Killed by a Monster 7/1/2017 1:13:59 AM Dungeon
Monster Killed by Vachichak Killed by a Monster 9/19/2017 8:30:01 PM Dungeon
Monster Killed by an ogre mage Killed by a Monster 10/30/2017 8:03:32 PM Dungeon

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