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LogType: Kill Records Shown: 250 Sorted By: Type_DESC Last Updated: 2/23/2025 4:29:58 PM (CST, GMT -6) |
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PvP Kill Log Death Log PvM Log |
Type | Description | Victim | When | Location |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Nightikus | 7/8/2020 12:58:45 AM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Fartface | 6/21/2020 1:30:10 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Sazbeyi | 10/26/2020 9:53:32 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Helljumper | 10/5/2020 11:34:36 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 11/22/2020 3:40:29 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Maddox | 5/19/2016 12:51:01 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Lizzo | 7/24/2020 3:35:29 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | NeedleR | 9/16/2020 8:00:40 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Boof boy | 11/12/2020 8:02:21 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dragonseducer | 6/13/2020 1:01:00 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 6/30/2020 12:02:45 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | AkirA | 8/1/2020 10:45:59 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Boazudo | 9/10/2020 8:26:58 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Howard Stern | 11/12/2020 8:02:42 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Vyne Dos | 1/11/2015 9:42:57 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Inkybus | 7/13/2020 6:59:11 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Voldemort | 8/4/2020 12:40:07 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Fatality | 5/19/2016 12:55:34 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Xena | 8/4/2020 12:43:46 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Nicki Bluhm | 11/14/2020 7:37:27 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shaft | 8/1/2020 10:51:12 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Julz | 8/4/2020 12:45:05 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Munchie | 7/22/2021 8:47:05 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Legere | 7/24/2020 3:54:05 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Emryis | 8/1/2020 10:53:08 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Xena | 8/4/2020 12:45:37 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Qaddafi | 5/2/2014 11:56:46 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Qaddafi | 5/2/2014 11:57:22 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Damneus | 11/14/2020 7:39:30 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Qaddafi | 5/2/2014 11:58:26 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Damneus | 11/14/2020 7:40:41 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shadow | 8/25/2020 10:37:52 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Damneus | 11/14/2020 7:40:54 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Feyd | 5/19/2020 6:56:28 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Martin | 7/24/2020 10:32:18 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Damneus | 11/14/2020 7:41:20 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | One Eyed Jaque | 9/16/2020 8:17:46 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Feyd | 5/19/2020 6:57:56 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dexter | 1/29/2021 1:55:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Khamul | 5/13/2020 12:23:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Suzy Greenberg | 4/17/2020 12:16:09 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Everlast One | 10/26/2020 10:04:28 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dusk | 7/30/2021 6:48:26 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Locke | 7/24/2020 10:38:12 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Heiduken | 5/15/2014 12:31:17 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Khamul | 6/7/2020 12:19:58 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Charles de Batz | 12/2/2022 10:36:29 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Charles de Batz | 12/2/2022 10:38:01 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | EdDennis | 3/15/2014 12:23:33 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Fish'n a Dish | 9/26/2020 7:28:01 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | tim lincecum | 11/27/2020 12:46:05 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Erza Scarlet | 7/12/2020 11:33:41 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dax | 4/7/2020 11:39:33 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Feyd | 5/19/2020 7:23:23 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Boazudo | 9/26/2020 7:35:13 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Boazona | 9/26/2020 7:35:31 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dr Fate | 12/20/2014 10:27:52 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shamix | 9/1/2020 10:40:39 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Spicy Hot | 12/5/2020 5:16:35 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Arwin | 12/1/2020 8:01:45 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | The Old Wizard | 12/13/2020 11:10:48 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ghostbusters | 6/30/2020 3:44:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ethan | 6/15/2021 10:34:40 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Live for Christ | 6/15/2021 10:35:43 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Rod Serling | 7/10/2021 9:29:09 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Love | 10/17/2020 7:34:16 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Love | 10/17/2020 7:34:56 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | RobinBastard | 9/5/2020 1:52:14 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Gabriel Stone | 11/13/2020 11:12:54 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Me | 12/4/2020 10:04:25 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | a curious fellow | 6/28/2020 5:16:09 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Katia | 9/17/2020 8:53:42 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Nater | 3/16/2014 2:30:09 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Duende | 6/3/2020 1:09:15 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Keebler Elf | 3/16/2014 2:31:55 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Weil Wir's Konn | 8/17/2020 9:43:00 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Sohai | 1/16/2015 9:26:26 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Eras | 3/30/2020 8:38:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 12/13/2020 3:34:35 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Xynn | 9/1/2020 11:05:36 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 12/26/2014 11:50:19 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | MortonTM | 12/13/2020 3:35:02 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | LJ Thilver | 5/9/2014 1:15:28 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Helljumper | 9/17/2020 9:20:48 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Keebler Elf | 3/16/2014 2:43:46 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Sam Houston | 8/13/2020 12:39:02 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Xavant | 8/10/2021 8:32:45 PM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Desaad | 9/17/2020 9:46:24 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Zet | 1/23/2015 12:02:17 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dragonseducer | 12/27/2020 2:02:44 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Jose Exotico | 5/12/2020 9:06:52 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | MR T | 12/27/2020 2:04:20 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Jake | 5/8/2014 11:53:46 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | The Strategist | 10/30/2020 11:12:52 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | RagDoll McMurffy | 9/2/2021 12:33:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Zim | 9/13/2020 9:27:47 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Drew Brees | 5/26/2014 11:17:35 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Bengay | 8/10/2021 8:36:32 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | bumgarner | 10/30/2020 11:15:21 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Theta | 9/10/2020 9:31:10 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Mutombo | 5/26/2014 11:18:40 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Animum Noctis | 6/3/2020 1:49:14 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shazim | 9/15/2020 10:06:48 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Pale Face | 5/11/2020 12:30:37 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | EdDennis | 2/15/2014 10:18:37 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Sham | 10/31/2020 6:59:43 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shamix | 9/17/2020 2:10:04 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Recyclops | 10/14/2020 12:47:23 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 12/3/2020 4:01:06 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ali the fish | 12/13/2020 12:08:38 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Joe Satriani | 12/3/2020 4:18:21 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Jack Bauer | 10/20/2014 12:21:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Freya | 11/20/2020 11:21:34 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Capt Blue Beard | 12/13/2020 4:04:38 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | The Seer | 11/20/2020 11:23:17 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Brent Noah | 5/26/2014 11:32:43 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | LesTat | 8/20/2020 6:30:38 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Red Legs Greaves | 9/23/2020 8:50:12 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shamz | 11/20/2020 11:31:23 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Trigger | 8/31/2020 3:11:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Shamz | 11/20/2020 11:32:02 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Pocketful | 8/2/2020 5:00:28 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Corrupt Pixels | 9/28/2014 6:12:15 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ragnar LothBrok | 10/25/2020 12:04:05 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Bytch Fayse | 7/8/2020 10:00:46 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Josep Bezach | 4/1/2020 1:46:29 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | NoObEnMeIsTeR | 8/9/2021 4:12:08 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Anatoly | 9/23/2020 9:08:16 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Nason | 7/5/2020 12:58:47 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Valdemor | 9/28/2014 6:23:33 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Kampala | 7/5/2020 12:59:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Magnum PI | 4/5/2020 2:22:04 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dirty Krampussss | 10/29/2020 6:14:18 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | NoObEnMeIsTeR | 8/9/2021 4:25:26 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Feiro | 10/25/2020 12:11:40 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Golgatha | 5/26/2014 11:54:52 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Viper | 11/23/2014 3:48:39 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Live for Christ | 9/19/2020 9:18:54 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Everlast One | 12/11/2020 8:52:18 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Roxy | 10/29/2020 6:23:49 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Lex | 2/27/2014 9:28:24 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Daarigaz | 7/23/2020 6:53:32 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Everlast One | 12/11/2020 8:53:42 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Keza Fade | 12/11/2020 8:54:03 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | tom riddle | 6/17/2020 2:28:15 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Celeste Lunaris | 7/23/2020 6:57:34 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Seb La'Tevin | 7/23/2020 6:58:46 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Bad Elf | 12/6/2020 4:38:17 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Everlast One | 12/11/2020 8:55:12 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Peanut Butter | 6/9/2020 11:01:24 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Silent Bob | 6/17/2020 2:30:26 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Bad Elf | 12/6/2020 4:38:38 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Snorko | 6/30/2020 12:33:27 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ophira | 10/28/2020 5:22:57 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Frozen | 8/30/2020 12:58:15 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Luther Whitney | 11/20/2020 11:50:13 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Timelord | 1/10/2015 12:39:49 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Duke Gregor | 9/7/2020 11:03:05 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Omni Rye | 2/27/2014 9:35:13 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Azopao | 7/13/2020 11:06:03 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Celeste Lunaris | 7/13/2020 11:06:37 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Skillmatic | 4/21/2020 3:16:30 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Bororo | 4/21/2020 3:22:01 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Gus | 5/29/2020 7:34:58 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Morgul | 7/13/2020 11:07:07 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | EdDennis | 12/25/2014 10:14:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | tim lincecum | 10/26/2020 5:57:40 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Draco Malfoy | 8/31/2020 4:59:18 AM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Lex | 2/27/2014 9:39:16 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ragnar LothBrok | 10/31/2020 8:35:53 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Glenstorm | 12/14/2020 4:02:03 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Solomon | 11/27/2020 10:56:41 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Neenio | 10/31/2020 1:21:21 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Heiroshi | 8/31/2020 5:17:02 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | EdDennis | 5/13/2014 12:47:36 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Kampala | 7/5/2020 2:53:44 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Wolfgang | 5/27/2014 12:57:40 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Kampala | 7/5/2020 2:54:41 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elder Noob | 8/25/2020 1:01:24 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Wolfgang | 5/13/2014 1:17:59 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Izikiel | 12/9/2014 12:14:41 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Kampala | 7/5/2020 2:55:07 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Tina Modotti | 2/9/2021 8:13:36 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Julius | 12/14/2020 4:26:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | the Predator | 11/22/2014 11:18:21 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Pantherbabe | 7/5/2020 2:57:17 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Mac Daddy Slim | 10/28/2020 6:50:45 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Pantherbabe | 7/5/2020 2:59:10 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Hillel Slovak | 7/8/2020 11:31:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Inkybus | 7/17/2020 6:34:04 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Skyke | 4/10/2020 6:56:25 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Seldane | 9/8/2020 1:27:36 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Devastator | 7/28/2020 7:47:40 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Stormwynd | 8/1/2020 1:32:22 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Blinda O'Grey | 8/14/2020 7:04:45 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Animum Noctis | 5/5/2020 1:06:16 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Fritz | 10/4/2020 12:06:26 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Animum Noctis | 5/5/2020 1:06:38 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Torr Buckner | 12/5/2020 6:33:12 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 7/7/2020 1:11:58 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Animum Noctis | 5/5/2020 1:06:54 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Minotopo | 12/5/2020 6:34:53 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dacek | 10/31/2020 2:58:09 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Virteego | 10/4/2020 7:03:44 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Thellaren | 6/28/2020 7:06:43 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | BioHaZzard | 8/25/2020 1:52:15 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | what | 5/1/2014 12:35:22 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Haywire | 12/13/2020 6:13:21 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Morin Oakstone | 3/5/2014 11:48:50 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Naked Mole Rat | 5/18/2014 7:30:06 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Platinum | 7/5/2020 3:31:19 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Animum Noctis | 5/5/2020 1:37:03 AM | Lost Lands |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Platinum | 7/5/2020 3:33:16 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Abraham Froman | 10/28/2020 7:26:19 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Melanie | 5/13/2020 12:35:20 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Frank Gallagher | 6/20/2020 3:07:45 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Rock Hardplace | 7/22/2020 12:51:27 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 5/18/2014 7:35:54 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Enarjay | 6/8/2020 2:13:08 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Weil Wir's Konn | 7/7/2020 1:58:03 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Drecon | 7/14/2020 1:16:14 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | P M F R | 10/4/2020 7:32:00 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Melanie | 5/13/2020 12:38:41 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:15:20 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 5/18/2014 7:37:31 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Dreconis | 7/14/2020 1:16:54 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:17:10 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Jacoben | 11/15/2014 10:16:03 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | P M F R | 10/4/2020 7:33:51 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Smok | 6/28/2020 7:26:49 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:18:51 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Thorulf Ormtunga | 11/2/2020 6:20:23 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Unknown | 10/17/2020 9:27:59 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:19:50 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:20:41 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:20:53 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:21:57 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:22:44 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Devil'sTooth | 6/28/2020 7:39:49 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Elementa | 8/12/2020 1:23:44 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Melanie | 5/13/2020 12:56:57 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Ulric Terrowyn | 8/12/2020 1:45:27 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Vahlok Nahl Drog | 9/16/2020 1:03:36 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Melanie | 5/13/2020 1:04:50 AM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Peoff | 3/29/2014 11:02:12 PM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | of Elementals | 4/21/2020 4:23:21 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Joseph Porro | 7/2/2020 9:56:18 PM | Britannia |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Revak Nahl Drog | 9/16/2020 1:07:49 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | Jack Burton | 7/7/2020 2:59:42 AM | Dungeon |
Standard | Killed by Ooji | grape | 5/7/2014 10:03:35 PM | Dungeon |