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Ultima Online Killers a harambe's Kill Log

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LogType: Kill
Records Shown: 100
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Last Updated: 3/4/2025 12:34:07 AM (CST, GMT -6)
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PvM Log

Type Description Victim When Location
Murder Murdered by a harambe Throatswab 3/17/2018 10:12:06 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by a harambe Bob the Annoying 3/17/2018 10:11:37 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by a harambe Bob 3/17/2018 10:10:45 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by a harambe Infamous 3/17/2018 10:06:18 PM Britannia
Murder Murdered by a harambe Infamous 3/17/2018 10:03:38 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Bob 3/17/2018 9:32:58 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Bob 3/17/2018 9:32:22 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Bob 3/17/2018 9:31:37 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Pax Romain 3/17/2018 9:24:34 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Amaranthine 3/17/2018 9:21:56 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Sandor 3/17/2018 9:17:16 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Michael E Bolton 3/17/2018 9:15:02 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat The Black Knight 3/15/2018 9:24:15 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat The Black Knight 3/15/2018 9:18:52 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat The Black Knight 3/15/2018 9:17:54 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Dredd 3/15/2018 9:17:22 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat The Black Knight 3/15/2018 9:16:12 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat The Black Knight 3/15/2018 9:15:44 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/14/2018 9:25:11 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/14/2018 9:19:15 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/14/2018 9:15:06 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/14/2018 9:12:21 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/14/2018 9:09:49 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe barry bonds 3/14/2018 9:03:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Crios 3/14/2018 8:30:21 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe PETman 3/14/2018 8:11:36 PM Dungeon
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Ruby Jean 3/14/2018 7:23:59 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Lex 3/14/2018 7:23:29 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Doctor Dungeon 3/13/2018 4:58:42 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Doctor Dungeon 3/13/2018 4:54:35 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PumpkinSmasher 3/13/2018 4:42:19 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Cypher 3/13/2018 3:02:18 PM Britannia
House a harambe, while in a house Cypher 3/13/2018 3:00:31 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Thelax 3/13/2017 7:23:45 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Ricardo Simmons 3/13/2017 6:23:02 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe drunky the clown 3/13/2017 5:51:25 PM Dungeon
Controlled an energy vortex controled by a harambe Horny Toad 3/12/2017 7:57:47 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Pavoratti 3/12/2017 6:19:44 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by a harambe Vendetta 3/12/2017 6:03:35 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe drunky the drunk 3/12/2017 5:54:32 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Tyranny 3/12/2017 12:32:58 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Perrin 3/11/2017 2:16:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Bellrock 3/11/2017 2:12:50 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe Deathboy 2/28/2017 4:35:49 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe rupture 2/28/2017 3:26:55 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe crooks 2/28/2017 3:08:12 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Crunk Juice 2/28/2017 2:55:49 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe galaxy crisis 2/28/2017 1:36:19 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe galaxy crisis 2/28/2017 1:14:58 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Maid Ambrosia 2/25/2017 8:55:35 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe PerSerphone 2/14/2017 2:36:01 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Bob Bagel 2/14/2017 12:38:09 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Mark Antony 2/10/2017 8:26:15 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe BobDonut 1/30/2017 7:14:51 PM Dungeon
Self You killed yourself a harambe 1/30/2017 6:57:52 PM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel Pax Romain 1/28/2017 5:08:20 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Karla 1/27/2017 7:04:05 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe billy the kid 1/22/2017 9:14:43 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Gossow 1/22/2017 8:53:08 AM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe chevy trax 1/17/2017 5:16:27 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe OOooOOOooOO 1/17/2017 4:33:58 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe OOooOOOooOO 1/17/2017 4:14:53 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe Saige 1/15/2017 12:15:00 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Stavros 1/14/2017 11:50:52 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Thelax 1/14/2017 11:50:27 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Nova 1/14/2017 11:40:16 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Lumbo 1/14/2017 11:28:32 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe Tulipia TH 1/14/2017 11:25:33 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe Morbius 1/14/2017 11:06:32 PM Lost Lands
Standard Killed by a harambe Doctor Zhivago 1/14/2017 11:01:08 PM Lost Lands
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Pax Romain 1/13/2017 5:56:57 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Blitzkrieg 1/13/2017 5:38:01 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Blitzkrieg 1/13/2017 4:25:01 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe Inti Jiwana 1/13/2017 4:17:19 PM Dungeon
Standard Killed by a harambe El Chapo 1/13/2017 12:42:45 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe crooks 12/21/2016 7:11:49 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe crooks 12/21/2016 7:08:08 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe crooks 12/21/2016 7:05:07 AM Britannia
Standard Unknown Peter Griffin 12/21/2016 6:44:27 AM Britannia
Standard Unknown Peter Griffin 12/21/2016 6:43:46 AM Britannia
Standard Unknown Nomer 12/21/2016 6:16:56 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Truz 12/21/2016 2:51:13 AM Lost Lands
Standard Unknown Nomer 12/20/2016 9:44:14 AM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Brynden Rivers 12/17/2016 3:32:17 PM Dungeon
House a harambe, while in a house oliVeR 12/17/2016 12:41:57 AM Britannia
House a harambe, while in a house Dragothien 12/17/2016 12:25:12 AM Britannia
House a harambe, while in a house tiffany- 12/16/2016 11:58:07 PM Britannia
House a harambe, while in a house Cullinarn 12/16/2016 11:53:44 PM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel Unknown 12/16/2016 4:07:09 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel AnaKings 12/16/2016 1:46:31 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel AnaKings 12/16/2016 1:40:19 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel Cullinarn 12/16/2016 1:34:27 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel AnaKings 12/16/2016 1:30:28 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel AnaKings 12/16/2016 1:24:41 AM Britannia
Duel a harambe, during a duel AnaKings 12/16/2016 1:23:55 AM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Unknown 12/15/2016 11:47:33 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat amfeKk 12/15/2016 10:49:25 PM Dungeon
Faction a harambe, in faction combat Ham 12/15/2016 10:44:01 PM Britannia
Faction a harambe, in faction combat the real amfeKk- 12/14/2016 11:59:02 PM Britannia
Standard Killed by a harambe Shaft 12/14/2016 11:06:10 PM Britannia

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