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20d 6h

Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
ORDER the Dragon 0 1 0
0 16 2
Roberto the Cow 0 1 0
Barkus the Wolf 0 1 0
Telamon the Reaper 0 1 0
Mr Dali the Llama 0 1 0
Lyusyena the Gorilla 0 1 0
Dalavar the Lich 0 1 0
Romanus the Gargoyle 0 1 0
Foriys the Ettin 0 1 0
a minion statuette 0 7 0
Mr. Purple the Llama 0 1 0
Santiago the Cow 0 1 0
Gideon the Lich 0 1 0
Xegugg 0 1 0
Peace - Critical Bug Reporting Award 0 1 0
a polar bear statuette 16 6 0
Holiday Turkey Statuette 44 3 1
Efreet Sultan Statuette 44 1 0
a clinton statuette 206 1 0
a polar bear statuette 233 3 0
avarice statuette 233 1 0
a bernie statuette 266 1 0
gamayun statuette 673 4 1
a reanimated hound statuette 903 1 0
a spectral kraken statuette 904 2 0
a ghostly pirate statuette 904 2 0
a decaying skeleton statuette 905 7 1
comet statuette 911 3 0
vixen statuette 911 4 1
dasher statuette 911 2 0
a polar bear statuette 922 1 0
obsidian gargoyle statuette 972 2 0
a dessicated skeleton statuette 1106 2 0
a restless undead statuette 1106 1 0
purveyor of darkness statuette 1109 1 0
a bloated zombie statuette 1109 2 0
a charred skeleton statuette 1109 2 0
golem lord statuette 1109 0 1
colossus statuette 1109 1 0
a bloated zombie statue 1109 1 0
a grave necromancer statuette 1110 1 0
a blood hound statuette 1116 1 0
a wild turkey statuette 1126 5 2
a savage turkey statuette 1128 4 1
a bloodthirsty turkey statuette 1130 2 2
an ice ghoul statuette 1150 2 0
fluffy statuette 1150 6 0
easter bunny statuette 1150 3 0
an ice golem statuette 1150 8 1
a polar bear statuette 1150 7 0
Rabbit of Caerbannog Statuette 1150 3 0
a snow vortex statuette 1151 8 0
an ice golem statuette 1151 6 1
a polar bear statuette 1151 1 0
yeti statuette 1151 1 0
an ice ghoul statuette 1151 1 0
an ice golem statuette 1153 12 1
a snow vortex statuette 1154 11 0
a cerebus statuette 1154 13 0
an ice golem statuette 1154 9 0
yeti statuette 1154 2 0
rikktor statuette 1157 1 0
an ice ghoul statuette 1165 1 0
a crystal ogre statuette 1165 4 0
harrower statuette 1175 3 0
true harrower statuette 1175 3 0
vampire statuette 1190 4 0
blitzen statuette 1193 2 0
cupid statuette 1193 3 0
donner statuette 1193 4 0
diseased blood elemental statuette 1194 6 0
dancer statuette 1194 2 0
rudolph statuette 1194 2 0
prancer statuette 1194 1 0
a bloody skeleton statuette 1218 2 0
fluffy III statuette 1228 1 1
Beholder Statuette 1235 7 2
terathan infiltrator statuette 1235 1 0
an elemental commander statuette 1245 1 0
fluffy jr statuette 1246 9 1
easter bunny statuette 1246 3 0
a glowing skeleton statuette 1256 2 0
sloth statuette 1318 1 0
fluffy VIII statuette 1319 1 0
a lucky charms statuette 1319 1 0
a rotting zombie statuette 1325 4 0
a poltergeist statuette 1325 0 2
colossus statuette 1327 0 1
colossus statuette 1329 3 0
colossus statuette 1336 1 0
fluffy V statuette 1346 2 0
a lucky charms statuette 1419 5 0
fluffy V statuette 1419 2 0
Ilyxia the Arachnid Queen 1426 2 0
a plague zombie statuette 1445 4 0
a goblin statuette 1445 4 0
a decaying mage statuette 1445 1 0
a plague zombie statue 1445 1 0
a plague troll statue 1445 1 0
a defiled zombie statuette 1508 6 0
easter bunny statuette 1719 1 0
holiday turkey statuette 1736 4 0
a wild turkey statuette 1739 1 1
a savage turkey statuette 1743 2 0
a bloodthirsty turkey statuette 1753 2 1
golem lord statuette 1804 1 0
golem lord statuette 1884 5 0
easter bunny statuette 1900 2 0
fluffy IV statuette 1900 1 0
jungle titan statuette 2006 2 0
necromancer statuette 2101 1 0
golem statuette 2104 5 0
golem lord statuette 2104 4 0
golem statuette 2106 1 0
a siren statuette 2112 1 0
blood necromancer statuette 2118 2 0
agiel the damned statuette 2118 1 0
azure dragon statuette 2124 3 0
arctic ogre mage statuette 2124 4 0
wyvern monarch statuette 2129 3 0
lord oaks statuette 2130 2 0
frankenstein statuette 2207 2 0
golem statuette 2208 1 0
golem statuette 2216 1 2
vampire statuette 2301 4 0
an automaton statuette 2307 1 0
an automaton statuette 2309 1 0
an automaton statuette 2310 1 0
an automaton statuette 2311 2 0
Dark One Statuette 2406 1 0
Ogre Mage Statuette 2412 1 0
mephitis statuette 2413 3 1
the cook statuette 2415 1 0
a walking dead statuette 2418 2 0
the cook statuette 2418 1 0
a lucky charms statuette 2419 1 1
golem statuette 2421 1 0
Total Count 370 28
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 02-21-2025 4:49 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours