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53d 4h

Global Items with Hue: 2418
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
Axe 7 6
Bandage 1 4
BarbedLeather 2 0
Bardiche 3 2
Bascinet 3 3
BattleAxe 14 12
BearMask 6 4
BlankScroll 0 1
BodySash 0 2
BoneVanityHelm 3 3
Broadsword 28 17
BronzeIngot 864 1975
BronzeOre 881 1683
BronzeShield 3 0
Buckler 20 2
Candelabra 34 7
Cap 1 0
ChainChest 99 135
ChainCoif 14 34
ChainLegs 82 138
Cloak 1 1
CloseHelm 61 81
Cloth 42 8
ColoredAnvil 172 15
Counter 1 0
CounterMiddle 2 0
Cutlass 17 4
Dagger 3 7
DeerMask 4 4
DoubleAxe 229 165
Doublet 1 0
EStatueAngel 24 11
EStatueBust 23 1
EStatueOne 271 105
EStatuePegasus 111 7
EStatueSurfer 553 200
EStatueTwo 623 308
ExecutionersAxe 69 18
FancyShirt 1 0
FemalePlateChest 21 6
ForkLeft 1 1
ForkRight 1 0
FurnitureDyeTub 4 0
GargoylesShovel 2712 173
Globe 11 2
Goblet 3 0
GoldBeadNecklace 2 0
GoldBracelet 0 3
GoldEarrings 2 3
GoldNecklace 2 3
GoldRing 0 2
Halberd 50 47
HalfApron 1 1
HammerPick 1 5
HeaterShield 26 53
HeatingStand 20 2
Helmet 27 4
HornedTribalMask 15 21
Katana 313 230
KeyRing 28 1
Kilt 1 2
KnifeLeft 0 1
Kryss 442 198
Lantern 105 25
LargeBattleAxe 28 18
LargeTable 1 0
Leather 2 0
LeatherArms 7 9
LeatherCap 3 0
LeatherChest 8 12
LeatherDyeTub 11 3
LeatherGloves 9 11
LeatherGlovesOfMining 86 42
LeatherGorget 6 11
LeatherLegs 9 9
Longsword 3 3
Mace 1 3
MarblePedistal 9 2
MarbleSittingBench 9 0
MarbleTableEnd1 3 0
MarbleTableEnd2 3 0
Maul 2 2
MetalChest 593 40
MetalGoldenChest 610 30
MetalKiteShield 16 4
MetalShield 7 1
MonsterStatuette 75 5
NorseHelm 28 44
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 2 0
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 2 0
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 1 0
OrcHelm 3 1
OrcMask 3 2
OrcVanityHelm 3 5
OreMaskDye 40 8
PewterMug 2 0
Plate 8 2
PlateArms 19 26
PlateChest 45 12
PlateGloves 17 66
PlateGorget 61 121
PlateHelm 16 12
PlateLegs 16 14
RareBell 66 27
RareRibbon 2 2
RareSmallFish2 1 0
RewardCake 1 0
RewardCloak 20 10
RewardRobe 20 12
RingmailArms 83 124
RingmailChest 2 15
RingmailGloves 61 139
RingmailGlovesOfMining 48 17
RingmailLegs 4 14
Robe 26 22
Runebook 15 3
RunebookDyeTub 2 0
RunicHammer 530 68
Sandals 1 3
SandstoneBenchEnd1 4 0
SandstoneBenchEnd2 4 0
SandstoneBenchMiddle 4 0
Scales 15 1
Scimitar 2 4
ShortSpear 129 91
SilverBeadNecklace 1 1
Skirt 1 0
Spear 315 209
SpoonLeft 0 1
Spyglass 11 4
StoneTableEnd1 2 0
StoneTableEnd2 2 0
StoneTableMiddle 2 0
StuddedChest 0 1
StuddedGlovesOfMining 341 51
StuddedGorget 0 1
StuddedLegs 1 0
TribalMask 0 2
Tunic 1 0
TwoHandedAxe 6 5
VikingSword 10 5
WarAxe 126 18
WarFork 166 90
WarHammer 181 84
WarMace 48 5
WizardsHat 19 17
WoodenBench 2 0
WoodenBox 2 0
WoodenChairCushion 6 0
WoodenChest 2 0
WoodenKiteShield 1 2
Total Count 12114 7312
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 03-26-2025 4:51 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours