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51d 9h

Global Items with Hue: 2406
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
Axe 5 6
Bandage 2 13
Bandana 26 25
BarbedLeather 4 1
Bardiche 2 2
Bascinet 81 10
BattleAxe 4 4
BearMask 6 13
BlankScroll 0 1
BodySash 36 38
BoneVanityHelm 5 5
Bonnet 3 7
Broadsword 7 13
BronzeShield 73 6
Buckler 99 18
BustierofDomination 6 0
Cake 1 0
Candelabra 427 16
Cap 4 5
ChainChest 191 472
ChainCoif 75 151
ChainLegs 240 509
Cloak 45 44
CloseHelm 172 256
Cloth 91 38
ColoredAnvil 165 19
Counter 27 0
CounterMiddle 55 0
Cutlass 3 1
Dagger 4 3
DeerMask 9 13
DoubleAxe 288 87
Doublet 45 46
EStatueAngel 38 4
EStatueBust 19 2
EStatueOne 34 4
EStatuePegasus 42 1
EStatueSurfer 386 83
EStatueTwo 174 32
ExecutionersAxe 18 12
FancyDress 7 7
FancyShirt 31 36
FeatheredHat 3 6
FemaleLeatherChest 10 14
FemalePlateChest 31 15
FemaleStuddedChest 2 6
FishingPole 1 1
FloppyHat 11 14
FootStool 3 0
ForkLeft 3 1
ForkRight 1 2
FullApron 11 24
FurnitureDyeTub 8 1
GargoylesShovel 12840 846
Globe 35 5
Goblet 19 2
GoldBeadNecklace 3 1
GoldBracelet 18 14
GoldEarrings 20 13
GoldNecklace 14 11
GoldRing 18 7
HairDye 1 0
Halberd 38 39
HalfApron 73 85
HammerPick 2 5
HeaterShield 90 192
HeatingStand 90 7
Helmet 83 15
HolySword 1 0
HornedTribalMask 13 10
JesterHat 1 5
JesterSuit 6 5
Katana 332 256
KeyRing 299 28
Kilt 49 63
KnifeLeft 6 1
KnifeRight 2 1
Kryss 155 162
Lantern 569 174
LargeBattleAxe 24 20
LargeCrate 7 0
Leather 9 1
LeatherArms 79 66
LeatherBustierArms 11 6
LeatherCap 33 31
LeatherChest 69 63
LeatherDyeTub 86 43
LeatherGloves 92 103
LeatherGlovesOfMining 102 49
LeatherGorget 75 63
LeatherLegs 75 60
LeatherShorts 5 4
LeatherSkirt 10 7
LongPants 20 25
Longsword 2 2
Mace 4 3
MarblePedistal 6 0
MarblePedistalSmall 2 0
MarbleSittingBench 1 0
MaskoftheWilds 66 52
Maul 0 3
MediumCrate 1 0
MetalKiteShield 22 27
MetalShield 76 16
MonsterStatuette 35 1
Nightstand 2 0
NorseHelm 163 260
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 4 0
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 5 0
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 8 0
OrcHelm 9 2
OrcMask 2 1
OrcVanityHelm 1 4
OreMaskDye 20 0
PewterMug 25 2
PicnicBasket 1 0
PlainDress 13 18
Plate 36 3
PlateArms 75 106
PlateChest 23 29
PlateGloves 43 89
PlateGorget 149 492
PlateHelm 58 66
PlateLegs 35 49
RangerArms 0 1
RangerChest 0 1
RangerGloves 0 1
RangerGorget 1 1
RangerLegs 1 1
RareBell 9 0
RewardCloak 15 18
RewardRobe 30 27
RingmailArms 229 514
RingmailChest 95 135
RingmailGloves 252 515
RingmailGlovesOfMining 46 14
RingmailLegs 58 132
Robe 98 125
RunicHammer 1052 207
Sandals 28 11
SandstoneBenchEnd1 1 0
SandstoneBenchEnd2 1 0
Scales 26 18
Scimitar 0 7
ShadowIronIngot 1037 2529
ShadowIronOre 2175 2165
Shirt 11 9
ShortPants 11 19
ShortSpear 37 51
SilverBeadNecklace 1 3
Skirt 36 19
SkullCap 10 12
Spear 49 105
SpinedLeather 0 2
SpoonLeft 5 2
SpoonRight 1 2
Spyglass 25 2
Static 2 0
StoneBenchEnd1 1 0
StoneBenchEnd2 1 0
StoneFencePost1 3 0
StoneRail 1 0
StoneTableEnd2 1 0
StoneTableMiddle 3 0
StrawHat 5 6
StuddedArms 5 14
StuddedBustierArms 0 4
StuddedChest 8 13
StuddedGloves 8 16
StuddedGlovesOfMining 339 91
StuddedGorget 13 15
StuddedLegs 8 11
Surcoat 6 7
TallMusicStand 1 0
TallStrawHat 0 3
Throne 3 0
TribalMask 5 2
TricorneHat 4 7
Tunic 27 19
TwoHandedAxe 12 5
UncutCloth 395 554
VikingSword 9 7
WarAxe 11 6
WarFork 32 40
WarHammer 34 54
WarMace 9 10
WideBrimHat 2 1
WizardsHat 52 67
WoodenBench 8 0
WoodenBox 12 0
WoodenChest 29 0
WoodenKiteShield 28 26
WoodenThrone 2 0
Total Count 25814 13426
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 12-21-2024 11:27 AM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours