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Crossover Mac Bottle
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52d 13h

Global Items with Hue: 2213
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
AncientMIB 658 63
AncientMIBClock 8 1
Axe 2 2
BarbedLeather 6 0
Bardiche 0 2
Bascinet 4 2
BattleAxe 1 4
BearMask 7 6
BlankScroll 0 1
BoneVanityHelm 8 3
Bow 201 27
Broadsword 23 5
BronzeShield 8 2
Buckler 14 6
Candelabra 93 8
CargoCrateDye 1 0
ChainChest 81 217
ChainCoif 18 50
ChainLegs 81 214
CloseHelm 52 133
ColoredAnvil 155 11
Counter 5 0
CounterMiddle 3 0
Cutlass 4 0
Dagger 1 4
DeerMask 9 9
DoubleAxe 564 160
EasterEggs 735 101
EasterEggs2 507 118
EasterEggs3 515 70
EasterEggs4 331 22
EasterEggs5 5156 41
EmptyBookcase 3 0
EmptyVial 5 0
EStatueAngel 26 4
EStatueBust 43 4
EStatueOne 650 150
EStatuePegasus 61 7
EStatueSurfer 425 98
EStatueTwo 643 174
ExecutionersAxe 63 20
FemaleLeatherChest 3 5
FemalePlateChest 13 9
FemaleStuddedChest 3 2
FishingPole 1 0
FootStool 16 0
ForkLeft 24 5
ForkRight 5 4
FurnitureDyeTub 11 2
GargoylesShovel 1655 126
GiftBox 1 0
Globe 13 4
Goblet 39 6
GoldBeadNecklace 5 2
GoldBracelet 9 11
GoldEarrings 7 8
GoldIngot 859 1803
GoldNecklace 5 5
GoldOre 889 1744
GoldRing 10 8
Halberd 107 48
HeaterShield 42 64
HeatingStand 13 3
Helmet 28 10
HornedTribalMask 13 10
Katana 328 130
KeyRing 198 19
KnifeLeft 12 3
KnifeRight 14 4
Kryss 232 66
Lantern 197 49
LargeBattleAxe 38 30
LargeCrate 1 0
LeatherArms 36 25
LeatherBustierArms 2 3
LeatherCap 11 7
LeatherChest 33 22
LeatherDyeTub 31 17
LeatherGloves 37 33
LeatherGlovesOfMining 96 41
LeatherGorget 35 21
LeatherLegs 36 21
LeatherShorts 3 3
LeatherSkirt 5 5
Longsword 0 2
Mace 1 2
MarblePedistal 18 0
MarblePedistalSmall 3 0
MarbleSittingBench 8 0
MarbleTableEnd1 2 0
MarbleTableEnd2 2 0
MarbleTableMiddle 2 0
Maul 0 1
MetalChest 624 40
MetalGoldenChest 623 39
MetalKiteShield 14 13
MetalShield 14 1
MonsterStatuette 1 0
NorseHelm 48 88
OakTableWithRunnerEnd1 2 0
OakTableWithRunnerEnd2 2 0
OakTableWithRunnerMiddle 29 0
OrcHelm 2 1
OrcMask 4 4
OrcVanityHelm 5 0
OreMaskDye 22 2
PewterMug 21 2
PicnicBasket 1 0
Plate 83 4
PlateArms 116 77
PlateChest 91 31
PlateGloves 90 50
PlateGorget 108 218
PlateHelm 80 38
PlateLegs 94 54
PotionKeg 64 10
QuarterStaff 27 0
RareBell 10 6
RareBloodyBandage 3 2
RareBottle1 5 0
RareBottle5 6 3
RareBottle6 8 0
RareBottle8 6 2
RareBottle9 4 0
RareCargoCrate 5 0
RareGoldenEgg 106 26
RareRibbon 1 0
RareSmallFish2 2 0
RewardCake 1 0
RewardCloak 7 4
RewardRobe 12 11
RingmailArms 70 202
RingmailChest 9 28
RingmailGloves 72 205
RingmailGlovesOfMining 47 16
RingmailLegs 5 29
Runebook 234 60
RunebookDyeTub 19 2
RunicHammer 217 43
Sandals 18 12
SandstoneBenchEnd1 1 0
SandstoneBenchEnd2 1 0
SandstoneBenchMiddle 3 0
SandStoneTableEnd1 1 0
SandStoneTableEnd2 1 0
SandStoneTableMiddle 11 0
Scales 17 3
Scimitar 23 3
ShepherdsCrook 0 1
ShortSpear 466 139
SilverBeadNecklace 3 0
SmallBasket 25 4
SmallCrate 3 0
Spear 769 295
SpecialMaskDye 1 0
SpoonLeft 5 0
SpoonRight 2 0
Spyglass 8 3
Static 5 4
StoneBenchEnd1 1 0
StoneBenchEnd2 1 0
StoneBenchMiddle 11 0
StoneTableEnd1 1 0
StoneTableEnd2 1 0
StoneTableMiddle 12 0
Stool 1 0
StuddedArms 1 2
StuddedBustierArms 0 1
StuddedChest 1 1
StuddedGloves 1 5
StuddedGlovesOfMining 329 62
StuddedGorget 3 4
StuddedLegs 1 1
ThighBoots 2 0
Throne 5 0
TribalMask 1 3
TwoHandedAxe 15 14
VikingSword 6 1
WarAxe 21 8
WarFork 146 77
WarHammer 249 94
WarMace 9 3
WoodenBench 18 0
WoodenBox 16 0
WoodenChair 4 0
WoodenChairCushion 2 0
WoodenChest 31 0
WoodenKiteShield 2 2
Total Count 21590 8175
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 4:51 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours