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52d 13h

Global Items with Hue: 2118
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
Bandage 12 11
Bandana 26 53
BarbedLeather 16 2
BodySash 88 104
Bonnet 9 13
BustierofDomination 3 1
Cap 6 7
Cloak 89 91
Cloth 56 26
Doublet 50 66
FancyDress 14 13
FancyShirt 41 50
FeatheredHat 13 25
FemaleLeatherChest 32 32
FemaleStuddedChest 3 2
FloppyHat 16 23
FullApron 12 26
HalfApron 123 177
HalfEmptyJar 12 3
HolidayBoneShards 203 37
HolidayLegBone 13 3
HolidayRibCage 4 0
HolidaySpine 5 1
HoneydewMelon 55 4
JesterHat 8 13
JesterSuit 6 11
Kilt 65 86
Leather 4 3
LeatherArms 228 189
LeatherBustierArms 23 22
LeatherCap 45 57
LeatherChest 187 167
LeatherDyeTub 183 89
LeatherGloves 249 239
LeatherGlovesOfMining 0 1
LeatherGorget 203 186
LeatherLegs 201 165
LeatherShorts 10 14
LeatherSkirt 20 25
LongPants 17 28
MonsterStatuette 67 7
Onion 69 7
OrcHelm 19 4
PlainDress 18 26
QuestScroll1 12 1
RangerArms 2 0
RangerChest 2 0
RangerGloves 2 0
RangerGorget 4 0
RangerLegs 2 0
RareSkull2 273 28
Robe 73 100
Runebook 14 8
Sandals 82 111
SavageMask 2 0
Scimitar 16 4
Shirt 15 13
Shoes 1 0
ShortPants 13 19
Skirt 30 36
SkullCap 13 24
Spellbook 12 11
StrawHat 9 11
StuddedArms 5 9
StuddedBustierArms 1 3
StuddedChest 10 10
StuddedGloves 6 15
StuddedGlovesOfMining 6 9
StuddedGorget 17 23
StuddedLegs 6 12
Surcoat 9 9
TallStrawHat 0 2
TricorneHat 6 7
Tunic 38 49
UncutCloth 895 647
WideBrimHat 5 3
WizardsHat 26 22
WoodenShield 9 1
Total Count 4139 3296
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 4:51 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours