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52d 13h

Global Items with Hue: 1508
Item Type Item Name Hue Active Inactive
BearMask 11 11
BodySash 2 0
BoneArms 173 247
BoneChest 251 241
BoneGloves 217 236
BoneHelm 187 264
BoneLegs 170 251
BoneVanityHelm 16 7
Boots 74 120
Candelabra 15 1
Candle 1 0
CandleLarge 6 0
Cloak 0 1
Cloth 3 0
DeerMask 14 16
Doublet 5 1
EStatueBust 2 0
FemaleLeatherChest 59 75
FemaleStuddedChest 5 32
HalfApron 1 0
Heart 29 3
HornedHides 133 407
HornedLeather 1242 2962
HornedTribalMask 23 25
Kilt 2 1
Lantern 10 2
LeatherArms 610 1400
LeatherBustierArms 23 55
LeatherCap 543 1151
LeatherChest 591 1386
LeatherGloves 573 1400
LeatherGorget 630 1373
LeatherLegs 598 1351
LeatherShorts 32 54
LeatherSkirt 28 79
MonsterStatuette 48 3
OrcMask 9 3
OrcVanityHelm 0 4
RareCandelabraTallLight 9 0
RareCandleShort 23 1
RareCandleShortStand 14 0
RareCandleThin 17 2
RareFlute 33 5
RareSkullCandleLight 4 0
Runebook 2 1
Sandals 64 28
SarcophagusClosedWLid1Deed 2 0
SarcophagusOpenWLid1Deed 3 0
Shoes 14 20
SpecialMaskDye 38 8
Spellbook 43 17
Static 12 2
StuddedArms 104 244
StuddedBustierArms 5 16
StuddedChest 95 221
StuddedGloves 117 252
StuddedGorget 223 509
StuddedLegs 92 219
ThighBoots 50 115
TribalMask 5 5
Tunic 3 1
Total Count 7308 14828
Inactive items are located on accounts that have not been accessed in 90 days
Item Database Last Updated: 03-25-2025 4:51 PM (EST) | Updates Every 24 Hours