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52d 1h

Wrestling is a combat skill used to calculate chance to hit when unarmed. Wrestling combined with Arms Lore will allow the disarm special attack. Wrestling combined with Anatomy allows the stun special attack (80 in each skill = 40% chance, 100 in each skill = 50% chance).

Raising Wrestling: Wrestling is a Combat Skill and is difficulty based.

Gideon's Advice: For training of weapon skills, it is best to have two characters fight each other and bandage each other and use Anatomy on each other. GMing Wrestling, Anatomy, and Healing takes little time on UOR doing this. I would recommend gathering a lot of wool and/or cotton and making it into cloth before doing this to save money.

This might be a faster method: Equip another character with high AR armor and put a weapon in their hands that they have 0 skill with. Hit them until you get to 81.0 shown skill, then equip them with a weapon they are GM with and continue to get the last 19 points. Having high dexterity significantly speeds up this process.


Grandmaster TitleWrestler
Starting Items
Skill Gain Info
Skill Gain Chance90%
Str Stat Gain Chance9%
Dex Stat Gain Chance1%
Int Stat Gain Chance0%

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