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52d 13h

Cupid and Psyche, who are happily married, visit the city of Britannia. Whilst visiting some notable location nearby, their room is ransacked by the notorious thief BlackEye and Cupid's many love letters to Psyche are stolen.

Sensing that these letters are of great value, BlackEye takes the letters and buries them deep within the ground out in the wilderness. Cupid in his fury unleashes his army of minions to find these letters and return them to him. These minions spare no one in their quest, as they scour the lands of Britannia. How will we defeat Cupid and his evil army? Rumor has it, some of his more deadly soldiers carry the means to summon him. They carry scrolls of such power that Cupid himself can be summoned to his altar and destroyed.

Event Details
   - Hunting Style Event
   - Search the world for Cupid's archers which could drop
   - New Champion Spawn Active (Cupid)
   - Earn various common, uncommon, rare, extremely rare valentines day themed items
   - Compete for mystery prizes based on event performance.
   - Find a whispering rose or valentines card, add give them to your valentine!


Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeValentines
Sub Types
KeywordsValentines, Event, Cupid

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Tagged Images

Highslide JS
Valentines_2015 Header Image
Highslide JS