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52d 13h

There came a time in the lands of Britannia when a king in the lands, sought the hand of a feisty lady. Despite their heated altercations over the years, the feelings grew strongly positive. Madness or love, perhaps one and the same, took hold of the king. Smitten, he sought the hand of this lady for Sosarian sanctimony in wedlock. However seductive and elusive, she finally acquiesced to the request, under the condition that the king seek the blessings of Cupid. Aghast, the king went mad with rage and stormed off, unsure what to do in such a bind. Whilst his heart was sure of its desire, his staunch opposition to asking anyone for their blessing, left him distraught.

In her wily ways, the lady convinced Cupid that love could blossom, if only the king would succumb to her wishes. Thus his minions began roaming the land, seeking to deliver his Scrolls of Jilted Love. Used at the appropriate altar by the king, a grand marriage may commence. Used, in defiance of the desires of Cupid, upon his altar….a fury unseen shall be released unto the lands . .

Beginning on February 11th players can seek out cupids minions as they roam the land looking for the location of those guilty of the most heinous crime. Rumors are they are carrying a magical scroll that can summon cupid into the lands to rain down suffering on those who desecrated the altar of love.

Should players find this scroll and make it Cupid's Lair near a prison buried in the mountains they can attempt to summon Cupid's army themselves. But beware as they will not be happy to find filthy humans desecrating the altar of love.


Base TypeEvent
Primary TypeValentines
Sub Types
KeywordsValentines, Event, Cupid

Spawn Locations

No spawn locations on file

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Tagged Images

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Valentines_2014 Header Image
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